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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Lol Bellarosa,


I think you must have missed the post he is referring to. Some assume that, if your wife plays MMORPGs, she is not a win (not much fun to look at). I believe he is wanting you to confirm/discredit this horrible stereotype!! :)

Well, some..okay MOST, assume that if a guy plays MMORPGs, he is not a win (not much fun to look at, or be with.) Any guys willing to confirm/discredit that "horrible" stereotype? :rolleyes:
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i think were all acting polite because we know its our fault that we pre ordered late and we know we will most likely be getting in late :):)


Honestly, I wasnt even going to pre-order. My roomate is a fanboy and I did it just to troll him since he spent all his money on weed and hot pockets.

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I preordered yesterday :p I wasnt really expecting to get in for a few days anyway and basically just preordered so i could get the full download early; EA is a bous for me. Be patient everyone, we will get in and the angst will disappear and we can all explore the world like weve been dreaming to since we were children :)


errr... i was an adult when the 1st SW film came out.I am now however just a big kid.

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We "December people" will be in on Saturday. Shouldn't be a problem. I can't see getting in tomorrow due to the entire month of Oct and Nov needing to get in. They won't even get all of Nov in with the massive amount of pre-orders from that month. With that said I think Saturday is a very safe bet.
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Well, some..okay MOST, assume that if a guy plays MMORPGs, he is not a win (not much fun to look at, or be with.) Any guys willing to confirm/discredit that "horrible" stereotype? :rolleyes:


I can discredit this. My wife, who is a gamer as well, is extremely attractive...and you know, I like to think I'm not so bad myself. Not fat, in shape, exercise, blah blah.


I just happen to like games.

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Today is my birthday and I wanted SWTOR for it, I didn't get to order till the 9th.... Whew procrastination. Anything to do while we wait?


I was not following the game until recently. Yesterday, I did the deed and pre-ordered and registered the code. So I am waiting patiently.


I took some time to check out all the media and story lines. I have to say, I spent a couple hours checking out the videos and concept art and had a lot of fun. I certainly recommend anyone who has not been following the game (or story) to check those things out.

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We "December people" will be in on Saturday. Shouldn't be a problem. I can't see getting in tomorrow due to the entire month of Oct and Nov needing to get in. They won't even get all of Nov in with the massive amount of pre-orders from that month. With that said I think Saturday is a very safe bet.


I see your point about not getting in tomorrow but i think Saturday is a bit much I'm willing to bet Friday.

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Oops I just realized today was Wednesday and not Thursday.......how did I lose a whole day. Oh well Friday is the safe bet for Dec people. They will at least get close to half of Nov tomorrow. Remember don't be fooled by the servers saying Full and Heavy, the raise the population cap a lot everyday they have new waves.
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I see your point about not getting in tomorrow but i think Saturday is a bit much I'm willing to bet Friday.


Hey, it could be worse. You could live in Australia or New Zealand. Hell, EA and BW forgot that those people even exist.


They get to play in February.

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Lol, Great thread guys been following the whole thing. Dec. 8th here, Procrastinatin & Waitin. If someone is adding people to some kind of group here add me. I'm on EST if that matters.


Oh and...


Simply Red on deck and reporting in! :csw_guard:

Edited by StarKillerJay
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Hey guys,


Looking forward to playing on the 19th at 11:59 PM CST???


I know I am!


Woohoo i'm not alone...i found my home...<code registered Dec 9.


Maybe its wishful thinking but I think they will try to get everyone in as close to that 5 day advance window as possible. I read some other forums that believe all will be in by the morning of the 16th - and most by end of tomorrow. Not sure that is reality but i'm going to hope.


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