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November preorders get IN here!!


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Yep. Thanksgiving Weekend Beta was when I went under. Twenty minutes into the experience I knew I wanted to pre-order, but as my luck goes I could only manage it on the 29th, and boy do I regret waiting, right now. :o


I am from New Zealand, and had to find a random US company to order my pre-order..... I pretty much decided to play when I randomly found one of the trailers..... :cool:

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I estimated it to be:


July - 7 Days early (13/12)

Aug - 6 Days early (14/12)

Sept - 5 Days early (15/12)

Oct - 4 Days early (16/12)

Nov - 3 Days early (17/12)

Dec - 2 Days early (18/12)


or about that as it kinda makes sense in a way. I dunno how right i was lol but i'm estimating i'd get an invite on the 16th/17th depending as i'm European and the time zones are different.

And it's also typical since i'm having to work this weekend. F you retail! ='((



I don't want to be rude.. but where is your logic?


If they invited in the last 2 days.. (13th and 14th) July through the beginning of Oct. Then further have said that on the 15th ALONE they will invite ALL of October and most of Nov. If not, maybe, ALL of Nov. How do you get your figures?


These are more accurate figures (using your system) :


Most of July - 7 Days early (13/12)

Rest of July, August, September, and the very beginning of October - 6 Days early (14/12)

The rest of October, and Most of November (perhaps all of Nov.) - 5 Days early (15/12)

ALL December that has currently pre-ordered. - 4 Days early (16/12)

Everyone - 3 Days early (17/12)

Everyone - 2 Days early (18/12)

Everyone - 1 Days early (19/12)

Then -- Servers down for two hours, and up at midnight 20/12 for Official Launch.


That is roughly how it will be. :) I think you'd prefer my numbers anyhow. :)


Take care,

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Even those who ordered on 14th dec will probably be in at last wave tomorrow(friday) looking forward to it! gj devs.


And november probably almost all get in today and friday morning(or well.. when they start waving :p) + if they go bonus wave for some reason novembers all will get in today :p *my guess & info from dev tracker*


Let's rule this world!

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personally i think they would have had a large flux of pre orders in November at the end because thats the beta weekend, many like myself prolly did it then, so i am praying for today but its really more likely going to be tomorrow


They did have a bit of a spike, from what I've 'heard' through the grapevine .. for the very reason you describe. That said, it wasn't anywhere NEAR the initial spike in July.


Though it very well may be enough to keep the very end of Nov. out of business until the 16th.

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I am from New Zealand, and had to find a random US company to order my pre-order..... I pretty much decided to play when I randomly found one of the trailers..... :cool:


Must've been tons of ways to get washed away with the TOR current, trailers, actual beta, press releases, interviews, rumours, friends holding you hostage until you see some sense.. :D Glad you found your way and best of luck on this oh so lovely Waiting game. ;)

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The official post says that today's invites will go to the last week of November. So...it's safe to be excited, I think. (11/28) here.



Safe? hrmm.. I unno.. :) -- I tend to think the 'up to last week' means sort of like the up to 5 days.. that it will be CLOSE, but just not quite. I hope I'm wrong. I'd rather be wrong in this instance for sure. For all of you guys at the end of Nov. wanting to get in today.


Good luck!

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I dont understand.. i was a Nov 4th pre-order (or at least thats what is says)..


its the 15th here, from all the nice graphs that people seem to be picking out of the air / tweets from RJ, etc.. i should have a nice little invite in my mailbox..


not so.


As for all the chatter about the pre-order ad, people can say what they like about the fine print.. but the market (meaning us) generally has similar opinions to reading things and the gist of the ad was that you would be in 5 days before release.


this wave stuff coming afterwards and the "pre-order fee" for which seems to amount to nothing now, is just poor CRM .

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Must've been tons of ways to get washed away with the TOR current, trailers, actual beta, press releases, interviews, rumours, friends holding you hostage until you see some sense.. :D Glad you found your way and best of luck on this oh so lovely Waiting game. ;)


All the waiting is making me a little crazy though lol :rak_tongue:


Cant wait! ...... but must wait.......



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Good morning November folk, Fingers crossed and why did I leave it till the end of November..I just know they will cut off on the 26th now :eek:


I know right. lol.. Kicking myself for at least not order say.. Nov 14th or so. I was around then.. why I waited till the end of Nov. I dunno. I knew I was going to play this 2 years ago =)

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The most nerve-wrecking, jittery five hours one can imagine... once the waves begin it's a matter of checking in hourly, but this stretch before anything actually happening is the worst. :rolleyes:


The most monumentally underestimated outcome was that all who pre-ordered wouldn't be monitoring and refreshing their emails/forum posts every 2.5 seconds, lol it's more hilarious and pathetic the longer it goes on

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It's a new day and a new F5 key has been installed on the keyboard... It is so sad, I am a 28'th nov preorder so veeeeeeeeeeery slim chance I'll be in today, but last thing to abandon man (well woman in this case) is hope.. right?! SO.. looking forward to spending time with you lot til the last wave is out this afternoon. Good luck everyone :D
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The most monumentally underestimated outcome was that all who pre-ordered wouldn't be monitoring and refreshing their emails/forum posts every 2.5 seconds, lol it's more hilarious and pathetic the longer it goes on


Hmmh... hilarious? No doubt about it. Pathetic? Now, see, there I resent the implication. ;) Just because I have an addiction doesn't mean I'm a narc... err... wait a minute... :p

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Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.

There is hope for all of us! ...hopely :p

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