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MMOs and starting zones.


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Just for curiosity.


I have played now quite a few MMOs up trough the years, played several characters and alt's up to max LvL, on both sides when there is a faction.


What game would you say have the best starting zone of all the MMO's you have played. What game gave you the biggest impact in a starting zone.


IMO I have to say AoC, sure the game is not good, but the starting zone and the experience of the zone was amazing. Just the way you moved around in it was awesome. The whole area was just fantastic.

It was a zone you could play trough several times with new characters just to experience it from an other view.

But then you LvLd up and exited the zone, and the game just fell down the drain :s


What is your experience from a starting zone in other games?

Edited by Mamono
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SWG, because there was no starting zone. I hate tutorials.


You mean before they forced all classes to start on the damn space station and then head to Tattooine?


Personally I enjoy the Empire's starting zones in SWtoR the most. Korriban is great and it's by far one of my favorite places to visit in every Star Wars game. Although, Tython is pretty cool too. I don't really like Ord Mantell for some reason, though all the others are very enjoyable to me.


In short, SWtoR has my favorite starting zones thus far of all MMOs I've played.

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I used to love the starting zones in WoW - lots of good diversity in terms of environmental graphics, music, and even background story. And lots of incidental NPC comments that brought home the sense of the place. My favorite was a Forsaken in Brill who said something like, "Sometimes I wonder what happened to my family. Sometimes I wonder why I no longer care..." Goofy as it may sound, I occasionally logged in just to hang out in Teldrassil, Durotar, or Tirisfal Glades.


Lately however, that game seems to just play itself and push you through the starting zones in spite of yourself - really disheartening.


LotRO probably comes a close second (though the tutorials suck). I mean, come on, you get to stomp around The Shire delivering mail and pies! What's not to love about that? :p


I'm not a fan of games that just have one starting area for everyone. Kind of kills the replayability for me when I can roll an alt and do all the starter quests from muscle memory; I get bored before I even get into the game.

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