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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finished the game. (unsubbing till expansion)


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As much as I agree with parts of your initial post, I think this one is probably uncalled for.


You say that casual players are killing the MMO genre, when I think we know that if it wasn't for the huge amount of casual players that are now part of the MMO community, the genre would still be niche.


Now you may have preferred it when MMOs were a niche market, but it's likely a number of MMOs (possibly including this one) would never exist if it wasn't for the money generated by the casual market.


I apologise to you for that comment, its hard when you see the kind of responses you get, not too. My personal opinion is that the more casual player does follow in the footsteps of the more progressive player, rather than shoot the messenger maybe listen and take in what they are saying.


I am not alone posting this, just look at the forums on a daily basis, these posts will flood it soon.

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No, I really did want this game to live on for years, I wpuld have preferred it if we were downing the last boss around may-june time. As I said I expected these responses, you do not see what we see.. Yet.


You will.


Are you trying to sound like Cassandra or something? We're not impressed.


Whatever. As a person who doesn't give two hoots about end-game, there's more than enough content to keep me entertained. And I'm sure that more end-game stuff will be added in the coming months, they are already adding a new flashpoint and expanding on their existing raid.


Until you max level all 8 classes and fully experience everything that raids, flashpoints, PvP, space combat and crafting have to offer, you cannot say you're out of content. If you only enjoy raids... Well, you're out of luck for now.

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You should just face the fact that this game is not what you want it to be. Go play some mindless dash to level cap MMO if that's "how you play", and let the rest of us have something else for a change. ;)


WoW, basically. Yes, I agree. Some people like to stop and sniff the roses.

Edited by Juntts
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So you've finished the game and you're getting bored, I didn't reach the engame right now but I think the answer is easy:


- Is your character full geared with the best pieces for the incoming contents? Gear up!

- What do you usually do in other MMOs in the same situation? Do the same here!

- Have you tried the PvP? That's unendless!

- You simply don't like the game no more? Well change game as I did with WoW and RIFT...

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Wow, the majority of people in this thread missed the point totally.


The OP did not rush through the content, the point of the post is that he has played for 2 weeks and has already got to, what feels like the end of the game.


Anyone who thinks that you need to rush to hit 50 in 2 weeks isn't playing the same game. Power gamers were hitting 50 in the headstart period, casual gamers were 50 after a week.


This game is very short as far as a MMO goes, this isn't really a complaint of mine as I don't have the time to invest in gaming as I used to, but at 50 short of running the same content over and over again, there isn't a huge deal to do.

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I think the game is a bit too easy.


I highly doubt that hard and nightmare mode versions of the Eternity Vault is worth $14.95 a month. Just saying. I know it's not a lot of money, but I mean... c'mon.



Very good point.

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So you've finished the game and you're getting bored, I didn't reach the engame right now but I think the answer is easy:


- Is your character full geared with the best pieces for the incoming contents? Gear up!

- What do you usually do in other MMOs in the same situation? Do the same here!

- Have you tried the PvP? That's unendless!

- You simply don't like the game no more? Well change game as I did with WoW and RIFT...


I 100% agree with your post, except your forum avatar makes it difficult to take you seriously.

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This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)


When you "elite hardcore" pay enough to compensate being outnumbered by the profitable "casuals", so companies can ignore "casuals" and focus on you... your comment will be valid.

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I have to say one thing, which i will be surprised if any comment on.


Whats with this "Roll an alt" excuse in every game, hasnt anyone figured it out yet!!


If the person enjoyed rolling alts and playing them, then they would be and not posting on the forums.


Forcing someone to do something they dont like doing is not how to keep someone happy, they also pay to play their way, its up to them how and what they do in the game as long as it doesnt break any rules.


Its doubtful this will be understood or even read by enough for peo0ple to drop the "roll an alt line"


understand why they are posting not why you think they are posting :)


Agreed. But a sweeping statement like "there's no content" is a blatant lie. There is content, just maybe not the stuff he enjoys.

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Bravo OP. I agree with your post. 100% It's stupid easy to beat anything this game throws at us. Period.



Everyday I read in /1 about "help help with this boss or this quest" It's really very sad. Short of the 4man Heroics, Flashpoints and Raids, if you need help. YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.



Futhermore, anyone that disagrees with the OP, has begged for this game to be easier, loves consoles. is clueless about computers and specs, and can't fathom what MMOs used to be like, pre-nursery school WoW.


I'm hanging around a bit longer , but it won't last.. I"m already getting tired of using my speeder to go from point A to point B just go right the F back to point again when I could have just done it when I was there the first F'ing time.


Lazy developerzzz.

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You're not hardcore and you're not a casual player that you claim is killing the genre. What are you, then? A mod might read your thread, highly doubt they'll forward it to a dev, nothing constuctive to see here.


I actually class myself maybe a slightly above average mmo player, I guess I will concede this may make me a no life hardcore SW player..


Thing is, you do know that people have completed nightmare mode EV weeks ago? Like the 2nd week of release, these are hardcore players. Not me.


The game is too easy and believe me, will become known as the faceroll game of the mmo world.

