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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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The previous wave made it up to AM of November 25th, and there is at least 1 more wave today!


Why couldnt you just say there will be everyones email today, MERRY CHRISTMAS.

That woulduv made me happier :( cuz if I dont get in on that last wave its on you !

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Hopefully they just cut the crap and let the rest of us in, I think I saw this episode of southpark with cartman-land nana na na na kyle and stan you cant come, this wait bioware has made us do is more irritating then an infeccted hymroid


You are way too energetic and are expressing way too many emotional responses for my comfort. Please slow yourself down in order to better facilitate your integration into this thread.


Thank you sir.

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Dec. 9th here standing by. I doubt we will get in today but I am hopeful. It would be a really nice surprise to have them actually do what their advertising led most to believe. Yes I believe they used the 5 days early access to sell more pre-orders if you don't you aren't in business or marketing. People need to read the fine print in every ad, shady practices everywhere. It's their own fault for not reading but the advertising was a bit deceptive. They got me when I saw an ad that said something like "Pre-order now and gain early access!!" I said HERE TAKE MY MONEY and didn't read the fine print. I was part of the Rift launch so I guess I figured it would be like that. Edited by Justinjedi
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I wonder how the band "The Decemberists" like the fact that you guys are giving their band name new meaning?


Wait, I thought we were naming ourselves after the nineteenth-century Russian uprising. Why bring a horrible band that stole its name from real revolutionaries into the conversation?

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Ah, that taken into consideration I assume I wont be in today :/ Not with my 12/14 preorder...

Still heres hoping they keep the waves up till' we're all cramed in.


your not alone brah,

maybe they will troll all of us and let everyone left ion now BUT in reverse! so dec 15- 8 first :p

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