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Marauder; PvP and Medals


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the healpacks you get off pvp vendor doesn't yeild healing medal as far as i know, not sure if this is working as intended or not, i would say it is tho and heres why;


They dont share cooldown with the medpacks you craft/vendor buy. I use the rakata medpack and it gives med 2 medals every time, the pvp healpack never did tho, nor share cd.

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A Jugg may get every medal, I know this because I do it frequently. Marauders have no protection and cannot get the protection medals.


You can get 300k healing as a Juggernaut? I'm quite impressed. Got screenshots?

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You can get 300k healing as a Juggernaut? I'm quite impressed. Got screenshots?


He's bsing it. There is NO way a Juggernaut can get more healing than an Annhilation spec Maraurder. The highest I got for healing was 99k using both medpacks and getting tons of bleed crits.

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He's bsing it. There is NO way a Juggernaut can get more healing than an Annhilation spec Maraurder. The highest I got for healing was 99k using both medpacks and getting tons of bleed crits.


Mara/Jugg can no longer get the 5k heal medal either.

Edited by Sayc
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