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The only reason why WoW on launch felt it had more content was due to the fact that leveling was slow. Traveling was a pain (long winded griffon traveling like taking 15min to reach from one destination to another), and there were no flying mount and ground mount had a big price tag. If you compare the wow leveling in vanilla, or even their first expansion to 70 and then compare it to the leveling from 1-85 now you can clearly see the difference.


Now if you liked a very long and I really mean very long leveling, there is Everquest back when they had hell levels. (I still remember the 59-60 leveling... it was not pretty) Or you know, the leveling system of FFXI for instance back when they launched. Or even Ragnarok Online? No questing, just PURE GRINDING on killing the same mobs over and over and observe your exp bar go up a mm (or not even that) every hour and required a perfect group (or solo on some classes).


I prefer the leveling what we have now in the current game thanks, and for me it has more than enough content at least leveling wise with added bonus of character storyline. Playing a different character also bring something new apart from repeating the same thing over again. (character story)


From what I read, it also has enough end game content for a normal player in my opinion. 2 Operation, and Hard modes on existing Flash points. WoW's heroic instance was introduced on their first expansion, and in vanilla it only had 2 raiding (or was it 1) instances. Yes I am aware of the existing bugs, but see how quickly Bioware is patching them. The difference is the speed of progression, and not the content itself. You make it more grinding content, there will be people complaining on how slow the game progress for you.

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I actually class myself maybe a slightly above average mmo player, I guess I will concede this may make me a no life hardcore SW player..


Thing is, you do know that people have completed nightmare mode EV weeks ago? Like the 2nd week of release, these are hardcore players. Not me.


The game is too easy and believe me, will become known as the faceroll game of the mmo world.


Well I agree with you for the most part, but don't you think that lats sentence is a bit over the top?

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I actually class myself maybe a slightly above average mmo player, I guess I will concede this may make me a no life hardcore SW player..


Thing is, you do know that people have completed nightmare mode EV weeks ago? Like the 2nd week of release, these are hardcore players. Not me.


The game is too easy and believe me, will become known as the faceroll game of the mmo world.


HAHAHAHA YEAH sure they have! and pigs can fly LMFAO I never heard something that stupid before... finished nightmare mode weeks ago... seriously dude this just shows how little you actually know about the game

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Sadly he is right, everything that there is to do in this game has been done by the people that have nothing better in their lives to accomplish. What is the point of all the gear farming etc? Is it not to PvP? Can you not PvP with what you have and obtain what you want as you go? What is it people want? I wish the devs would release content that is literally impossible to beat, and have giant trollfaces all over the walls of the "dungeon".
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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


I wonder what you consider hardcore, if not what you just described? You talked about your guild's past server first accomplishments, as well as already burning through this game's end content. That sounds fairly hardcore to me.

Edited by Dinadan
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HAHAHAHA YEAH sure they have! and pigs can fly LMFAO I never heard something that stupid before... finished nightmare mode weeks ago... seriously dude this just shows how little you actually know about the game


You might want to check facts before posting, it helps.




Jan 1st all modes completed. Thats 2 weeks after launch, almost but yea not quite, weeks ago..

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I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.


You fit all the criteria for hardcore players.


Them casual type players you dislike make up the bulk of customers playing these games.


Its not their fault you finished the game.


Maybe you need to find something more difficult to do.:)

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I actually class myself maybe a slightly above average mmo player, I guess I will concede this may make me a no life hardcore SW player..


Thing is, you do know that people have completed nightmare mode EV weeks ago? Like the 2nd week of release, these are hardcore players. Not me.


The game is too easy and believe me, will become known as the faceroll game of the mmo world.


If you have already completed all the max level PvE content (OK not the nightmare modes but still), you're not casual and you're definitely more than above average skill-wise.


So far the game is easy, at least the questing is, but I'm still very low level. Maybe it will change later.


And OK I'll concede that in my first post I was wrong about you rushing. Apologies. But still... You can't say that the game doesn't have enough content. Maybe for people with your taste the content is limited, but for those of us who play far less, or for those who like to dabble in every aspect of the game I think there's more than enough for now.

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If someone is to blame it's Bioware for having failed to add one very simple thing: ultra hard world bosses. So hard they seem impossible to kill. Those are the mobs hardcore players want. You start farming the lower bosses to gear your guild, you start testing different tactics on such mobs and then one day, probably months into release, you're able to kill that mob. And before you're able to set this mob on farming status the next expansion arrives.


Without such mobs the whole game seems without any goals anymore after you've finished the last dungeon.


Name any successful MMO that still has this type of boss in its game? OH and name the boss to as I am very curious as to which world boss this is?

Edited by whacks
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If someone is to blame it's Bioware for having failed to add one very simple thing: ultra hard world bosses. So hard they seem impossible to kill. Those are the mobs hardcore players want. You start farming the lower bosses to gear your guild, you start testing different tactics on such mobs and then one day, probably months into release, you're able to kill that mob. And before you're able to set this mob on farming status the next expansion arrives.


Without such mobs the whole game seems without any goals anymore after you've finished the last dungeon.


Spot on.


I have posted very much the same thing before. Why they did not make the last boss almost impossible is beyond my understanding.


You would see no one complaining about finishing content as the very last boss would be a nice "male chicken" block before the next expansion. This boss would also become a gaming legend.


If I say "vanilla C'thun" some people will understand and im sure have felt a shiver of nostalgia.

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