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Yes. I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers.


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All I got from this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he has epics too. How exactly was having 3% of the population see end game content a good business model? i'll wait.


I raided for 6 years btw. I am long past the "Welfare Epics" thing. People can look at my mounts and titles and know how good I am.


Because...it worked? Honestly, take an objective look at the subscription number patterns. Welfare epics and easy raids come with Wrath, and continued from there, becoming more and more prevalent with each expac. Sub numbers hit their peak at the start of Wrath and declined at an ever increasing pace ever since.


Regardless of your intuited opinion of the nonsense of content exclusive to those better at the game, the subscription numbers and the game's success tell a very different story. It's pretty clear that that exclusivity, the differential between hardcore and casual players, is a major piece of the "successful MMO" puzzle.

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What relevant MMORPG has a Larger MMORPG base than WOW?


And that game isn't even good.


39 million accounts, 8 million paying players, as in, players that buy NX (the shop currency) regularly.

Edited by Zipzo
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Because...it worked? Honestly, take an objective look at the subscription number patterns. Welfare epics and easy raids come with Wrath, and continued from there, becoming more and more prevalent with each expac. Sub numbers hit their peak at the start of Wrath and declined at an ever increasing pace ever since.


Regardless of your intuited opinion of the nonsense of content exclusive to those better at the game, the subscription numbers and the game's success tell a very different story. It's pretty clear that that exclusivity, the differential between hardcore and casual players, is a major piece of the "successful MMO" puzzle.


Oh no WOW went from 12 million Subs to 10 million. It's an old game bro. People Quit. I loved Streetfighter 2 but I don't still play it.

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Its all good, there really hasnt been much distinction between the 2 groups, i missed raiding without dbm cuz it was funny when i got killed because i wasnt watching HP % on a boss but like others in this thread, DBM became a requirement. Recount made me feel like i was playing with a bunch of economist that watched graphs rather then look at the screen. i love the way this game is now but theres just certain callouts that need macro options and certain UI things that frustrate me. Easing these features in is a very important task though, you cant start a game out with DPS meters and DBM then no one would bother learning how the actual game mechanics work.
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If you want that kind of garbage, theres another game that already offers everything you want. Addons are crutch for bads who need the game played for them. There's no reason to need anything other than the default UI. How about you man up and learn how to play an actual game.


The LFD tool is terrible, and I hope I never see it in this game. Regardless of what you think, that kind of attitude that feature is fostering is what's killing wow. I'm sorry you don't know how to make friends, and run things with people. How about not roll a dps class like 90% of the player population and play a class that requires some real skill?


Whatcha talkin 'bout Willis??? You saying dps classes = not easy or bad?? I play dps, tank and heals and think they're all fun :D

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i still dont understand why people expect a game to be the same as another game, if i want to play a game like wow id play wow


why have a wow type lfg when BW could put in a server wide lfg channel?


why have addons that will turn the player into a bot, if these things needed to be in the game, let BW put them in over time, not be a third part addon.


i agree with the macros as i really want to write one for my Artifice add seeing as i have 400 and all the lvl 49+ stuff as epic now, so a macro saying this would be real handy



as for the rest of your post it just pisses me off reading it.. and by the way wow isnt the largest mmo, 10million subs ok but how many of them are in the west? and how many of them are active?


blizzard did make a good game, many years ago, but this past few years the game has gotten worse and worse unless you can tell me why they lost so many sub before swtor was even released.


Don't forget there are over 450 MMORPGs out there including F2P and P2P, and with populations of each game probably surpassing WoW's playerbase by 10x if everyone one in the world wanted to play WoW they would but they AREN'T the only people making the WoW clones are the big studios with publishers with hefty backing , everyone else including indie studios realize that not making a WoW clone is what people really want, along with more options, customization , features, non combat activities, more guild-community events and features, engaging world pvp.

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I'm glad you liked it. It was made to cut deep. People need to be told of their ignorance. Not having the 4 things I listed is going backwards. Also I assume anyone who puts the word "clone" in their post did not read it. It's not what i'm asking for.


No i did not like it and no it dosent "cut anyone deeply" You must think your post is going to change this game magically to your liking, frankly you've made your points clear, this game is not WoW and no one wants it to be.

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So you have no answer and i'm correct. I'm glad we agree.


