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About to quit because of this stupid pvp gearing system


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Waaaahhh, I want my epics to be easy to obtain.


Waaaaahhh, I had epics in a day on WoW.


Waaaaahhhh, This random stuff is crap. I don't like PvP Being new for gearing.


Waaaahhhhh, Random loot should be kept for PvE and not PvP Because its easier to get PvE gear that way.


QQ more please.

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Protip: Keep PVPing until you get to valor 60. Then you will be getting BM bags, and you will be getting nothing but BM items and Champion tokens.


BAHAHAHAHAHA Who would play a bad pvp game that long? lol And for what? To be the best geared character in a bad pvp game? Once this games pvp gets an overhaul then MAYBE I could justify that terrible grind to 60 but now? What, grind it out in hopes this game actually becomes a competitive pvp scene? I'll pass.

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Protip: Keep PVPing until you get to valor 60. Then you will be getting BM bags, and you will be getting nothing but BM items and Champion tokens.
Rly i have opened 15+ BM bags and got nothing but champ tokens.Ya well i have full champ gear.Glad i only subbed 1 month.But on a brighter note GW3 is just around the corner.
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I've opened close to 40 pvp bags now and here is what I've gotten:


1 chest token

1 implant token





What the hell is this? Who's idea was it to make loot random and having you able to get tokens you already have? I'd rather get nothing then get the same *********** token I got before not to mention it being the most *********** useless token, the relic token since you people can't seem to balance your relics. **** you. I should get what I deserve. I've been 50 for two weeks why the **** are people who hit 50 three days ago already in 5/5?


Fix your *********** system right now. NO duplicate tokens, up the drop rate from the bags. DO *********** SOMETHING THIS IS RIDICULOUS I FEEL LIKE I LOG ON TO DO DAILIES JUST SO I CAN GET TROLLED BY YOU *******


Read the sticky about the 1.1 update in the Testing forum. I think they've resolved this, but I don't have a level 50 yet.

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You guys are pathetic. Every single MMO is filled to the brim with people unhappy about something and declaring that unless their sense of entitlement is completely satisfied they are going to quit.


And just like in other MMO's, not a single person cares if they quit or not. They are not beneficial to community, their whining and constant negativity toward the game is annoying and let's be honest, Bioware or any other company simply doesn't have the ability or desire to satisfy them.


Quitting is literally the best thing they can do for the community. If I don't like the food in a restaurant, I am not going to go there. I won't be standing outside writing on the wall how unhappy I am and that if I can't get ALL the meals right away for my miserable 15 dollars that are not even a drop in a multi-million dollar bucket, I won't pay.


So, don't pay. Quit.


I, for one, looking forward to your continuous absence from this fine MMO, best one to hit the market in a long while.


On a more constructive note:


1) If you are finding playing PvP a drag and the only reason you are doing it is to get better gear, don't. Once you get the gear, you won't find PvP any more enjoyable as you will still be dominated just as much as you are now. Gear is not your solution.


2) If randomness bugs you, remind yourself that like truly random system if you are not getting something now, you will get it later on a lucky streak just as fine. Yes, someone got it faster than you despite putting less time in. That doesn't reflect on their skill level or amount of time they are going to put into the game, nor on their enjoyment of it.


3) The point of randomness of drops in PvE is valid. If they did the same system in PvP, i.e loot dropping from killed players, you wouldn't even notice it. Just because it takes a different and frankly much easier approach to looting, doesn't make it invalid.


4) Finally, anyone who wants a grind for gear, can frankly go... quit. I am personally sick and tired of having to grind for something. Being able to say that in exactly 2 month 14 days and 23 hours I'll be able to get all my gear is the worst fun killer I can think of. If in PvE they told you that you will get your robe if you run Flashpoint 14 times, there will be very few people playing that MMO. Randomness is fun.


And finally, as a closing statement, you are a vocal minority. Stop trolling the forums for RAGE I QUIT PITY ME posts.


TL;DR: Quit.

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Read the sticky about the 1.1 update in the Testing forum. I think they've resolved this, but I don't have a level 50 yet.


They certainly haven't ( unless they made it worse by giving nothing but garbage centurion commendations ) 22 bags so far ( without the quest bags just bags ive farmed ) and nothing but cent comms lol

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So I've ran and cleared 4 hard flashpoints and Eternity Vault and not a single piece of gear dropped for me, yet my buddy that plays with me got 4 drops...shouldn't I get something for all of my time and effort put into running these, dealing with pugs and wipes? No? I love how this new PvP system that makes gear on par with PvE has so many of you with your panties in a wad.


