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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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My question to all the posters here is how many of you have AA forced on? This game looks more then good with AA on. And I don't even have AA maxed. Ya I'd like some higher res textures as well but the only time you notice em is on your character when you zoom in. And the only time you should be fully zoomed in is when you are talking to someone and well higher res textures work there.



Here is a pic of my Jedi chilling in Alderaan, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/screenshot2012011007251.jpg/



How is that not playable? To all the people who are going to cancel there subscription after looking at that screenie go ahead cause the game is never going to look as good as you hoped. This is the hero engine, where miracles go to die. Let me just state again I'm all for better textures, but you just have to be realistic peeps. Looking forward to an announcement on the issue Stephen!



It does look pretty sure it does IMO anyway, what your missing is that up until 7-8 weeks ago the game did actually look better, right through BETA we had High resolution textures we had AA that could be enabled via the .ini no need for forcing it through catalyst or NCP.


These for some reason where pulled 1 month prior to release with the build before the mass of beta weekends. Coincidently the game size dropped from 32GB to 20GB install footprint and I doubt this was compression.


I could understand your post if there was nothing better and people where asking for a whole graphics overhaul we aren't though we are simply asking for the textures that exist already and have for months that ran perfectly on all 3 of my systems and on 1000s of other players, I cannot find any reason why these would have been removed other than BW/EA/LA wanted to get the install and download down in size and instead they planned to introduce them as a optional 10GB extra download in the future or they feared Jonny Dell and his garbage machine would QQ that his £400 machine (including monitor) couldnt run it maxed.


I don't mind if thats the case I really don't we would just like an answer and not a feeble attempt to pull the wool over peoples eyes by renaming options like they tried on PTS

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Bad link. I'm assuming it's because they did a forum wipe before live...


Aye noticed it have fixed the links with a few of the images.



Alternatly just google "betacake high texture swtor screenshots" and you will get 100s of results showing just what the game should™ look like.

Edited by thamightyboro
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My question to all the posters here is how many of you have AA forced on? This game looks more then good with AA on. And I don't even have AA maxed. Ya I'd like some higher res textures as well but the only time you notice em is on your character when you zoom in. And the only time you should be fully zoomed in is when you are talking to someone and well higher res textures work there.



Here is a pic of my Jedi chilling in Alderaan, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/screenshot2012011007251.jpg/



How is that not playable? To all the people who are going to cancel there subscription after looking at that screenie go ahead cause the game is never going to look as good as you hoped. This is the hero engine, where miracles go to die. Let me just state again I'm all for better textures, but you just have to be realistic peeps. Looking forward to an announcement on the issue Stephen!



In my opinion, it has nothing to do with being playable, or requiring the game to look amazing. To me, the problem is that EVERY official BioWare screen shots and videos of the game here on this site, and pics sent to publications all over the world, all show the game with the High-res textures, AA, and appear to have much better shaders / lighting.


Everyone was led to believe THAT was how the game was going to look. Instead, we only get medium textures, disabled AA, low quality shadows, and low quality lighting and shaders.


It all boils down to not giving us what we were promised by every official screenshot and video, and the slow responses from the developers.


And before someone says "The devs talked about this in beta, that there's a problem with the high-res textures". For those of us who weren't in the closed beta, how are we supposed to have known that? Also, can someone point to this post, or comment? It makes it REALLY difficult to find the devs comment on this, without any search features on these forums. And quite honestly, I wouldn't trust the word of any forum member here if my life depended on it. Too many trolls, too many people that don't know what they are talking about, and too many people who refuse to read the majority of a thread, so they don't end up posting useless information that has been known for nearly a month.


So when a forum member says " Well the devs said this back in beta!!!" I fully disregard their statement, unless they have a link to the devs comment/s.


I personally am not going to unsubscribe due to this issue. But it is worrying that they removed the medium option in PTS, and made high the current medium. I believe they will eventually get the high-res textures working eventually. But I fully understand the frustration of many people who are angry because they quite simply are not getting what was advertised to them.


So I'm just gonna sit back, watch some movies while I play the game, and wait for an official response ( Dual monitors for the win! )



OH, BTW. For people having heat issues, Go download "Dxtory" or another similar program. It allows you to lock the frame-rate of pretty much anything to any framerate you want. So you can lock the game at 60, or 30FPS without having to use Vsync, which can cause input lag, and reduced performance. Honestly, this feature should have been included in the game, since Vsync won't work when in fullscreen windowed mode ( Which I am using, since I have two monitors ). So Dxtory currently drops my GPU usage by around 40%, as many parts of the game are no longer being rendered at 100+ FPS.