Well, no we don't agree. We can agree to disagree, or we can agree that you're wrong. But we can't agree that you're correct, cause you're not. I don't think a game that has 250k subscribers is a dead game (using the same number as I think you did in another post).


There's no truth in what you're saying, just as there's no truth to what I'm saying - the difference is, I'm not claiming that there's any truth to what I'm saying - while you having exactly used the words to say that what you're saying is true, you're still insinuating that it is and that everyone else is wrong unless of course they agree with you.

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Don't forget there are over 450 MMORPGs out there including F2P and P2P, and with populations of each game probably surpassing WoW's playerbase by 10x if everyone one in the world wanted to play WoW they would but they AREN'T the only people making the WoW clones are the big studios with publishers with hefty backing , everyone else including indie studios realize that not making a WoW clone is what people really want, along with more options, customization , features, non combat activities, more guild-community events and features, engaging world pvp.


i agree


i hate wow, wish i had never resubbed for Catafail


was great in TBC, but that was when i first started to play mmos, loved it back then, now the game sucks ballz


i just hope come the 20th 99% of these trolls will pee off and leave us alone


this is an epic game and it will only get better with time


oh and on LFG tool, im sure there is a dev post saying it will not happen

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Don't forget there are over 450 MMORPGs out there including F2P and P2P, and with populations of each game probably surpassing WoW's playerbase by 10x if everyone one in the world wanted to play WoW they would but they AREN'T the only people making the WoW clones are the big studios with publishers with hefty backing , everyone else including indie studios realize that not making a WoW clone is what people really want, along with more options, customization , features, non combat activities, more guild-community events and features, engaging world pvp.


Agreed BUT and this is the big BUTT, you have to remember that these studios are creating games for the mindless masses who just want to one-hit kill and button mash without any thought being placed into playing a game.


"Strategy - duh, what's that?? You mean I ACTUALLY have to 'think' when I play?! I just can't aim and kill? What is the world coming to?!"


That's what I like about this game - you ACTUALLY HAVE TO THINK when you do something. And Star Wars is great anyway so that's an added nice bonus. Granted there are a MYRIAD of problems but that's already been addressed here on the forum ad nauseum.

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Oh no WOW went from 12 million Subs to 10 million. It's an old game bro. People Quit. I loved Streetfighter 2 but I don't still play it.

Yes, but a 17% drop in sub numbers over the course of a bit over a year is pretty distressing for a game company, and also quite indicative of the game's draw.


And despite your analogy, single-player games and MMOs are not comparable. Single player games are effectively fire and forget, they generally have only a little replay value, if any. MMOs are designed not just to have replay value but sustained play value. If they are failing to provide that, sub numbers drop, and that's precisely the effect I'm pointing out.


I'm not saying that mods and an LFG will kill SWTOR. Hell, I'm pretty on board with picking up both, provided that LFG stays server-exclusive (cross server utterly destroyed server communities in WoW), and provided the addon API is a bit more limited than WoW's. All I'm saying is that WoW was not the golden paradigm of everything every MMO should aspire to and copy. They did some good things, including a number that SWTOR still doesn't have, but they also made a number of major mistakes, and exacerbated those by making further mistakes in their reactions thereof.


Bioware needs to be very careful about exactly what they borrow from WoW and what they don't, both to avoid making Blizzard's same mistakes again and to avoid alienating the "older" MMO players that grew up on SWG, Ultima, EQ, and their peers rather than WoW.

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Don't forget there are over 450 MMORPGs out there including F2P and P2P, and with populations of each game probably surpassing WoW's playerbase by 10x if everyone one in the world wanted to play WoW they would but they AREN'T the only people making the WoW clones are the big studios with publishers with hefty backing , everyone else including indie studios realize that not making a WoW clone is what people really want, along with more options, customization , features, non combat activities, more guild-community events and features, engaging world pvp.


F2P games are a Joke and guess which game the 2 most successful of the F2P crowd clone.


Perfect World. WOW Clone.


Runes of Magic. WOW clone.


Perfect World = F2P but Pay too Raid.


Runes of Magic = You Can Buy Stats on top of Stats on Top of Stats and you must!


The people in F2Ps are not Serious MMORPGers in the least. I dunno why you would even drag them in this conversation. F2P games are Garbage Games that no respectable MMORPGer would subscribe to.


