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Critical Reaction?


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Hi folks,


Again a question from a noob, I'm looking at this ability thinking that it sounds pretty useful, it's passive, procs on all abilities, and lasts for 6 seconds, during which time you're likely to score another crit and it gets reset.


If I'm focused more on PvP than PvE, is it worth getting this instead of Improved Vents?

I don't use vent heat all that often, with the Arsenal spec I manage reasonably well at my level. Maybe with a few heals thrown in I will need to use Vent Heat a lot more, I dunno. I'm lv 28 at the moment.


I'm guessing that Surgical Precision is needed to cast those heals in PvP when you're constantly being targetted by someone. That's the only two abilities I'm considering switching in the skill tree for the alacrity proc.


Any thoughts on this, or why it's a bad idea? :)

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Get it, imho.


I may not be a good authority as I am more of a pve healer, but I do some warzone matches here and there, and if you keep your crit high (which you probably are already for pvp burst) crit reaction procs a whole damn lot, especially with kolto missle, in my experience.


Combined with moderate alacricy from gear and our talents, the effect is quite noticable.

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In my opinion, Alacrity is not the most useful ability for BHs.

And a 5% bonus really isn't that much, the difference would be barely noticeable if at all.

If you really care for Alacrity and unless you're going bodyguard, you might want to put 2 points the in pyro skill tree where you can get 4% permanent alacrity by investing 2 skill points. It's better than a 5% proc.


And in any case, I don't think Alacrity is worth it.. could you post a link to the template you're going for?


Edit: I forgot to mention that while you would cast skills a little faster, you would also build up heat faster. Heat dissipation gets worse once you reach certain leves, which means you already have to keep it low, if you pump Alacrity your DPS basically won't improve much because you have to keep an eye on heat and switch to rapid shots when needed..

Perhaps you could put one or two more rapid shots in that a guy who doesn't have Alacrity, but that's pretty much it, because our real limit is heat, not casting times.

Come to think of it, even Improved Vents (which is by no means uber) might be a better choice, because that extra 16 heat you dissipate could be used for a free tracer missile - not to mention it can make a difference if you're 1vs1, didn't manage your heat well and are severely overheated.

Edited by AndrosX
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  • 2 months later...
Hi folks,


Again a question from a noob, I'm looking at this ability thinking that it sounds pretty useful, it's passive, procs on all abilities, and lasts for 6 seconds, during which time you're likely to score another crit and it gets reset.


If I'm focused more on PvP than PvE, is it worth getting this instead of Improved Vents?

I don't use vent heat all that often, with the Arsenal spec I manage reasonably well at my level. Maybe with a few heals thrown in I will need to use Vent Heat a lot more, I dunno. I'm lv 28 at the moment.


I'm guessing that Surgical Precision is needed to cast those heals in PvP when you're constantly being targetted by someone. That's the only two abilities I'm considering switching in the skill tree for the alacrity proc.


Any thoughts on this, or why it's a bad idea? :)


alacrity plus power, and adding in about 200 surge and 300 crit is the best build a person can make for healing/ dmg

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I think 5% alacrity almost all the time is far better than 8-16 extra heat, at most, every 2 minutes.


Honestly, i put only one point into it. You should be able to crit more than one time every 6 seconds. Even without rapid shots (which will almost always crit once of the 3 heals), you also have kolto shell ticking, healing scan's hot ticking, and kolto missile hitting up to 3 (and soon, 4) targets. I actually think 2 points into this is possible wasteful, as one is probably all that is really needed.


In PVP, you want those heals landing fast. The longer they take, the faster people target you and inturrupt or stun.

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DISCLAIMER: Without a combat log/dps meters what I say below might not be accurate but based on raiding experience, all 8 and 16 Man OPS content farmed on Nightmare, and swapping out mods I've come to my personal conclusion that my dps has improved.



I don't understand why the majority of BH believe Alacrity is a wasted stat. The faster you can cast the more dps you're gonna pull. Once I hit my Accuracy/Crit/Surge range I stack Power/Alacrity I placed one point in Systems Calibrations for the extra 2% plus one point in Critical Reactions. My TM cast time is now 1.3 secs and I see a significant difference on Unload's cast time. With TM's cast time being so low it is so much easier to keep up the proc due to Raid Shots being used more frequently. Only downside is getting used to not overheating. Once you can manage that you'll be happy with the results.

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