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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!



Please keep us up-to-date!!!! It really is a important issue to us all here!!


Thank you again for early Monday response!! I have faith in you!!!


May the Force be with you!

Edited by WarheartZero
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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Well ill be damned.


Hope to hear from you soon about what the devs say.


Thanks for the update.

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Thanks for the information, much appreciated.

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Yes thank you for the update.

Oh and when you address the issue can you ask about the Ninja Fix on the PTR? Removing the medium and making the high setting the new medium tells me the issue is well known.

Hopefully whoever the brainiac was that decided that was a good idea on the PTR will get demoted.

Fry guy in the company cafeteria has an opening I hear.:eek:

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.




nice, i always wonder how comes textures were so crap

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To further explore this issue: It's not just the textures. Reflections are missing too. (Shader)


Both are made in game no cutscenes. Since it's bugged in those too, and yes the current texture quality is awful...


Inside Hangar : Outside



Helmet visor, Shoulders Breastplate.



Especially the legplates


Those green boots, seriously...what a mess.



Oh and shadows! Would be nice to get an offical response if they are aware it's not just AA and the Textures who are not working properly.

Edited by -sasori
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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Thank god! Thank you very much for the responce we were waiting for. I know the team will be able to solve this asap.


Keep up the good work!

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Thanks Stephen, can we have more of this please?


Lack of communication is what's causing a fair few of the rage posts on these forums. All we want is for acknowledgement of issues that we're having and not blanket silence that causes uncertainty and animosity.



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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Thank you Stephen, but please be sure to ask why the Medium textures are the new high Textures on the PTR. We know the textures are in game and no offense, but its kinda disheartening to see them change it to where medium = high on the PTR.











we know its all in there. We would just like the option to be able to use them if we have the system for them.

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Thanks Stephen, can we have more of this please?


Lack of communication is what's causing a fair few of the rage posts on these forums. All we want is for acknowledgement of issues that we're having and not blanket silence that causes uncertainty and animosity.




BW are posting a helluva lot more than I've seen other MMO developers do. I remember when people said BW don't even check the forums, oh how wrong those ppl were.

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.

Good to hear as this is one of the bugs (together with the clipping isses with clothing, the bugs concerning companions and the bad performance) which really keep me from enjoying this game fully.

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


yes finally an answer or more of an acknowledgment but we'll take what we can get.


Still i can't help but have a bad feeling about this, there would be no reason to remove the medium options in 1.1 if they were planing to resolve the issue soon, that would have been unnecessary work for only a couple days or weeks or whatever time it would take to correct the issue.

But no they took out the options and did that in a covert way, without mention in the patch notes, so call me paranoid but that doesn't give me much confidence.


Anyway i'm not in their heads so there is maybe a very logical explanation for the way they did it, i hope there is because i really like this game but every time i look at my chars armor i can't help but cringe.


Lets wait and see, not much else we can do anyway.

Edited by skepticck
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Someone mentioned something about more communication and I agree....Even if its you guys just communicating with the CM team like that other MMO does, Its still communication and It helps a lot to know what is going on with the game development. A lot of people treat an MMO as an investment because of the periodical release of money to it. We just ask that you guys would give us a little more than what we are getting right now. Some updates from your CM team would suffice.
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yes finally an answer or more of an acknowledgment but we'll take what we can get.


Still i can't help but have a bad feeling about this, there would be no reason to remove the medium options in 1.1 if they were planing to resolve the issue soon, that would have been unnecessary work for only a couple days or weeks or whatever time it would take to correct the issue.

But no they took out the options and did that in a covert way, without mention in the patch notes, so call me paranoid but that doesn't give me much confidence.


Anyway i'm not in their heads so there is maybe a very logical explanation for the way they did it, i hope there is because i really like this game but every time i look at my chars armor i can't help but cringe.


I'm slightly worried about this myself. a Stealth Nerf where they take out medium indicates something completely different and a lot less hopeful than a stealth nerf where they take out high or even a documented change where they take out one or the other.


That's the thing that got me is they changed it without mentioning it. Its almost like putting wool over our heads hoping we wouldn't notice and throughout my time playing MMOs, if there's one thing I've come to know, your playerbase catches EVERYTHING.

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.

Thank you, Mr. Reid. Official word on this would be awesome.

Edited by Calimwulf
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//New Update 09/01/2012



More info on this, by MaxWham:




4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes.



The bolded part of the quote is very interesting to me as cutscenes are the only times that I see "tree flicker". I can't rightly explain it, but the tree leaves appear to have shading issues or something causing them to flicker constantly during cutscenes. This helps make sense of the problem, if an entirely different quality of texture is being loaded for the cs.

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The bolded part of the quote is very interesting to me as cutscenes are the only times that I see "tree flicker". I can't rightly explain it, but the tree leaves appear to have shading issues or something causing them to flicker constantly during cutscenes. This helps make sense of the problem, if an entirely different quality of texture is being loaded for the cs.


I don't seem to have any issues with any flickering during cutscenes....but such is the nature of PCs. That's why this issue along with some others is so complicated. 2 million different people with 2 million different configurations.

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