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Yes. I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers.


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You know what? If you love WoW so much - then go and play WoW... And stop complaining about SWtor - its another game, it has its own (wow similar) mechanisms, but its not WoW... so learn to play without macros, etc.. or start playing wow again... I hate when ppl in game start to compare with WoW...

Its like driving BMW and start saying "oh my... I should have bought Mercedes-Benz, its more spacious..." ... your choice


Oh please. SWTOR is like a Hyundai compact coupe--a cheap copy of a Benz.

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You know what? If you love WoW so much - then go and play WoW... And stop complaining about SWtor - its another game, it has its own (wow similar) mechanisms, but its not WoW... so learn to play without macros, etc.. or start playing wow again... I hate when ppl in game start to compare with WoW...

Its like driving BMW and start saying "oh my... I should have bought Mercedes-Benz, its more spacious..." ... your choice



No, we'll turn this game into WoW, mold it to our needs and wantings. Adapt or leave... .

This game belongs to us now.


Thanks and Hail Bioware for bringing us LFD, macros and addons.

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You know what? If you love WoW so much - then go and play WoW... And stop complaining about SWtor - its another game, it has its own (wow similar) mechanisms, but its not WoW... so learn to play without macros, etc.. or start playing wow again... I hate when ppl in game start to compare with WoW...

Its like driving BMW and start saying "oh my... I should have bought Mercedes-Benz, its more spacious..." ... your choice


You obviously never played WoW or any other MMO. Try voicing an opinion that comes from experience >.> When they made this game so similair to WoW, they should have realized that certain things came with that design. They did not include these. Hense the problem.


They commited the ultimate in stupid mistakes. They copied the successful design (which they should have) but did not include the good parts that come with the design.

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And this game would obviously exist if *the other game* didnt exist, but i see you are part of the old eq guard and you cant face it that noone wants eq´s little customerbase anymore


EQ players are so bitter. Just be sure to remind them that "WoW killed EQ when it was in it's most Hardcore state!!"(no addons or ect. because not knowing and not seeing the sun or bathing, equates to challenge for them).

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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase. It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us. Whatever MMO you came from that wasn't WOW is a Failure end of story. Bioware needs to follow the Model of the most successful MMO in history. They do not need to follow the model of whatever Niche... Garbage... Masochistic MMO you came from. From a business perspective it just doesn't make sense.



I love macros. Makes my Job easier. I don't wanna have to press every button on my Keyboard.


I love Parsers. My being at the top of the HPS gives other healers something to shoot for. Your being at the bottom of the DPS for a boss, that we have now wiped on for the 5th time because, you can't seem to put out the DPS on par of people that you have somehow managed to out gear gives me a reason to kick you. It's your Guild's Job to carry you. Not mine.


I love Addons. I wanna know down to the very last millisecond when my hot is gonna fall off. I hate where that tooltip is and I want it moved!


I love LFD. I have tried 2 days in a Row to run the Heroic 4 on Nar Shadaa(?) on multiple occasions. Abandon Quest move on to Alderaan. I had to zone out of Mandolorian Raiders and Spam to replace a DPS at the final boss after Spamming to get a group for a half an hour as a HEALER. The people who don't want this have an odd idea of fun.


People whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD need only to look at Rift to see what happens when you move too slowly to include these thing, half of which, should have been in at launch.


We take your advice and we "Go back to WOW". Suddenly friends and Guildees you leveled with vanish from their respective lists. Bioware needs to decide whether they want guests or tenants.


INB4 the EQ players. Be sure to mention how WOW nuked EQ before it had all the things I listed above. Also don't neglect to mention that EQ was pretty much killed by WOW it's 1st competitor in a state that you find acceptable(No Addons and a huge time sink. People raided 6 days a week back then and now they raid 4. Choose life.)


I'm absolutely serious too. I am not trolling. This is what I want this is what the Majority(Trust me WOW players are the Majority right now. Read the Forums or Join a guild) of people want but they are afraid to say it outright. I'm not. Become more WOW-Like(As far as Streamlining I do not want to see Undead again as long as I live..or dwarves or Elves!!) or fail.


