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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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That really is an horrific armour set for a jedi. Where in the world did the get the idea for a samurai helmet?


When he did shrooms he got the idea....




whoever made that set needs to be back handed then fired along with guy that approved said set.... damn set is F-ugly as hell..




Edited by Solitear
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Let's get some more people to sign on this!


I AGREE. I leveled my Jedi Sentinel to lvl 50, just to see him wearing the WORST POSSIBLE armor I could ever dream for a Jedi. There was a Star Wars fan dream shattered: my Sentinel reaching his story highest award, without the choice to get a decent outfit. And NO: I don't care waiting to earn PVP and hm commendations. These things should help the pro players with their stats, and they should also give them an exclusive outfit, ok, but any player should have the choice to dress his char in an aesthetically pleasant to him way!..


So! MORE dressing OPTIONS!!!!!!!! Incl hood down robes!!!!!!!

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BROWN AND GREEN? Are you kidding me? oh lets trade it in for RED AND GOLD!? ***!

The trailer for 1.2 had awesome looking silver and black JK pve armor and you changed that to green and brown too..


Just read GREEN and BROWN together for a second, what do you think of? That's right, runny POO and thats what this gear looks like.

Edited by sol_
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after seeing new war hero pvp armor sets, i finaly started liking battlemaster set.. yes, it's THAT terribly ugly. why do all jedi helmets have to be satelite dishes? do we need to transmit orders from council via the helmet and satelites? or are our jedi watching HBO GO while they are runing? and those green.. things on our shoulders, what's that? are those wings? are we supposed to learn to fly? i don't get it.. why not just put simple robes or something.. Edited by Carousel_t
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whoever designed them must have been high on something :)


since everyone can notice this poor design - why would not designers use those armor mods that were done by community from SWTOR?


there was tons of great looking armors in those. forgot the mod names or where they are on the net...

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OP: yep it looks horrible. thankfully you can now remove all 3 mods out of your pvp gear and stick it into orange gear that you like the look of. Problem solved. Also, people won't see it coming when your wearing what appears to be a lvl 12 robe and suddenly you rip them apart with your warmaster moded gear....but i digress....
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They are wondering why soo many people are switching to the Empire side, well there's your answer right there.


Sith Warrior's actually look like sith warrior's.


While i'm not expecting to look as cool as a sith warrior cause that aint the jedi way, at least give us something to go on, cause this is absolutely pathetic.


Some of the low lvl armros as Jedi Guardian as i was lvling up were 10x better than the tier'd gear, but i'm afraid they were green's or blue's for example meaning no way to put mods in them.


Bioware you need to go back to the drawing board with Jedi Knights in general, Sentinel and Guardians, make sentinel look like they wearing medium armor and make guardian look like they wearing heavy armor, that you yourself could actually see a jedi knight wearing.


I don't mind something a bit different or trying new things to keep it fresh, but cmon don't take the piss with us, whoever designing Jedi Knight armor obviously doesn't have a clue, get someone else in who knows what they are doing and specifically to design armors for Jedi Knight, either that or he is retarded, in which case i feel sorry for him.

Edited by MorbidSouls
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I wonder how many people would have been immersed in the game during beta and onwards if at Tython a group of golden samurai were defending against the flesh raiders instead of robed jedi. If you create a design for a class it should be fit to be worn anywhere within the story line as well. Be it a master that you meet in the jedi council chambers or on a planet. The pvp armour set does not lend itself to this and does not conform to at least what I would expect a jedi to look like.


This is an excellent point.


The Jedi Council are supposed to be the top bananas. Did you see any of them on Tython looking like C3P0's Japanese ****** cousin?




They were wearing robes. They were all wearing robes.

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Just give me a feather cap and call me robin hood with the brown and green mix


you know bioware you could give us the option to change the armor to our collor liking by adding collor palets to diffrent sections of the armor and letting us chose the collor from the pallet kind of like the system used in the SWG crafting system for clothing and armor only make it an after effect rather then a befor effect and can be changed at anytime maybe even make it a armor recolor kit you have to purchase from a vendor.

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  • 3 weeks later...



My problem with this set along some of the others that are hideous relates to community.


First, I don't see how this set succesfully made it through *any* production meeting without criticism. However, it had to be obvious to all that it was a radical departure from typical Jedi wardrobe; so why wasn't the community solicited for some kind of feedback much like was done with the Jedi Wizard/Sage polling that was conducted before release? It doesn't look Jedi. It isn't Jedi. It's stupid and, frankly, offensive. And it would seem appropriate to feel out such a change with the players subscribing to play.


As bad as this gear is -- and it's dreadfully bad -- my bigger concern is about the developers and design team not giving subscribers and fans what they want. I don't know how the Sith Warrior gear and Trooper gear can look so character consistent with the class and the Star Wars universe but the Jedi gear is so radically atrocious.


Lastly, modding out is not "problem solved". No one should have to pay extreme costs to mod out to other sets because their class gear is crap. Everyone should have decent and respectable content to work with -- not work around.

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  • 1 month later...


Just made my Jedi Guardian. Coming from a level 50 Marauder I was horrified to see the pvp gear. Make something actually look like a Jedi? that'd be nice i guess.

Also make the Miruluka species have an eye mask that looks like the picture? The one with the bandage.

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