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Powertech bad in warzones


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can you link your spec? also are which set do you use for pvp; been playing around with it a lot but it just seems like being able to perform that well consistently is out of reach with such random heat management in the pyro tree


It's not out of reach, it's actually quite common.

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To the people saying I'm "not very good" - I often have top dps for my team, I've won warzones single-handed by ninja'ing objectives or repeatedly saving the ball carrier. I've never been beaten 1v1 in open world.


And as for not knowing how to tank: first off, I've played tanks most of my time in MMOs. In WAR, even the best guilds on the server who hated my skin would grudgingly admit I was one of the best tanks in the game.


So yes, I can tank. My point was: AP is lacking in damage (more or less everyone that knows the class agrees with me) Pyro didn't seem that great - yes, I know, it's based off luck etc...


And shieldtech is bugged/shield doesn't work on enough enemy abilities. In other games, your shield can block almost all attacks. Not 20% of attacks.


I'm in full level 40 pvp gear now, 30 points in shield, and I still feel squishy. Sure, I can kill most people 1v1 below 50 (and a few 50s too) but if more than one person gets on me I go down quick.


I'm guessing the real problem here is a lot of you guys haven't played tanks before. The tank mechanics (guard especially) are lifted from WAR, where they actually work. When I guard someone in this game: half the time, the ability doesn't stick on them. If it does, even if I'm right next to them I don't take any of their damage. Then it seems to drop off randomly...


And as for whoever said "you're playing the wrong class if you don't want to tank" I suppose you think all mercs should heal too? Or all operatives? There's 3 spec trees for a reason. The one I wanted to play BEFORE the game came out was AP... it fits my style more (survivable but decent DPS) at least, in theory, but the damage is a bit lacking and some of the abilites appear bugged. So I've been experimenting, and yes, I'm not going to be great with one spec or another instantly, having levelled in AP, but at least I'm trying to test things out instead of sitting crowing about how uber I am killing sub-50s in full battlemaster gear.


Had a great rofl after reading this, especially the part about full lvl 40 pvp gear. OP hit 50 get some actual pvp gear with expertise and then maybe your argument will have some validity, until then your just trollin.

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I figured this thread is as close to the my questions as possible. So instead of just making a new thread, ill be posting here.



I have a strange experience in WZ's. I pvp alot (Valor 22 atm). I would say 8/10 matches I do around 250-300k dmg. Im top in protection. And I feel like a god. I rarely die 1 on 1. And usually I can take on 3 at a time, not die, and hold out long enough for some dps friendlies to come help out.


But occasionally. I get wrecked hard. And its always be either a Sith Sorc, or a Imp Agent Operative.


For some reason Sorcs have a certain lightning attack that just drops me half hp and slows me before i can do anything. Im assuming it hits so hard due to shield not blocking elemental dmg. (im the 21/2/18 build btw).


Operatives if they start out stealthed are just nasty. Dropped to 1/3 health before you can even getup.



Anyone have good techniques for fighting those 2 classes? Against the Sorc I usually just try to pop shield and kolto and get as close as possible. Against Operative I just pop a medpac and try to out live them. But usually I end up dead.


It just seems odd one match I can tank 4 enemies for a long time without dying, then the next match im killed in seconds by a Operative or Sorc. Im not crying these classes are OP. Im more than behind the idea that "I AM" doing something wrong vs these two classes

Edited by TristQueloon
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With Infrared Sensors, you actually have good enough detection to be able to see them and scan them before they can open. With the no escape talent this will root them in place and time to get a dot on them. If they use their increased stealth CD, there's not as much you can do for that.


Easiest way to get rid of Sorcs is to pull them to the cleave train. They're a class that's really hard to approach and come out victor if it's a 1v1. Focus on shutting down if you're with someone, kick and stun those heals he will go down. If you're alone, try to see if you can waste his time with LoS as you try and retreat to regroup.


Above is how I usually deal with the two classes.

Edited by Rykke
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To the people saying I'm "not very good" - I often have top dps for my team, I've won warzones single-handed by ninja'ing objectives or repeatedly saving the ball carrier. I've never been beaten 1v1 in open world.


And as for not knowing how to tank: first off, I've played tanks most of my time in MMOs. In WAR, even the best guilds on the server who hated my skin would grudgingly admit I was one of the best tanks in the game.


So yes, I can tank. My point was: AP is lacking in damage (more or less everyone that knows the class agrees with me) Pyro didn't seem that great - yes, I know, it's based off luck etc...


And shieldtech is bugged/shield doesn't work on enough enemy abilities. In other games, your shield can block almost all attacks. Not 20% of attacks.


I'm in full level 40 pvp gear now, 30 points in shield, and I still feel squishy. Sure, I can kill most people 1v1 below 50 (and a few 50s too) but if more than one person gets on me I go down quick.


I'm guessing the real problem here is a lot of you guys haven't played tanks before. The tank mechanics (guard especially) are lifted from WAR, where they actually work. When I guard someone in this game: half the time, the ability doesn't stick on them. If it does, even if I'm right next to them I don't take any of their damage. Then it seems to drop off randomly...