As far as the people who claim that they will leave if these things are implemented, you were probably going to leave when GW2 came out anyway. I'm sick of all these "MMO of the Month" WOW haters that have never done anything in other games whining. They slowed down things in Rift with their nonsense and by the time Rift Implemented things that people expect in a Modern MMORPG it was too late.


Fair enough! But I won't trust you on the majority thing. :)

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... he wont playing by himself, Star wars fans > WOW fans. eat that.

I noticed more of WoW players and more kids arround the game, because the level of coversation in general chat mostly in starting areas like korriban and dromund kass decreased alot. Im like him i just wish you all gone and back to WOW and Pandas and 3d dragons that hurt the eyes.

Pandas have actually been in the warcraft series since the beginning but were not put in world of warcraft. the only reason they were added, was because everyone was asking for them to be added. Blizzard listened to their customers, and people who don't like wow choose this as their scapegoat to bash wow.

i hope you enjoy kill this, loot this, activate this, listening to irrelevant sidequest dialogue, giving your irrelevant conversational choices that give you some numbers one way or the other, and your lack of features that make an MMO good.

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EQ players are so bitter. Just be sure to remind them that "WoW killed EQ when it was in it's most Hardcore state!!"(no addons or ect. because not knowing and not seeing the sun or bathing, equates to challenge for them).



Bump for aknowledgement.

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yeah swg showed that pretty clear


SWG was realy outdated. Not comparable.

Pandas have actually been in the warcraft series since the beginning but were not put in world of warcraft. the only reason they were added, was because everyone was asking for them to be added. Blizzard listened to their customers, and people who don't like wow choose this as their scapegoat to bash wow.

i hope you enjoy kill this, loot this, activate this, listening to irrelevant sidequest dialogue, giving your irrelevant conversational choices that give you some numbers one way or the other, and your lack of features that make an MMO good.


WOOt? have you played warcraft 1,2 and 3 and frozen throne expansion? i dont recall seeing any pandas.

Edited by Spartanik
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... he wont playing by himself, Star wars fans > WOW fans. eat that.

I noticed more of WoW players and more kids arround the game, because the level of coversation in general chat mostly in starting areas like korriban and dromund kass decreased alot. Im like him i just wish you all gone and back to WOW and Pandas and 3d dragons that hurt the eyes.


There is your problem right there.. you are calling yourself a "fan." And that is your reasoning for playing this game. You are basically saying that if this game was terrible (WHICH I DO NOT THINK IT IS) you would still play because you are a "Fan." This is the wrong reason to play/defend a game. To say star wars fans > wow fans in this case is stupid. A Fan of something would stick by it even if it sucks.. I have no intentions on playing Pandas in Azeroth, and quite frankly, I hated Cata, hence the reason I quit. However, I am still smart enough to see the small things in that game that need to be implemented in order for an MMO to keep a large chunk of its player base. You, on the other hand, seem to be more of a "kid," as you put it. You sit here and make statements like this with no information to back it up. Go back to tetris.

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I completely agree with the OP, although I probably wouldn't have used such a "provocative" thread title.


This games needs to implement basic MMO features like addons, macros and a functional LFG tool. It's 2012, some of us have been playing the genre for over 15 years. We've seen pretty much everything, we know what works, we know what we like, and we know what we want.


There's no excuse for a game that launches now not to have the full array of tools that over a decade of evolution have brought to the genre.


As much as hating WoW is the cool thing to do these days, you guys really need to grow up and admit that it is the standard in terms of MMO features. You might not like the setting, you can pissed off about pandas all you want, or you might just be tired of hanging around Azeroth. But one thing is undeniable, the set of tools offered by the WoW is the result of 15 years of evolution in MMOs, and should be standard in any modern AAA MMO product.


A fully customisable UI should be a standard feature in a modern AAA MMO product.


A scripting/macroing language should be a standard feature in a modern AAA MMO product.


An addon API should be a standard feature in a modern AAA MMO product.

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EQ players are so bitter. Just be sure to remind them that "WoW killed EQ when it was in it's most Hardcore state!!"(no addons or ect. because not knowing and not seeing the sun or bathing, equates to challenge for them).


Lol.. no we aren't. And EQ is still going and being developed for 12 years later. Killed? Hardly.

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I think i'm the only one here that this is attempt at being a troll, since no one is dumb enough to want an exact copy of WoW and it'll kill SWTOR more than it will help it. They will just return to WoW.


