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Fast way to get social points?


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Well let's see, take three other people. Every time you roll highest on a speech thing you get 8 points, if not 4. So for 550 points you need to WIN about 69 speech rolls, else it's double so 138 speech option selections in total.


TL;DR = you need to be in a FULL GROUP and you guys need to get a total of 138 speech options.

Edited by OxTox
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I ran BT about five times today, as a level 44 assassin I can faceroll the place in under 5-7 mins, with the bulk of it being in conversations. 140-170 points a run, so an hour of farming with three others should do it. Yes, BT is viable.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I like getting social up however social gear is lame.... its all light and only viable for consular/inquis classe. Medium social gear was in beta why is it no in the live game!?!?!?!?! and lack of social gear choices on each planet kinna sucks too.. I really want 2-5 different choices in social gear per planet per armor level.
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I like getting social up however social gear is lame.... its all light and only viable for consular/inquis classe. Medium social gear was in beta why is it no in the live game!?!?!?!?! and lack of social gear choices on each planet kinna sucks too.. I really want 2-5 different choices in social gear per planet per armor level.


personally I'm looking to the future where I expect them to take better advantage of social gear options... and to that speeder on Tatooine that requires social rank V if memory serves me right.

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Milking BT? Sure do. Every damn day.


I start each and every gaming session with a run through BT... And why?


1st) Easy source of Social Points, that I desperatly need.


2nd) I love escorting the young ones through. It's like my duty to the Empire.


3rd) I just can't get enough of that Moff Whathisname, Admiral of the 5th Fleet, 2nd to the Minister of War, the one, the only Butcher of Couruscant.....lol


and not neccessarily in that order...:o:cool:

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