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Being a MMO is no excuse for a game being unfinished.


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Bros are not online to play some 3v3 SC2. Just thinking of what game Im going to play now since swtor failed. Kinda crushed about the game. Would be easier to move on if Diablo 3 or CS go was out.


Or Guild Wars 2.


Btw, I appreciate the Blade of Glory forum signature lol

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He is here to try to fluff the haters numbers. It's been going on on every MMO forum since WoW when the FPS freaks got bored with their own "games".


They are about as imaginative as a sewer grate, so they have to horn in on someone else's bidness. Consoles didnt WIN like they thought they would, so now we have to deal with these mouth-breathers in MMORPGs.


LMAO nicely put.


'here to fluff the haters numbers' is pretty accurate imo.


Good thing is that none of those guys know how to be subtle. By being so obviously anti-TOR they lose all credibility. If the same 15 people keep posting every single day about every aspect of TOR 'sucking' then you soon learn their names and can predict what they typed after only reading their handle under 'author'.


This guy dislikes TOR. Cool. However after mentioning he quit in December and posting today , if I still see him tomorrow posting negatively then he joins the grp of haters.

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LMAO nicely put.


'here to fluff the haters numbers' is pretty accurate imo.


Good thing is that none of those guys know how to be subtle. By being so obviously anti-TOR they lose all credibility. If the same 15 people keep posting every single day about every aspect of TOR 'sucking' then you soon learn their names and can predict what they typed after only reading their handle under 'author'.


This guy dislikes TOR. Cool. However after mentioning he quit in December and posting today , if I still see him tomorrow posting negatively then he joins the grp of haters.


I would just put him on ignore instead of going on your little maturity crusade. It only really betrays you.

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I've played many MMO's and this one has by far the best release I've ever seen. So you boys can quit your sub if you want, you'll be missing out on something great. Of course they're not gonna put EVERYTHING in at the beginning, where would the fun be in that?


Plus, have you even tried? I love the fact they have HC quests that aren't easily soloable like in WoW.

Dungeon groups take 5 minutes to find.

BGs is instant qeue. Big fat care if it's cross realm or not, isn't a fast qeue enough? No? Greedy. That's all I can say.


WoW implemented cross realm BGs and their qeue's are still ten times as long as SWTORs. SO cry me a river, they did a great job. :)

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LMAO nicely put.


'here to fluff the haters numbers' is pretty accurate imo.


Good thing is that none of those guys know how to be subtle. By being so obviously anti-TOR they lose all credibility. If the same 15 people keep posting every single day about every aspect of TOR 'sucking' then you soon learn their names and can predict what they typed after only reading their handle under 'author'.


This guy dislikes TOR. Cool. However after mentioning he quit in December and posting today , if I still see him tomorrow posting negatively then he joins the grp of haters.




They talk out of both sides of their mouths. That much is exceedingly sure.

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I've played many MMO's and this one has by far the best release I've ever seen. So you boys can quit your sub if you want, you'll be missing out on something great. Of course they're not gonna put EVERYTHING in at the beginning, where would the fun be in that?


Plus, have you even tried? I love the fact they have HC quests that aren't easily soloable like in WoW.

Dungeon groups take 5 minutes to find.

BGs is instant qeue. Big fat care if it's cross realm or not, isn't a fast qeue enough? No? Greedy. That's all I can say.


WoW implemented cross realm BGs and their qeue's are still ten times as long as SWTORs. SO cry me a river, they did a great job. :)


WoW was made 7 years ago. How can you even compare a 2012 released game with a 2004 released game?

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Its 2012. Stop comparing this game to MMOs released 7+ years ago. Even though they said level 50 brackets will be happening soon they still are not in the game. The population for this game is going to shrink in half after the first month.


A MMO without a dungeon finder nowdays is a joke. Ask Rift how that worked out for them. And not having Warfronts combine all servers is just lazy and stupid. They could give a option to queue for a warzone on just your server or every server. Same with a dungeon finder.


