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Free month almost gone, My advice for new players sticking with it.


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If you want to play a warrior class. Go jugg over mara. Thats my best advice I can give. If you really like self punishment here are some pros and cons of the class.






Style is fun..

Slight DPS edge on other classes.

Can buff.






In equal gear other classes can do things better. Yes not as much damage, but this game is all about the tools you have. You lack in that area.


Gear: If you thought you was going to get hooded armor like in the video, well you are wrong.


Broken Skills: Some skills don't even work half right. It's been listed in bugs already.


Keybinds: Does not bother me that much because I got a Naga mouse, but to some it might be a hassle. To be on par with everyone else you got to put out twice as much effort.





Jugg rage spec can reach higher numbers so all the rage post you see around here. Juggs can do it better.





I will be back in this game once it is out of the beta stage, but if you are sticking around, take it from someone who is at 50 and half epics (rest level 50 blues). Save yourself the trouble. I can make this class work, but it's not worth it.

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It's not even a troll. This guy has been crying for weeks. Spends more time on the forums then he does at getting gear and excelling at the class.


Awwww that's even worse, so he spends more time crying about a class then learning it ? he's one of those guy's so then we should all be cheering he's leaving ?

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Just watch after the free month is over, he will still be here complaining.

I doubt he is leaving at all. Especially since he invested so much time in

trying to defame marauders.


We aren't lucky enough to have him leave. He'll pay 15 just to qq.

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A few points for the new players also.




The reason I get so much hate on this forum is because, I was the first to call out the problems when the game went live. I'm also very well known as one of the top mara on my server. The people on this forum get upset, because every point they made about balance and showing damage done with screen shots. They get busted down.



Every video showing off skill that they so called have, they get owned even harder. The sad fact is, the truth hurts them. I bring it by the loads and they can't face it. So they end up trolling me.




It's really sad, but people like me who are good at games tend to get jealous people hating them.


To add to it.



Ignore the damage done in post. All they are doing is jumping in and spamming smash to get high numbers. There was a picture of a sorc doing just as much damage if not more when they said it could not be done by other classes LMAO.

Edited by Teladis
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Lol, the more desperate he gets the more obvious he's trolling. Move along


This is another prime example of someone who I've put in his place in many of his screen shots of damage. it's best to just ignore this guy. He is not really that great and brings nothing to the community.



I've listed and reported bugs about the class, and trolls like this one just can't shut up. The mara community is pretty sad it seems.

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No mmo is hard, This class is pretty simple also, Something that is not efficient does not mean it requires more skill. It's more of a hassle.


I find it rather humorous that you try to paint marauders as crap, yet you change your tune to "Oh no, its the carnage tree that is crap" whenever someone who excels at marauder points out the fallacies in your posts.


You won't be missed. Deliberate obtuseness has no charm.

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For newcomers, here's the nubs timeline.

Hey guys, just hit level 20, class sucks.

Hey guys, just hit 30, class sucks

Hey guys, i'm 40 class sucks

Sup, 50, best on my server, class sucks.


So sad we're gonna lose such a valuable community member.

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For newcomers, here's the nubs timeline.

Hey guys, just hit level 20, class sucks.

Hey guys, just hit 30, class sucks

Hey guys, i'm 40 class sucks

Sup, 50, best on my server, class sucks.


So sad we're gonna lose such a valuable community member.



Yup, pretty much this is right.




Before the class was release it took some major nerfs. It was a lot more balanced in beta, but still the class setup itself people really did not want to invite us into flash points.



So they added a fury system, that gave group buffs. The fury system did not fix the core issue of the class it just gave another mindless boring thing to keep up with.



So I tried the class again.



At 20 the class sucked, because other classes could do things faster and better control.


At 30 the class still sucked same issue.


at 40 the class shines some with new skills, but the same core problems with it.


Guess what? 50 and over geared I can at last do things easier! To bad classes could do this **** just as easy without being over geared.




Why do you try and troll me? You are not very good at the class, that was already proven with the lack of knowledge you gave us. So please just go away from this thread that is helping new comers.

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3 pages of the same people over and over. you guys are the biggest trolls around.


each and every one of you keep saying oh hai the marauder is op. instead of actually giving out advice or even constructive criticism. i think the only advice ive heard from the majority of you guys who are constantly on teladis d*** is 'go rage spec. fixed.'


and to whoever said that there is no proof that juggs do rage spec better....are you that dense? you do realize that juggs are actually less inclined to post videos of big numbers simply because no juggs are having problems with 2 / 3 of their trees. on top of that, the rage tree is virtually identical WITH a 30% smash increase in damage. dude, if you can't figure out that their spec is doing 30% more dmg by looking simply at that tier 1 talent then you need to go grab a dictionary, look up the word 'better', then figure out the rest of your own sentence.


i don't need a ******* video to see 30% more dmg as BETTER than our rage tree. on top of that, they have heavy armor, more utility, and can achieve the same, if not more due to the offhand, stats.


why pick rage tree if juggs do it better? oh, because its the only tree thats viable in pvp atm. annih is okay, could use love. carnage has our only utility, which is why i pick it. and its the most gimp.

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