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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Ok, if this has not been clear to you: I do have high resolution textures in game since I changed this setting, so this has been a good workaround for me (and some others). No need to shout at me for providing a solution. I can post a screenshot for you, but I am currently at work, and it's not worth getting fired over.


Actualy your now just seeing what the rest of us have been already and you "think" its high rez because its looks better to you.

STO had a similar issue where GPU's with low vram would have there textures crippled unless you ran the game in XP mode.

If you happen to have a card with 1GB+ vRAM then this fix makes no differnce for you what so ever.

Now please dont think im ragging on you, because im not. I'm just trying to set the facts stright :)

Edited by Venares
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Ok, if this has not been clear to you: I do have high resolution textures in game since I changed this setting, so this has been a good workaround for me (and some others). No need to shout at me for providing a solution. I can post a screenshot for you, but I am currently at work, and it's not worth getting fired over.


You might have gotten an improvement, sure, and THINK the game is High Res now. But it's not because the game doesn't enable high res toon textures. It might look better than before but it's not as good as it should be.


Do the holocron trick and post pictures or nobody will believe you.]


EDIT: Damn venares you bean me to it heh

Edited by daMarek
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Ok, if this has not been clear to you: I do have high resolution textures in game since I changed this setting, so this has been a good workaround for me (and some others). No need to shout at me for providing a solution. I can post a screenshot for you, but I am currently at work, and it's not worth getting fired over.


All right, I do not even know why I bothered to test those "fixes" you linked... While they do may help with the FPS issue -which this topic is not about- they definitely do not enable high ress textures of characters. Please see the first post of this topic if you want to understand what it is all about.

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Ok, if this has not been clear to you: I do have high resolution textures in game since I changed this setting, so this has been a good workaround for me (and some others). No need to shout at me for providing a solution. I can post a screenshot for you, but I am currently at work, and it's not worth getting fired over.


It is not clear to you.


I am really sorry if I have offend you. But, believe me, your character does not have high resolution textures.

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I doubt anything significant info will come out today, on the flip side I don't think there's any reason to panic about the 'Medium is the new High' setting on the PTRs.


Call me naive, but I cannot for one second believe that Bioware will not address this issue, it's too obvious and too much time and effort (and cash) have been spent on this game to not fix glaring issues like this.


The explanation is likely that it's not just a matter of enabling the high res textures, but that there complications tied into it, possible memory leaks etc. Now I am no computer wiz, so that might be wrong, but common sense dictates that it's only a matter of time before this is fixed.

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Actualy your now just seeing what the rest of us have been already and you "think" its high rez because its looks better to you.

STO had a similar issue where GPU's with low vram would have there textures crippled unless you ran the game in XP mode.

If you happen to have a card with 1GB+ vRAM then this fix makes no differnce for you what so ever.

Now please dont think im ragging on you, because im not. I'm just trying to set the facts stright :)


I used to have very pixelized (is that a word?) banners outside de space station on Dromund Kaas, this has been completely resolved. Also the rocks have much sharper textures. My character finally doesn't look out of focus anymore either, so it made a huge difference. When they posted they had fixed this in 1.02 I tried it with without compatibility, and it was as bad again as it used to be, so I am completely sure this worked, it looks like a new game to me. I can post a pic with both settings if you want when I get home.

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I used to have very pixelized (is that a word?) banners outside de space station on Dromund Kaas, this has been completely resolved. Also the rocks have much sharper textures. My character finally doesn't look out of focus anymore either, so it made a huge difference. When they posted they had fixed this in 1.02 I tried it with without compatibility, and it was as bad again as it used to be, so I am completely sure this worked, it looks like a new game to me. I can post a pic with both settings if you want when I get home.


lol I dont think you understood what he was saying not to mention it isn't even out yet so how could they have fixed it?

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I doubt anything significant info will come out today, on the flip side I don't think there's any reason to panic about the 'Medium is the new High' setting on the PTRs.


Call me naive, but I cannot for one second believe that Bioware will not address this issue, it's too obvious and too much time and effort (and cash) have been spent on this game to not fix glaring issues like this.


