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Damage epeen thread - post your highest dmg screenshots here


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You saw right through me there buddy. Have a cookie


Hes right, you didnt start this to have other people post their damage, you just thought you were good and wanted to brag.


Congrats. Make sure to put 600k aoe damage on your next job resume

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jelly at the first post, jelly at the second, ok u got me there, but the 10nth time i see people bragging about their damage, my friends are doing 500k just for fun, why u never saw them here bragging about it? oh yeah that's right, because they are not pathetic :)
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Hes right, you didnt start this to have other people post their damage, you just thought you were good and wanted to brag.


Congrats. Make sure to put 600k aoe damage on your next job resume


Partially yes, and partially to see how quickly the losers will come out with the: "aoe damage doesn't mean anything spam".


You didn't disappoint.


my friends are doing 500k just for fun, why u never saw them here bragging about it? oh yeah that's right, because they are not pathetic


No, because 500k is unimpressive.

Edited by Ashnazg
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thanks for showing off once again and proving me right :-) make a new thread about you and what an impressive player you are, how about that


btw nice aoe dmg


I'm not making claims about my impressiveness. I am merely showing off a relatively high damage benchmark. The 500k threshold was crested many times, while the 600k is crested much less. 676k is tougher yet to get.



And thank you.

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