It's not like you don't get 20 freaking champion bags a week from dailys/weeklys alone. Assuming you win every single warzone you enter you are at least earning another 2 bags with commendations. So sorry you didn't get fully decked out in your first week. It's supposed to take a little bit to gear up btw.


If it is a "grind" to you, then it seems like you aren't having fun. If you aren't enjoying PvP then why do you even care about the gear?

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RNG sucks. And is completly unnecessary.


PvE has it? Yes, to some degree, most of the time the loot drops aren't all that random.

There's limitted loot tables for bosses, firstly. Secondly, if you run a raid/hardmode etc, you get (on average) 4 chances for a piece of loot, in a rather minimal timeframe.


Hardmodes with a suitable group can be done only a tad less fast than their normal counterpart, and as gear increases, speed will increase too.


Operations, like raids in any game, are nothing but a farmfest after the initial wipe through to learn stuff.


For the pvp bags, you litterally need to put in hours of play to get 1 loot chance (disregarding daily and weekly - those can take longer if you end up with **** teams).


And if that loot chance has a 90% added chance to spit you in the face, then yes, frustrations are completly normal.


If you want to compare pve and pvp then do it properly:


Every hardmode instance you finish gives you right to 3 commendations (no loot from bosses at all)


When you gathered 30 commendations, you may change it for a purple bag. Interesting, yes? Whooo hoo come to daddy my precious!

Open bag, find 3 columni shards and some petty cash.


Oh, but here's the really fun part: there was a chance you'd actually get something! Haha!


Allright, let's do that entire thing again for another bag..


I'm pretty sure after the 50th run through those instances, with 30+ bags gathered and only a useless relic and pair of bracers to show for it (and some crappy 2nd graded item you can buy with the shards).. well, fun will rather translate into F(rustrati)UN.


Why RNG is annoying:


1. Randomness ruins direct character building, you can't plan for how you want to gear up/develop your char.


2. Reward gratification. Sure, you can climb on your high horse and say 'I'm above that'. Fair enough, have a cookie and feel good about yourself.


Fact is, that for alot of (paying) customers, it's a drive. A goal to work towards.

And if you're motivated and you put in time and effort, and see time and time again that it's not getting rewarded properly, but instead some little snubby (high horsed) scrub comes by carrying all rewards for probably a fraction of that effort.. that's pouring in your wide open eyes. It burns.


One could argue like this:

- Put in more effort and hope that eventually it'll pay off (for a change)

- Screw the whole thing, quit with some dignity instead of suffering through (random) disappointment over and over again.


3. It doesn't allow for competition. It ruins the competitive feel.


Sharpen your pitchforks and light your torches, because I'm going to drag an age old myth in here..


In wow you could see at a glance who was putting time into pvp (and based on that can be suspected of some fundamental pvp skills) through gear. Plain and simple, it took time and some dedication to earn the proper gear.


Same for pve, when you invited folks for a raid, you could tell rather easily if they had previous experiences through their gear.


In SWTOR.. Gear, atleast in pvp, is a null-factor. It doesn't tell me much about my opponent, just that he was lucky. Valor rank does say something, but when you meet players with Valor rank 48-50 and only 3 champ pieces to show for it, my heart bleeds for them.



So to finish the rant - Randomness is not 'Fun'.


Telling folks to quit because they were on the flipside of the lucky coin and came here to share their immense (and understandable) frustrations is not 'kewl'.


Saying the system is fine the way it is - is wrong.


Saying that the people on the forums complaining about said issues are a vocal minority of crybabies (pointed out with the assorted 'wah wah wah' responses made by folks with a rather shortsighted and ridiculously childish attitude) - is again not true.


Talk to people on the server, hell start a discussion in general chat if you wish, this is something that bugs alot of people. Way too many to be generalized as a minority.


/end rant


/goes to play tetris - a game that made sense (or not?)

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RNG sucks. And is completly unnecessary.


PvE has it? Yes, to some degree, most of the time the loot drops aren't all that random.

There's limitted loot tables for bosses, firstly. Secondly, if you run a raid/hardmode etc, you get (on average) 4 chances for a piece of loot, in a rather minimal timeframe.