And as for whoever said "you're playing the wrong class if you don't want to tank" I suppose you think all mercs should heal too? Or all operatives? There's 3 spec trees for a reason. The one I wanted to play BEFORE the game came out was AP... it fits my style more (survivable but decent DPS) at least, in theory, but the damage is a bit lacking and some of the abilites appear bugged. So I've been experimenting, and yes, I'm not going to be great with one spec or another instantly, having levelled in AP, but at least I'm trying to test things out instead of sitting crowing about how uber I am killing sub-50s in full battlemaster gear.


Let's see if I can follow along:


AP somewhat lacking in damage, well I can agree with that and most do.


I don't know why you think Pyro is lacking I can pretty much duel any other class and feel like I can win or have a chance to win. The biggest danger is a scoundrel/operative getting the opener on me. I can kite other melee and I can interrupt casters all while delivering a very decent amount of burst and with the right procs an insane amount of burst. I can be a huge disruption with grappling hook, cryofreeze (freezing 3 players in a fire pit right before it goes off is hilarious), stun dart, taunt, aoe taunt, death from above etc. Sure I'm not going to survive if I have several players wailing on me but honestly I shouldn't.


Shield tech I don't have a huge amount of experience with, but having seen numerous shield techs carry the ball with several players wailing on them for several minutes at a time makes me think they are just fine, even with the shield issue. I mean they are suppose to be tough not invincible. If they have a healer on them I've seen them be all but unkillable.

Edited by Dharagada
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Not bad OP, but it's a very different play style. Look at it like a bodygaurd. 1v1 you etire goal it to prolong the fight. Tire the other guy out. If you have 2 on you, you wont kill either. You have the tools getaway.


Powertechs could you a small dmg buff however, considering they have no ability that can do 2500 dmg.


i crit atleast 3.8 every game and im a newly dinged 50

Edited by Hilnarox
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I'm 37, and I still get destroyed by some 50s. Like... melted down in 3 shots.

Well i,m new to the MMo genre so i need to learn alot. I tryed my level 25 PT in PvP and so far i got owned by scoundrels, operatives in 3 strikes. All my points are in the AP three yet. But i had another problem and i like to know what i,m doing wrong.

I had some problems with a gunslinger in cover. All my attacks didn,t hit. He just stayed in cover. How can i get some1 out of cover.

So far i,m using my neural dart and blade alot as a low level. And so i can help my team to taunt the enemy or place some dots to prevent the other tream taking the turrets. Its not that bad at all.

Edited by Chernushka
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EDIT: Oh and I hear the "Carolina Parakeet" build (21/2/18) does pretty well, haven't tried it myself though.


The what build? LOL. But yeah, I love 21/2/18. I hit 50 and, in mid-40's leveling gear (I hit 50 on Voss) I'm getting up to 300k damage in warzones, 6-8 medals per game, and just generally feel more mobile and survivable than my 500 expertise Operative. Far less bursty, of course, but Jet Charge and better ranged damage options more than make up for it because I can catch runners easier, chain interrupts like there's no tomorrow, and generally spend more time on the target even when I'm not strictly in melee range. I think my powertech is going to rock it hard when I get some Champion's gear.


Edit: Running with Ion, wearing tanky leveling gear for an HP buffer but taking DPS Champion's gear until they adjust defense/shielding in PvP. Because it's the next thing to useless.

Edited by Lucubration
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Heavy armour apparently counts for nothing. I tried AP... that sucked. I tried Pyro... so far very underwhelmed. Rank 37, and my Jedi Guardian is much, much better at 27... something's not right.


Sure, I do lots of damage but 18 sec dots don't do much versus burst...


Is shield spec any better? I mean, can they do any real damage at all?


What a total nonsense post.


At 50 as a pyrotech I can get up to 14 medals, do 300-400k damage regularly and score/help score often.



I think this is an L2P situation.

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Well having specced into pyrotech I can now no longer kill GREEN elites... as for PvP, I do less damage than AP. So unless it gets suddenly amazing with thermal detonator... I don't see the point of the spec.


You are doing it wrong. I'm crushing warzones in level 16 green gear. Shhh. The other classes still think the sorc or op killed them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bottom line, defensive stats are broken in pvp. I can't remember the post but there's a very good thread on the forums explaining why defensive stats in pvp are useless. I think the title of the post is something like "ops need a damage buff" (just to get peoples attn). But if you read it, you'll realize how crappy tanks are @ pvp. Tanks are *good* in huttball and one corridor on voidstar otherwise we suck. (Which is why I rolled a bh dps)
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I Switched from Merc to Powertech because merc was waaaaay to boring to play for me. So I leveled up a powertech now and its much better. Fits more to my play style.


My main is a Jug and compared to a Powertech I burn people much easier then with my jug.

But you also have to learn how to deal in situation. get out of line of sight, pillar hugs...enz. This makes a huge difference!


Also check this vid: it has alot of info about the Powertech/vanguard playstyle and info about the specs.


Alot of pleople dont know how the "shield tanking" works in PVP. incl me.....Its less effective then in PVE.....Q!!!! So changes your spec, dont go to far in SHieldtech tree and you will see you do more dmg and you can take some punches..


Check the vid and the puzzle pieces will fall on his place....:


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Get a healer friend, guard him/her, and enjoy your 10 medals. I usually get 70-100k protection points if running with a healer, and also do some nice damage... not as much as a dps but that would be strange anyway.
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