Macros?: I have no problems with my keybindings, thank you.


LFG tool: destroys the social aspect of MMO games. I do not think I know any other game other than WoW that uses LFG tool and others are doing fine without it. Anyone know Fiesta? The most popular MMORPG game thats F2P and have been around for more than WoW does not uses any of what WoW uses to please WoW players. (As far as I know)




If SWTOR needs to live, they need to have guild banks, housing system (Guild Capital Ships) and more content, but i'm sure i'm satisfied with Hard Modes, 3 difficulties with Operations and dailies.

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You know what? If you love WoW so much - then go and play WoW... And stop complaining about SWtor - its another game, it has its own (wow similar) mechanisms, but its not WoW... so learn to play without macros, etc.. or start playing wow again... I hate when ppl in game start to compare with WoW...

Its like driving BMW and start saying "oh my... I should have bought Mercedes-Benz, its more spacious..." ... your choice


Its more like though, BMW has decided they are going to make a copy of the Merc, they base their chassis and engine on the Merc, then they release it and forget to include the air conditioning, because they needed to get the car on sale by a deadline.


The new BMW looks great, but its performance is worse than the Merc, and its missing some of those luxury features. Customers like the car and like the way it looks, but dislikes how it fails to compete and provide standard features of the current market leader.


As a result, popularity for the model fades due to it not meeting the industry standard that is now expected by customers.

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Its more like though, BMW has decided they are going to make a copy of the Merc, they base their chassis and engine on the Merc, then they release it and forget to include the air conditioning, because they needed to get the car on sale by a deadline.


The new BMW looks great, but its performance is worse than the Merc, and its missing some of those luxury features. Customers like the car and like the way it looks, but dislikes how it fails to compete and provide standard features of the current market leader.


As a result, popularity for the model fades due to it not meeting the industry standard that is now expected by customers.


Well said.

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You know what? If you love WoW so much - then go and play WoW... And stop complaining about SWtor - its another game, it has its own (wow similar) mechanisms, but its not WoW... so learn to play without macros, etc.. or start playing wow again... I hate when ppl in game start to compare with WoW...

Its like driving BMW and start saying "oh my... I should have bought Mercedes-Benz, its more spacious..." ... your choice



No. Now what? I want SW:TOR to be successful. To be successful in a lot of people's mind should be streamlined in the way that WOW is. I could go play WOW but I want to play Star Wars. I want to play a better Version of the current game. We have seen WOW sit at the top of the MMORPG mountain for 6 or 7 years and we know that LFD, Macros, Parsers and Addons are a VERY large part of the reason why.


P.S. your car analogy was terrible.

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And this game would obviously exist if *the other game* didnt exist, but i see you are part of the old eq guard and you cant face it that noone wants eq´s little customerbase anymore


Wrong, I have played many MMO's since UO, like AO, SWG, COH/V, WAR, and now this one. Only place I saw addons was in WAR, and they made PvP worse, not better. :)



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Pandas have actually been in the warcraft series since the beginning but were not put in world of warcraft. the only reason they were added, was because everyone was asking for them to be added. Blizzard listened to their customers, and people who don't like wow choose this as their scapegoat to bash wow.

i hope you enjoy kill this, loot this, activate this, listening to irrelevant sidequest dialogue, giving your irrelevant conversational choices that give you some numbers one way or the other, and your lack of features that make an MMO good.


This man speaks the truth. And please don't go out on the public calling out Kung Fu panda wow since the kung fu panda movie is 2007 while WC3 (which had Chen, the lovable bewmaster) is 2003. KTHNXBAI.


SW:TOR is wow 2007 in space. Minus addons and macros. And costumisable UI. And summoning stones (REMEMBER THOSE?)

Edited by Cochana
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What he is asking for is not WoW, its features WoW has that are actually decent and would be a good addition to Swtor..


I dont see any reason why these things could and should not be added to the game, and Im sure that some if not all will certainly do so given time.


Swtor is at the end of the day not WoW, its a unique and excellent game in its own right as are many mmo's out there and Swtor can take from them features that are cool, useful, fun or just downright groovy.. and I think that should be encouraged, evolution is keeping what works and removing redundant things whilst adapting to the times and change, Im sure bioware will do what is required.

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