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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

November preorders get IN here!!


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A long time ago on a server far,

far away. . . .








As the Empire



aproaches Alderan Darth



Malgus gathers his



Sith army.




:hope_08: Send in the Armada we attack now!

:hope_03: Yes my lord.






:hope_04: Yoda we must gather all our forces quickly the Empire is attacking!!!

:csw_yoda: Mmm do this we must..Grand Master Satele Shan


:csw_yoda: Captain all the Jedi and troopers we need to protect Alderan...Hurry you must

:csw_trooper: I would love to Master Yoda but we are still waiting on more preorder emails we are hoping that by friday we should have enough to defend Alderan....

:csw_yoda: Sigh... good this is not

:csw_r2d2: eeep sqirp beep beep!!!!

:csw_c3po: oh hush R2 our preorder codes arn't even good for this game.

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warning: mind fart!


kinda funny reading this forum atm, you would think that the future into this wave thingy we get, the more nerdrage we would see, but it kinda seems like us novembies and decembies are realy layback ppl :o


havent realy seen any "real" nerdrage tonight, specially now, kinda nice for a change



P.S. Kahrd flipping epic dude ;P

Edited by Adnihilo
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:mon_wink:Remember me? The guy that filled out the bug reports with such care? Such detail! I hope you get what I'm trying to say here.




I filled out 98% of all the pop up reports and sent in atleast 10 bug reports on my own. I deserve some sort of compensation :)

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A long time ago on a server far,

far away. . . .








As the Empire



aproaches Alderan Darth



Malgus gathers his



Sith army.




:hope_08: Send in the Armada we attack now!

:hope_03: Yes my lord.






:hope_04: Yoda we must gather all our forces quickly the Empire is attacking!!!

:csw_yoda: Mmm do this we must..Grand Master Satele Shan


:csw_yoda: Captain all the Jedi and troopers we need to protect Alderan...Hurry you must

:csw_trooper: I would love to Master Yoda but we are still waiting on more preorder emails we are hoping that by friday we should have enough to defend Alderan....

:csw_yoda: Sigh... good this is not

:csw_r2d2: eeep sqirp beep beep!!!!

:csw_c3po: oh hush R2 our preorder codes arn't even good for this game.


Epic Boredum FTW

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I filled out 98% of all the pop up reports and sent in atleast 10 bug reports on my own. I deserve some sort of compensation :)


hehe m8 i read ya, but hush and let BW focus on the more important stuff like me not having my email yet :rolleyes:

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A long time ago on a server far,

far away. . . .








As the Empire



aproaches Alderan Darth



Malgus gathers his



Sith army.




:hope_08: Send in the Armada we attack now!

:hope_03: Yes my lord.






:hope_04: Yoda we must gather all our forces quickly the Empire is attacking!!!

:csw_yoda: Mmm do this we must..Grand Master Satele Shan


:csw_yoda: Captain all the Jedi and troopers we need to protect Alderan...Hurry you must

:csw_trooper: I would love to Master Yoda but we are still waiting on more preorder emails we are hoping that by friday we should have enough to defend Alderan....

:csw_yoda: Sigh... good this is not

:csw_r2d2: eeep sqirp beep beep!!!!

:csw_c3po: oh hush R2 our preorder codes arn't even good for this game.


Epic, im October btw, im pretty sure all of october goes in tomorow, and some of november *(Due to the huge pre order spike torwards the end of november when some retailers offerd the collectors after closing the preorders on it sometimes after october)

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I filled out 98% of all the pop up reports and sent in atleast 10 bug reports on my own. I deserve some sort of compensation :)


You already got your compensation, they let you play with the expectations on getting feedback.


Its more like you think you deserve special treatment like most of the current generation does now... thank the "every child is special" parenting for that one.

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warning: mind fart!


kinda funny reading this forum atm, you would think that the future into this wave thingy we get, the more nerdrage we would see, but it kinda seems like us novembies and decembies are realy layback ppl :o


havent realy seen any "real" nerdrage tonight, specially now, kinda nice for a change



P.S. Kahrd flipping epic dude ;P



Everyone who preordered in July/Aug thought they would be in at Midnight on day one. The people of November/December would be thrilled for a few days before launch. :D At least that seems to be the stereotype. The addition of two more days didn't really bug the November/December people as much either because most of us didn't think we would get 5 days of early access from the beginning. If we do then its all the more a reason to be stoked. At least thats my point of view and hypothesis as to why less people are annoyed lol.

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Everyone who preordered in July/Aug thought they would be in at Midnight on day one. The people of November/December would be thrilled for a few days before launch. :D At least that seems to be the stereotype. The addition of two more days didn't really bug the November/December people as much either because most of us didn't think we would get 5 days of early access from the beginning. If we do then its all the more a reason to be stoked. At least thats my point of view and hypothesis as to why less people are annoyed lol.


gee thx dr.phil <3 :p:p:p

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Judging from what I have seen, I can't imagine why all preorders weren't invited today. That being said, I would be damn suprised if the rest of the preorders aren't invited tommorow. It looks to me like the goal of starting the early access even earlier, was to get everyone in for 5 days early access. The servers aren't packed today but there has been enough to group with, as long as you are patient.

As far as all the jerks how are claiming that people are acting entitled, everyone that preordered is entitled to early access. That was all part of the preorder sales pitch. The jerks trolling the people who want to play should shut-it and go play the game. At the moment a large group of the preorders don't have that luxery.

But again, I honestly believe that you will all get in tommorow, sorry it is unfair. But it is what it is. Nothing you or I say is going to change that.


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