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Perhaps I'm blind, but I've been playing today and I swear I'm no longer seeing higher res textures on clothes in conversation mode. It's mainly the shirts where it's truly noticeable.


Is it just me or is this a bug/known issue?


Probably you, but some gear looks horrible even on conversations.

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What blows my mind is how we all know the textures are there, they're in the game, and furthermore: THEY WORK. During cut-scenes we can all see them. The game gets OBVIOUSLY, NOTICEABLY higher in quality, and it isn't just the depth of field blur.


If you click on the intercom, for a second your armor flashes to high resolution, with bump mapping, and then it goes back.


We NEED an official statement on this YESTERDAY.


Adding Anti-Aliasing to the game is nice, but AA should have been there at launch. That we can't use high resolution textures is mind boggling. AA is not a replacement for high-resolution textures; AA solves the problem of the texture being far away and thus taking up a smaller resolution than its own fidelity. This makes far away textures look good, but close up textures will still look bad and AA will not improve that AT ALL.


And as others have said, I can forgive problems. If they're working on it, S happens, I know. But TELL US. Let us know you know, and that a fix is on the way.


Instead, we get news that "medium" is the new "high" and they've just taken one of the settings away. This really makes it sound like they know there's a problem, but they've given up on it. An official acknowledgement would go a LONG way.


But... I just can't imagine how this is happening. The textures are done, the assets are in the game. You can see them. If this wasn't the case, that'd be something totally different. If the high resolution textures weren't done, fine. But they're RIGHT THERE, sitting on my hard-drive, being ignored.


That people are talking about .dll hacks to force loading the better textures is INSANE. Is this a AAA game or not?


If it was a performance issue, they could just let you pick. If they were worried about some people's machines not being able to handle it, they could just give us another option. But instead they're taking options away.

Edited by miliways
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Theres a bunch of 1920 x 1080 high texture images with 4 x AA taken not long before the disabling/removal of the high res textures for the final beta build.


It would be better if you had a comparison shot of what it was before especially in the environment shot. From what I can tell the environments like Tatooine or with wide terrain don't change at all from low to medium, the details of buildings and characters do but the environment doesn't. I will check this later but I am sure of this.

Edited by Phoenixblight
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Ya i get the "tree flicker" effect too on cutscenes. Running I7 920 with ATI 6970.


Yes, I too get tree-flicker. For what its worth, I also got the exact same tree-flicker when I played NWN2 on a persistent world. And only on that persistant world. Which would point to some odd uses of lighting I thought.


Only two places I ever get tree flicker.

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Coincidently the game size dropped from 32GB to 20GB install footprint and I doubt this was compression.


I always wondered why there weren't more people wondering just WHY the game client suddenly dropped so much in size. It's >12gb less, that's a little much to attribute just to basic optimization of the client.


When they released the image of the Collector's Edition contents, it showed 4 game install DVD's (in addition to the soundtrack CD):



To me that seems like they were, at that point, expecting the client to remain roughly the same size until launch.


Yet when my box arrived the case only held 3 DVD's and they were numbered as "x of 3" - so the client size didn't just get substantially reduced, it seems it was a very conscious design decision that was made in time to alter the production of the boxed copies.

Edited by Amarinth
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The more and more we wait for a response, the more i am convinced that the problem is somehow very difficult to fix in a short time period, hopefully i am wrong, but i doubt it.


Anyway it's far from being some kind of a game breaker for me, i am sure the developers will find a solution in due time.

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I always wondered why there weren't more people wondering just WHY the game client suddenly dropped so much in size. It's >12gb less, that's a little much to attribute just to basic optimization of the client.


If this is the case then the solution would be really simple, just give us the optional 10GB high quality texture download and problem solved.


We shall see soon enough.

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Must have better graphics. It looks so cartoonish. I bought a high tech graphics card just for this game and I'm very frustrated that they make my toon non-smoothed edged and game production student textures.


Well better move to a different game because the High res texture will not make the game look less cartoonish. You will just get more detailed cartoonish style.

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50 + pages of QQ.


Its irritating yes, but I'd rather them fix hard modes and nerf ops/smugglers first.


That would be a completley different part of the dev team dealing iwth that, unless you think the dev team consists of only 5 doing the artwork/modelling/animations/coding.

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I still insist that the game is in fact processing those textures. working your card to death, and not showing you anything. I can get the high rez textures on most objects, and if i sit still long enough the rest will load. Another funny issue is that it takes longer on some planets than others. Hoth takes 3 times as long as korriban. Go to any location. Find a bind point and walk to it. it should become high res at a few feet... but it wont on hoth or voss. it will stay low res for a min on those planets.
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