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The Jung Ma Pen Pal Ring: IC letter exchange


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This is to help establish RP on the Jung Ma server. I stole this idea from Darth Slaine. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=32679 and from StealthNerf


Text copied from that post.




The Jung Ma Pen Pal Ring






The Jung Ma Pen Pal Ring is an in-game IC letter-exchange program. To participate you simply need to post your character's name, faction and class in this thread. As I compile the list of potential pen pals it is up to you to start writing... choose someone from your faction and send them an IC letter.


The ONE BIG RULE of the pen pal ring is that if you receive a letter you must write back. By being proactive about finding a pen pal you won't have to worry about coming into the thread all shame-faced and saying, No one wants to write me a letter boo hoo! To get a letter all you need to do is write one!


That being said, don't forget to have your name added to this thread before you start firing off letters! Otherwise things are bound to get a little confusing.


Your letter should be IC (in character) and it might help to begin the exchange by telling your pen pal a little about yourself. Who knows what alliances you might form or friendships you might begin?






I haven't gotten a letter, what should I do?

Pick someone on the list and write to them first. They are obligated to respond to you.


I don't know how to begin my first letter.

Start with your name. The rest will follow from there.


I'm not on Jung Ma, how can I participate?

Well, you can always come to our server, or you can set up a pen pal ring on your own server. If you do start your own pen pal ring, I ask that you acknowledge that the idea was born on Ebon Hawk and started by Darth Slaine. Best of luck to you!







Vallum -Medic / Commando

Yago - Jedi Knight









Agent Khatrina Parrish (Character name is Khat) Imperial Sniper

Fi'Drosk Parrish - Professional Huttball Player and House Parrish bodyguard

Edited by Ulnaris
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