I think you have some problems mate. You signed up in 2009. Bioware have always stated there would be no dungeon finder ingame at launch. Since the day you signed up in 2009. So you knew already and still you're upset about it NOW?


Curious: Are you a professional whiner who looks up future game's features, waits 2 years then complains about those features post launch?...or are you a freelance whiner instead?


Also the mechanics for warzones have been known on these forums for about 8 months now. You been awol or just biding your time?


Both points were known long ago and YET you still bought the game so you could NOW complain about those 2 features?


/mind boggles :)


P.S. If after signing up in 2009 you then didn't read anything on the forums until after launch then please ignore my post.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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WoW was made 7 years ago. How can you even compare a 2012 released game with a 2004 released game?

This is ridiculous, I suppose WoW hasn't patched or had expansions since release? You think the game installed on your machine now has anything to do with the release client? Quit your QQ and go back to WoW... bubye QQ we miss you already.

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Comparing WoW with Swtor is like comparing MW3 against Battlefield 1942. Or comparing a 7 year old video card with a 2012 video card saying well this 2012 video card has the same specs as the card 7 years ago that was $300 so its only right that the 2012 card charges $300 as well.
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It is in a finished stat. If you expect it to be complete as a Single Player RPG it will never happen. MMOs are NEVER COMPLETE till the day they close servers.


True... very true....BUT!.....


MMOs evolved over the years. I am playing these kind of games since Ultima Online (thats about 15 years) and I even worked in the lower levels of the mmo industry for a while.


Wow changed the market for mmos and you may like it or not but there numbers (even without asia) are fantastic.

They may go down, but consider it is 7 years old.


I don't say Bioware should just copy wow... that would be a big mistake. But they need to LEARN from it and right now they have not.

And now. I am not talking LFD, LFR or something like this.


I am talking content. Bioware needs to add high level content fast. Repeatable, rewarding, fun and NOT TIME CONSUMING High Level content.


They need to keep the players busy, most important the casual's.


They also need to work on there communication with the community.

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I guess the question is how do peeps feel do they want to wait longer for something thats even better or get it with some issues? Personally I was OK with the issues I have encountered they havent really interfered with my gameplay. The problem is with modern PCs its nearly impossible to try and test it on all combinations of hardware and software, if you have a specific problem you need to raise a ticket with customer servcies and work through until you fix it as the problem might be down to a combination of factors that would be impossible to guess ie its a specific problem with the version of your motherboard's bios when combined with a specific graphics card, running specific drivers along with certain windows updates.


If you have issues then I suggest you update everything you can and feel comfortable doing to the latest versions and then raise a ticket so that customer services can try and locate the problem and pass the details onto the devs to fix.

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Have you ever been in the store or the gas station and seen someone you used to like? Felt the urge to go say hi yet were reluctant?


You still care about the person but you know they'll never change their ways.. should you go say hi?


Sure why not. It can't hurt.


SWTOR is the poor cocaine addict that you knew back in the day, that will never recover. He'll try but fail, every single attempt. But you still care because deep down you want him to improve.


Get it?


This is amazing, a great post.

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Wow at the beginning was epic, even with all the bugs and glitches.

It was my first mmorpg after the asian ones and i fell in love with it.

Swtor is another epic mmorpg for me. It's very different from WoW because it's a story driven mmo, plus it gives players the choice and the chance to play as they wish. Wanna play alone? Easy, everyone can solo this game, we just need someone else for the flashpoints and some heroic quest, but that's not hard to find. Even if you don't want to group, then you can still progress as solo. And if you love being part of a community or if what you like are an endless serie of flashpoints and raids then there are several guilds in each server only for that purpose.

All the rest? A few bugs? Some delay with the skills? Well, i'm not affected and the few things i noticed have not been game breaking at all. Are over 10 years now that i play mmorpgs and not saying how many more that i play pc games (first online games i played were the Muds, does any of you know those?), so maybe i'm a real noob not able to play because i can't see the delay.

