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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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I've played like... 180 hours of Skyrim. I was trying to play it today during the first waves... I just couldn't get into it lol.


It is like crack though, I'll admit.. thus the 180 hours.


137 hours according to Steam. First 100 hours were in first 3 weeks, now I'm taking a short break playing STO to get used to playing MMO's again.

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38 here... Waited till i had some dough to buy it. silly me. tho i have gotten quite a bit of entertainment about the nerdrage in the other lists...


Will be heading to the space slug server when i finally get in. seems appropriate for a procrastinator like myself...

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I've tried that "It's like watching a movie" thing with my girlfriend. She didn't bite.


I tried that with a past one, and she didn't bite. This one said it to me. She brought it up, so I'm seeing if she'll take the plunge now.

Edited by Denkigrve
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Wow, I can't believe how fast this thread has grown. I'm not sure whether to be impressed or completely terrified.


Both. Not only are we procrastinating so bad I'm STILL at my computer after bidding y'all goodnight... But we're also secretly planning galactic domination.







When we can be bothered.

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Both. Not only are we procrastinating so bad I'm STILL at my computer after bidding y'all goodnight... But we're also secretly planning galactic domination.







When we can be bothered.


I help you out with that if I ever get around to it.

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So I saw something about being 30.


Just turned 30.


I saw something about skinny jeans.


I'm wearing some right now. It's what we hipsters in CA do.


I saw something in this thread about GF's playing games.


Mine doesn't play, but likes watching games play out. She says it's like a movie she can direct someone to interact with. She and I just started playing Uncharted 2 on my PS3. She really likes that it's just like a movie. She's excited to see this game too since I told her how much story was involved. I'm hoping she'll want to play too. :p


Not sure what age has to do with it lol. I am 46 and can't wait to get in. Watched one of my sons play today after he got in.


My wife loved watching me play the beta and can't wait until she can watch me play with my two sons when we all have access. She has the same attitude as your GF, she enjoyed watching Fallout New Vegas. We will all be in soon and I imagine by Saturday.

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