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Single bladed vs double bladed lightsabers?


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So, I just got Nadia Grell, and I'd like to give her a single-bladed saber so she looks different from me. But, before I do, I want to know what the differences are between a single- and double-bladed lightsaber, statwise. Assuming even-level mods, what are the differences between these two weapon types?
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Nadia will suffer from using a single bladed lightsaber mainly because single bladed light sabers have a lower weapon damage value. in my experiance, she still uses all her powers with a different weapon, but they'll do less damage.


Here's what i do instead: I'm artifice so i can whip up hilts like nobodies business. I went down to coru and snagged the moddable electrostaff and leveled it up with my artifice parts. I tossed that on her and she melted faces.


Not as many faces as Zenith melts, but that's a different topic all together.


in short:

Single bladed light sabers do less damage


You can give her an electrostaff instead, and it works fine, and she still looks different.


Zenith is awesome.

Edited by artilleryshell
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