Please, be patient, try to see the good things this game can offer and if you really don't like this kind of games, then there is a pletora out there that can be what you are looking for. No need to bash this very game just because you thought it was different or because it's not yet moddable or whatelse you don't like about it.

When i play i never hear complaints about the game. I have to hide the general chat sometimes, because of several immature players, but that's what i was used to do in WoW too, is not that immature players are just in Swtor...

I'm sure 100% that those who come on the forums complaining, are not even 1% of subscribers. Each server got thousands of players and i still got to hear these complaints on the servers i created my characters (7 different servers, PVE,RP,PVP...).

That makes it a very good game in my opinion....

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True... very true....BUT!.....


MMOs evolved over the years. I am playing these kind of games since Ultima Online (thats about 15 years) and I even worked in the lower levels of the mmo industry for a while.


Wow changed the market for mmos and you may like it or not but there numbers (even without asia) are fantastic.

They may go down, but consider it is 7 years old.


I don't say Bioware should just copy wow... that would be a big mistake. But they need to LEARN from it and right now they have not.

And now. I am not talking LFD, LFR or something like this.


I am talking content. Bioware needs to add high level content fast. Repeatable, rewarding, fun and NOT TIME CONSUMING High Level content.


They need to keep the players busy, most important the casual's.


They also need to work on there communication with the community.



Agree completely. Bioware needs to now focus on endgame more. The levelling experience was the best I've had. The stories were addictive and I want to lvl up each class.


However story ends at endgame pretty much. To keep the masses hooked you either need imagination (sandbox features) or more of the same themepark content. Regardless, more is needed imo.

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I had 0 issues with WoW vanilla.


Awesome battlegrounds - Check

Awesome World pvp - Check

Players loaded in every zone - Check


All that matters.....



Warfronts - bad

World pvp - none

Players loaded in ever zone - Nope


Every place is instanced and sharded. Not even possible to have a ton of people in one area because the game can't handle it no matter what type of PC you have.

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It is in a finished stat. If you expect it to be complete as a Single Player RPG it will never happen. MMOs are NEVER COMPLETE till the day they close servers.


I expect it to run with the specs on the box, but as it goes people with high end rigs are chugging along at 10-15FPS, this game was hardly finished it ran better in beta and that is not right.

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Yes I was unaware. But then that game isn't finished either.


Most games today can be patched and will be patched to fix various problems users experiences. However the game is still finished from the developer's side. Expansion packs will arrive, DLC will be possible, but this doesn't mean the game is unfinished. The modding community in TES series is huge, but it have always fullfilled the role of the things that takes the game and improves it for the PC users. Console gamers won't have the same luxury here and are stuck with original version of the game. Skyrim is by all means a finished game, the mods and the modding community will not change that. It will help prolong the life of the game that's for sure. There is a reason why Oblivion still was played by so many so many years after it's original release and that was the modding community and mods. :)

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Here are my memories of some MMOs.


I remember WoW for having the best world pvp while leveling up in quest zones, like hillsbrad. both factions fighting for both zones so you could quest. The pvp was epic. The Warzones were great as well. leveling was so fun. I would take breaks lvling and just do world pvp all day long.


SWGs I unlocked my force slot in the first year. Being one of the few people in the world with a ultra powerful jedi was the coolest thing a video game could ever do. Even b4 I was a jedi I had a master Doctor and would sit in star ports buffing with lines 100+ ppl long waiting for buffs. That is epic. Even in SWGs later years the world PVP was a blast. being a BH hunting players down was a blast.


You know what Ill remember swtor for. No world pvp. Hutt ball after hutt ball. rerolling and than having to pvp against all level 50s and getting tore up. levelng in zones never seeing more than a handful of people anywhere. Feeling like Im playing a single player game.

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