The explanation is likely that it's not just a matter of enabling the high res textures, but that there complications tied into it, possible memory leaks etc. Now I am no computer wiz, so that might be wrong, but common sense dictates that it's only a matter of time before this is fixed.


Faith in your new Developer, misplaced may be...


- Shadows not working properly

- Shaders not working properly

- AA (and soon to be fixed) not working currently

- Texture Quality not working properly


All this has been reported during BETA.


- No direct communication happened until this thread, at all.

- Shady move to mislabel Texture options to fake working circumstances on PTS





I won't argue about how great it would be if they will fix everything. But up until now it's just another WAR, AOC and Rift.

Edited by -sasori
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High textures dont exist plain and simple and this attempt to pull the wool over peoples eyes is very underhand IMO


Beta builds and all beta installations prior to the patch that killed the high res textures where 30-32GB the instalation footprint then dropped dramatically for the final build to the current 19-20GB you see now. No amount of logging accounts for 12gb (it could just be some epic compression and I could be totally wrong though)


I personally believe that High res textures where outright removed from the client never mind just disabled thus making it only 2 options available which is what they are now trying to rectify.


I personally don't mind how it looks now with a few tweaks it can be pretty but believe me its not a patch on what it looked like 4 month ago when maxed and AA enabled through the config (didnt even have to force it through catalyst or NCP back then)


Would just be nice to get some honesty rather than an underhand attempt to pull the wool.


"Hey guys we found an issue with high res textures in the final beta that meant they had to be removed" is better than an attempt to cover up something existing that everyone who played beta and 10000s of others could see in screenshots and video when the NDA dropped or Bioware released screenshots.

Edited by thamightyboro
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lol I dont think you understood what he was saying not to mention it isn't even out yet so how could they have fixed it?


1.02 was released on the 4th of January, they mentioned they fixed it in the patchnotes:



although they later altered it, saying it only affects new installations:

"Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other."


This was also mentioned in the start of this thread, but the developer hasnt responded to this yet.

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Faith in your new Developer, misplaced may be...


- Shadows not working properly

- Shaders not working properly

- AA (and soon to be fixed) not working currently

- Texture Quality not working properly


All this has been reported during BETA.


- No direct communication happened until this thread, at all.

- Shady move to mislabel Texture options to fake working circumstances on PTS





I won't argue about how great it would be if they will fix everything. But up until now it's just another WAR, AOC and Rift.


^This x 1000 - oh you forgot, it's another WAR, AOC, and Rift except there are shiny light sabers now. Everyone goes ga ga over them.


and AOC now has excellent communication skills. Took them 3 years.

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you are cancelling a game, that is fun otherwise you wouldnt be posting here, because instead of hi rez textures you are using medium textures? REALLY? ?!?!


i have no idea HOW its happenin but in mine the high rez textures display on everything except characters and weapons, and to be quite honest, i rly dont care much , it looks and runs pretty good already so why the hell would i stop playing just because of a MINOR graphical detail that wont make my gameplay any different?

Edited by Averran
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Maybe the problem is with Remote Rendering Client-Server.


As you can see on picture, we have some RRC-S,dll




according to this documentation it says:"The system consists of a 3D viewer client that includes low-resolution versions of the 3D models, and a rendering server that renders and returns images of high-resolution models according to client requests. The server implements a number of defenses to guard against 3D reconstruction attacks, such as monitoring and limiting request streams, and slightly perturbing and distorting the rendered images. "

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you are cancelling a game, that is fun otherwise you wouldnt be posting here, because instead of hi rez textures you are using medium textures? REALLY? ?!?!


i have no idea HOW its happenin but in mine the high rez textures display on everything except characters and weapons, and to be quite honest, i rly dont care much , it looks and runs pretty good already so why the hell would i stop playing just because of a MINOR graphical detail that wont make my gameplay any different?


QFT It irks me a little but its not worth cancelling a sub of a game you enjoy over.

Edited by Averran
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