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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Damn, tomorrow is going to go by slow as hell. Think I might do something productive to make the time pass by faster.


Like take about 10mg of Alprazolam and sleep all day.


Get a Job? Hahahaha... sorry, sorry. Thats disgustingly inappropriate talk for a Decemberist.

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Damn, tomorrow is going to go by slow as hell. Think I might do something productive to make the time pass by faster.


Like take about 10mg of Alprazolam and sleep all day.


I'm going to pretend that I am playing. I am hatching plans to chase the mailman with a flashlight while making a "Whhhoooom whoooooommmmm" noise.

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Damn, tomorrow is going to go by slow as hell. Think I might do something productive to make the time pass by faster.


Like take about 10mg of Alprazolam and sleep all day.


This sounds like a plan......... Plans are bad. Unless they aren't actioned. Yet.

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Ok so it's Thursday lunch time, the first day of my 2 weeks summer holidays, and tonight's waves (starting around midnight ish I think) will probably be for November.


Thanks leave tonight and tomorrow and most of tomorrow night to fill in and distract myself.


I logged back into wow, took one look at my warlock and sighed.



Why does the day feel so long?!?!?



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After being harassed by my SWTOR-obsessed husband for months, I finally gave in and pre-ordered with his credit card on Dec. 10.


I'm in the midst of a terrible marathon work schedule right now so I figured I wouldn't have lots of time or energy to play as soon as servers opened.


It's all good, though, because my name was saved on my choice server as soon as they opened by said obsessive husband.


I'm pretty sure he ordered within, like, 5 minutes of pre-orders being available. And he's been intolerably excited for the last two weeks.

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