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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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I'm happy to share. Sharing is effort free. I also have Procrasti-herbs... eh, eh?!


Sounds like the way I like to procrastinate, alright partners, I gotta go.... Sleep or something, hey

could somebody send me a pm if there's a procrastinater's guild in the works, or maybe I'll just stop by tomorrow and find out fer mahself... At some stage


you all stay away from anything ya haveta worry about, hear?

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After being harassed by my SWTOR-obsessed husband for months, I finally gave in and pre-ordered with his credit card on Dec. 10.


I'm in the midst of a terrible marathon work schedule right now so I figured I wouldn't have lots of time or energy to play as soon as servers opened.


It's all good, though, because my name was saved on my choice server as soon as they opened by said obsessive husband.


I'm pretty sure he ordered within, like, 5 minutes of pre-orders being available. And he's been intolerably excited for the last two weeks.


I read that out loud...


In a Darth Vader voice. :)

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The next wave doesn't go out until 11pm my time, so I'll just be sitting here waiting lol, at least you guys will get sleep before being disappointed to not get in rofl.



I'm in the Red Zone but I'm getting a copy anyway, I am a procrastinator but I can't be bothered to wait 3 months or however long it is until they release it here.

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We don't get jobs, we just wait for relatives to die and inherit money.


Sadly, that's actually true in my case.

You’re a member of the British aristocracy? O.o


Why does the day feel so long?!?!?



You clearly aren’t procrastinating/sleeping enough. I once passed several hours unravelling a ball of string (I was a kitten in a past life).

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Should give snus a try. Don't even gotta do the whole huffing and puffing bit.


or electronic cigarettes. hand held vaporizers actually help loosen the crap in your lungs by hydrating them with good old water vapor. no nicotine, no tobacco. mileage may vary. consult your inquisitor. some restrictions apply. offer not valid to citizens of Quebec.

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