Hardmodes with a suitable group can be done only a tad less fast than their normal counterpart, and as gear increases, speed will increase too.


Operations, like raids in any game, are nothing but a farmfest after the initial wipe through to learn stuff.


For the pvp bags, you litterally need to put in hours of play to get 1 loot chance (disregarding daily and weekly - those can take longer if you end up with **** teams).


And if that loot chance has a 90% added chance to spit you in the face, then yes, frustrations are completly normal.


If you want to compare pve and pvp then do it properly:


Every hardmode instance you finish gives you right to 3 commendations (no loot from bosses at all)


When you gathered 30 commendations, you may change it for a purple bag. Interesting, yes? Whooo hoo come to daddy my precious!

Open bag, find 3 columni shards and some petty cash.


Oh, but here's the really fun part: there was a chance you'd actually get something! Haha!


Allright, let's do that entire thing again for another bag..


I'm pretty sure after the 50th run through those instances, with 30+ bags gathered and only a useless relic and pair of bracers to show for it (and some crappy 2nd graded item you can buy with the shards).. well, fun will rather translate into F(rustrati)UN.


Why RNG is annoying:


1. Randomness ruins direct character building, you can't plan for how you want to gear up/develop your char.


2. Reward gratification. Sure, you can climb on your high horse and say 'I'm above that'. Fair enough, have a cookie and feel good about yourself.


Fact is, that for alot of (paying) customers, it's a drive. A goal to work towards.

And if you're motivated and you put in time and effort, and see time and time again that it's not getting rewarded properly, but instead some little snubby (high horsed) scrub comes by carrying all rewards for probably a fraction of that effort.. that's pouring in your wide open eyes. It burns.


One could argue like this:

- Put in more effort and hope that eventually it'll pay off (for a change)

- Screw the whole thing, quit with some dignity instead of suffering through (random) disappointment over and over again.


3. It doesn't allow for competition. It ruins the competitive feel.


Sharpen your pitchforks and light your torches, because I'm going to drag an age old myth in here..


In wow you could see at a glance who was putting time into pvp (and based on that can be suspected of some fundamental pvp skills) through gear. Plain and simple, it took time and some dedication to earn the proper gear.


Same for pve, when you invited folks for a raid, you could tell rather easily if they had previous experiences through their gear.


In SWTOR.. Gear, atleast in pvp, is a null-factor. It doesn't tell me much about my opponent, just that he was lucky. Valor rank does say something, but when you meet players with Valor rank 48-50 and only 3 champ pieces to show for it, my heart bleeds for them.



So to finish the rant - Randomness is not 'Fun'.


Telling folks to quit because they were on the flipside of the lucky coin and came here to share their immense (and understandable) frustrations is not 'kewl'.


Saying the system is fine the way it is - is wrong.


Saying that the people on the forums complaining about said issues are a vocal minority of crybabies (pointed out with the assorted 'wah wah wah' responses made by folks with a rather shortsighted and ridiculously childish attitude) - is again not true.


Talk to people on the server, hell start a discussion in general chat if you wish, this is something that bugs alot of people. Way too many to be generalized as a minority.


/end rant


/goes to play tetris - a game that made sense (or not?)


Well said.


And Tetris is an amazing game.

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I would disagree with your comparison to PvE because each boss in an operation (which I am limited to each week) is a bag in itself, and is completely random. I the end we're in the same boat. Take a PvEer that all they need to complete their epic set is the helmet, Take a PvPer that all they need to complete their epic set is a helmet as well. We could both be spending months getting that helmet or 1 of us might get lucky and get it on the next bag/boss kill. Either way it's the same. At least in PvP you can get a guaranteed centurion helmet by simply doing the dailies and weeklys.



For the pvp bags, you litterally need to put in hours of play to get 1 loot chance (disregarding daily and weekly - those can take longer if you end up with **** teams).


Really so you disregard the easiest way of pvp gearing? If you are a pvper then they just come naturally, I never even think about the dailies, I get them and when I am done I turn them in. And the Ilum dailes? They are a joke, just go stand next to your servers awesome trading party you can go get your daily and weekly right now in about 10 minutes.

