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Rested experience


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theres nothing called FULL rested xp, its just an extension of your bar that makes you get double xp the longer offline or just in a cantina\rest zone the longer the bar gets, one reason why i made all my alts and my main at the same time and placed all the alts i would maybe play later in the rest sone to await my urge to play a alt hehe.
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How long does it take to get full rested experience when you log out in a rest zone and how many levels do you get?


Thanks in advance!


The Max rested xp is the amount of xp you require to level up.


Bascially, when you hover over your xp bar, you will see xxx/yyyyyyyy xp

The maximum rested xp is yyyyyyyy which depends on your current level.

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Rested experience actually generates fairly quickly. Something along the lines of 1 exp every 10 seconds or so I think. Though I'm not sure if there is currently a cap to it, and it seems to be a bit buggy....I had a guildy log out for 2 days and has gotten 2.5 levels of rested boost.
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theres nothing called FULL rested xp, its just an extension of your bar that makes you get double xp the longer offline or just in a cantina\rest zone the longer the bar gets, one reason why i made all my alts and my main at the same time and placed all the alts i would maybe play later in the rest sone to await my urge to play a alt hehe.


I think he is talking about when the rested xp reach the max and won't increase until you use them.

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Rested experience is the green bar of experience you get when you log out of the game in a cantina or other rest area. In WOW you could get a max rested bonus of 1.5 levels for 3 real days logged out in a city or rest area.

I was wondering what the max amount of rest experience you can get and how long it takes in real time. Does anyone know?

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The XP gain is not flat, so 1 xp per 10 seconds is completely wrong. The xp gain definitely depends on your level, it is likely % based. For example, it takes something ridiculous like 10 minutes to get 1 xp if you are a level 1 character. The gain is something like 5% of your bar (5% of the XP required to make the next level) for 8 hours, thats what it seems like to me anyways.


For whoever said he got 2.5 levels worth of bonus xp in just a couple days, that has to be wrong. One of my alts has been sitting in a rested area for at least 5 days and still does not have a full level of rested bonus up. I hear the cap on rested XP is 1 level --


Example: You are 65000/90000 xp to level. Your rested XP cap is 90000, meaning that you can have up to 90000 xp in reserve in your rested bonus. This amount of XP can go into your next level.

Edited by Auhfel
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LOL - Do you think anyone in the game has already rested long enough to figure this out? I think not :)




I will find it out likely very soon and I've only been playing barely over a week. I'm leveling 8 characters at once so all of my characters rest.. for long periods of time too since i can only play one at a time. One of my characters almost has a full level's in reserve, We;ll see where she stops.


Fyi, my characters are 16/16/16/16/17/18/19/22

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The XP gain is not flat, so 1 xp per 10 seconds is completely wrong. The xp gain definitely depends on your level, it is likely % based. For example, it takes something ridiculous like 10 minutes to get 1 xp if you are a level 1 character. The gain is something like 5% of your bar (5% of the XP required to make the next level) for 8 hours, thats what it seems like to me anyways.


For whoever said he got 2.5 levels worth of bonus xp in just a couple days, that has to be wrong. One of my alts has been sitting in a rested area for at least 5 days and still does not have a full level of rested bonus up. I hear the cap on rested XP is 1 level --


Example: You are 65000/90000 xp to level. Your rested XP cap is 90000, meaning that you can have up to 90000 xp in reserve in your rested bonus. This amount of XP can go into your next level.


You may be right about the max. I think the reason people think they are getting 2.5 levels or more rested xp has to do with the fact that it applies only to kills afaik. Quest xp is not doubled nor does it use up your rested xp.

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I honestly think the whole rested think is a crapshoot and buggy as all get out of town. I logged last night with a tick of rested exp left from the weekend when I didn't play. When I logged in a few minutes ago after parking in a cantina it was the same...


Nothing moved within the 8 or so hours I was away. Go figure.

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I will find it out likely very soon and I've only been playing barely over a week. I'm leveling 8 characters at once so all of my characters rest.. for long periods of time too since i can only play one at a time. One of my characters almost has a full level's in reserve, We;ll see where she stops.


Fyi, my characters are 16/16/16/16/17/18/19/22


LOL that's Awsome! I was thinking about doing that. But then thought it best to bounce between just a few then try others when those few level to 50.

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I don't think it's buggy at all. It seems to work perfectly as intended. All of my characters are getting their rested bonus as they are supposed too. I log on each of them once a day to do the space combat dailys and have the run missions while I do the dailies, so I do check their bars.
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I may be wrong here but you don't get ANY experience for resting. Simply the capacity to earn more XP when playing the game. The longer you rest the longer that bonus lasts. So you're only gaining potential XP, not actual points.


When the game first arrived I had a nasty habit of falling asleep while playing therefore negating this bonus entirely.


Yellow bar FTW!

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LOL that's Awsome! I was thinking about doing that. But then thought it best to bounce between just a few then try others when those few level to 50.


Well, then I found out about Legacy. I'd suggest you start doing it after you get your Legacy. I'm gonna keep doing the space missions for all the characters each day, but this weekend I'm going to powerlevel someone to finish act 1 and get the legacy.

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I may be wrong here but you don't get ANY experience for resting. Simply the capacity to earn more XP when playing the game. The longer you rest the longer that bonus lasts. So you're only gaining potential XP, not actual points.


When the game first arrived I had a nasty habit of falling asleep while playing therefore negating this bonus entirely.


Yellow bar FTW!


Well, kind of. It doesn't actually give you XP, but it does give you a pool of experience points depending on how long you rested. Whenever you get xp from killing a mob, you get a bonus amount of xp which is matched to what you got from the kill, and that bonus comes from your rested experience pool.


*edit: I'm just trying to get at the point that it's not a time-based bonus, you have as much time as you need to unlock the bonus experience points you earned from resting.

Edited by Auhfel
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LOL - Do you think anyone in the game has already rested long enough to figure this out? I think not :)




Yeah I've capped out on an alt multiple times already. It takes only a few days at most, at least at the low levels. I didn't exactly time it.

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