Oh yea I dabbled in both! Nanner nanner nanner my frame of reference is bigger than yours.

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Don't know if I'm in the majority or minority, but I agree with the OP. I wouldn't say it as harsh as he/she did, but I definitely would have loved this game if it played a lot more like WOW but with the Star Wars facelift.


Think about it, do I continue to play WOW and its outdated graphics, environment, etc. Or do I change to SWTOR, that plays like WOW, but with its awesome facelift, and it being freak'in Star Wars, i think it would have been an easy decision for most of the WOW base community, which would have made this a hell of a cash COW for BIO and EA


Anyways, I cancelled, not that anyone cares, but you'll at least have one less unhappy poster in the forums, and in game of course.... hooray for you!




STOP with all the instancing!


Forgot to mention that I still have 8 days... mauahahahaha

Edited by Bruticuss
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So you have no answer and i'm correct. I'm glad we agree.


dude here is one for you


World of Warcraft is only an mmo in name, its a single player game now that has one goal to milk as much money from scrubs like you who this its hard playing a game that has been milked down to the point now that you only have 6 talent points instead of a custem tree.. yeah real good, oh and the balanced pvp is so great


and you forgot to ask for area in your list

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dude here is one for you


World of Warcraft is only an mmo in name, its a single player game now that has one goal to milk as much money from scrubs like you who this its hard playing a game that has been milked down to the point now that you only have 6 talent points instead of a custem tree.. yeah real good, oh and the balanced pvp is so great


and you forgot to ask for area in your list


for a moment i thought you were talking about swtor lol

Edited by Carnerous
eq is bad
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Yes, but a 17% drop in sub numbers over the course of a bit over a year is pretty distressing for a game company, and also quite indicative of the game's draw.


And despite your analogy, single-player games and MMOs are not comparable. Single player games are effectively fire and forget, they generally have only a little replay value, if any. MMOs are designed not just to have replay value but sustained play value. If they are failing to provide that, sub numbers drop, and that's precisely the effect I'm pointing out.


I'm not saying that mods and an LFG will kill SWTOR. Hell, I'm pretty on board with picking up both, provided that LFG stays server-exclusive (cross server utterly destroyed server communities in WoW), and provided the addon API is a bit more limited than WoW's. All I'm saying is that WoW was not the golden paradigm of everything every MMO should aspire to and copy. They did some good things, including a number that SWTOR still doesn't have, but they also made a number of major mistakes, and exacerbated those by making further mistakes in their reactions thereof.


Bioware needs to be very careful about exactly what they borrow from WoW and what they don't, both to avoid making Blizzard's same mistakes again and to avoid alienating the "older" MMO players that grew up on SWG, Ultima, EQ, and their peers rather than WoW.


You are Wrong. WOW is what MMOs should try to be. It's entering it's 7th year and still has a huge Subs base despite new competition from so-called "Next Gen" MMORPGs. To say that companies should not want the long-term success WOW has had, and that they should fight against the brilliant Advancements is ludicrous.

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dude here is one for you


World of Warcraft is only an mmo in name, its a single player game now that has one goal to milk as much money from scrubs like you who this its hard playing a game that has been milked down to the point now that you only have 6 talent points instead of a custem tree.. yeah real good, oh and the balanced pvp is so great


and you forgot to ask for area in your list


This was lame. Shocking News: I haven't played WOW for atleast 6 months. Please tell me more about how they are "milking scrubs like me".

Edited by Chosenxeno
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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!


I like Wow, or moreso, I liked it very much at one time. I don't' hate it though, its just old. I may very well go back to wow. I have a raid tank over there that I love playing, but I don't want another game just like it.


I'm having a ball.


This is not that game, and I doubt it will end up being that game. The story line is awesome, and the game promises to be also, well, for those that want to stop abbreviating MMORPG's again.


The interface is just a shell for a new release. It will change dramatically I feel. I don't think that there is anyone that does not believe there will be much more flexibility as we move forward. I'm not against addons either. I probably had more then anyone I knew in WoW.


I would rather the game not become the next epic battle for first world kills, though. If I can have that with some raiding that does not require hours of min maxing, that would also be great. If they can pull it off while discouraging it from becoming yet another race focusing on bleeding edge competition, then yeah.... Pretty sure that I'm here to stay.

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