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36 Bags for me and I've received 2 off hand light sabers and a relic. I'm not really whining about it but I am a bit sad and disappointed to invest as much time as I do everyday pvping and not gaining any reward. I'm also falling behind drastically with the people I pvp with. One of them have opened 15 bags and have a full set of gear. It's no fun and I'm beginning to feel like I'm just wasting time.
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I've opened close to 40 pvp bags now and here is what I've gotten:


1 chest token

1 implant token





What the hell is this? Who's idea was it to make loot random and having you able to get tokens you already have? I'd rather get nothing then get the same *********** token I got before not to mention it being the most *********** useless token, the relic token since you people can't seem to balance your relics. **** you. I should get what I deserve. I've been 50 for two weeks why the **** are people who hit 50 three days ago already in 5/5?


Fix your *********** system right now. NO duplicate tokens, up the drop rate from the bags. DO *********** SOMETHING THIS IS RIDICULOUS I FEEL LIKE I LOG ON TO DO DAILIES JUST SO I CAN GET TROLLED BY YOU *******



Yeah its quite a stupid system...Also not getting credit when you win for the daily or weekly is !@#$ing bs!

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I've opened close to 40 pvp bags now and here is what I've gotten:


1 chest token

1 implant token





What the hell is this? Who's idea was it to make loot random and having you able to get tokens you already have? I'd rather get nothing then get the same *********** token I got before not to mention it being the most *********** useless token, the relic token since you people can't seem to balance your relics. **** you. I should get what I deserve. I've been 50 for two weeks why the **** are people who hit 50 three days ago already in 5/5?


Fix your *********** system right now. NO duplicate tokens, up the drop rate from the bags. DO *********** SOMETHING THIS IS RIDICULOUS I FEEL LIKE I LOG ON TO DO DAILIES JUST SO I CAN GET TROLLED BY YOU *******



Please inform us of your VALOR RANK Please.. Because all the people I see crying about not getting champion gear are not even champion rank.. If your under rank 40 or 50 in PVP why dont you actually get the champion title and a few levels in champinon and YOU WILL HAVE GEAR. I HAVE NOT SEEN ONE PERSON OVER VALOR RANK 53-55 Without almost a full set of Champion or atleast centurion. Please tell us your valor rank.

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36 Bags for me and I've received 2 off hand light sabers and a relic. I'm not really whining about it but I am a bit sad and disappointed to invest as much time as I do everyday pvping and not gaining any reward. I'm also falling behind drastically with the people I pvp with. One of them have opened 15 bags and have a full set of gear. It's no fun and I'm beginning to feel like I'm just wasting time.


Being that there are 14 slots to fill they must have had some real luck to get every piece they needed in 15 bags...that's freaking amazing. So what did you do with the 102 Centurion tokens you got? You could have easily bought a couple pieces of gear. Maybe you find out what kind of hoodoo your pvp mate cast on you to rob you of your luck. With bags having a 30% chance to have gear in it, you must be on quite the dry spell.

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So since you didn't get full epics in a week, the system is stupid...



Even with badluck commendations will get you all your gear eventually.

Whats the issue=/


This^ unfortunately is the mindset of a lot of people.


Why should PvP gear drops be different then any other type of gear drop in the game?? And here I thought hardcore pvpers would have thicker skin than the carebears...guess not ts

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Please inform us of your VALOR RANK Please.. Because all the people I see crying about not getting champion gear are not even champion rank.. If your under rank 40 or 50 in PVP why dont you actually get the champion title and a few levels in champinon and YOU WILL HAVE GEAR. I HAVE NOT SEEN ONE PERSON OVER VALOR RANK 53-55 Without almost a full set of Champion or atleast centurion. Please tell us your valor rank.


That won't help anything, they will just make up a rank just like they make up the amount of bags that have screwed them over.

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Bunch of whiny babies in this thread. Random is random. MMO gear is random. Learn to deal.


MMO pvp gear is NOT random for everybody. A system where one person can put in 6 hours and get a full set, and another person can put in 100 hours and have 2 pieces is not a system that should exist. If you think otherwise, congratulations! You can collect disability income!


100+ bags, 10+ duplicates, 7 of them relics, no head/chest/boots/gloves. Pants and offset. That's it. Meanwhile, there are people at valor rank 20 standing next to me in full sets.


It wouldn't be quite so bad, if all of the expertise didn't allow these people to stack expertise and more effectively gain medals, in turn gearing faster.



Anyone complaining about the system is raising a valid point. Anyone saying they're wrong got lucky on drops.

Edited by Paralassa
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