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PVP Video - OPeratives are OP


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And here's another thing.


I've already found myself avoiding targets with full HP. I go for people 75% or less. It's just too difficult to finish people with full HP before you get stunned and then destroyed. When the opener hits for 1500dmg, you're in trouble against a full HP lvl 50 with a few pieces of gear.


LOl i have been having to do the same, the one's with gear take the hit and get healed then i run and usually die so i have resorted to half hit points or so ppl.

Edited by Sathid
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LOl i have been having to do the same the one's with gear take the hit and get healed then i run and usually die so i have resorted to half hit points or so ppl.


People seem to think that it's all non-stop 4k crits. That's hardly the case. When it happens, it's awesome. When I don't get a single crit in my opener HS->BS->Shiv->Lacerate, I'm like "Oh crap."

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LOl i have been having to do the same, the one's with gear take the hit and get healed then i run and usually die so i have resorted to half hit points or so ppl.


As a 25 Operative, I never go after a full HP target unless there are:


  1. Healing
  2. Solo

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I hate to use this phrase, but I think there is a huge learn to play factor involved.


I'm by no means a "good" PvP player. However, I've been getting better and better every time I play. How many people are using their cooldowns and consumables EVERY time they are up? I used to "save" them. Now I blow them every single time. This isn't DAoC where you have 10-15 minute cooldowns on RR abilities. It's 1-3 minutes. I use it every time. This has been a huge improvement for me. I've also bound WAY more keys than I ever have before. I only click on very infrequent abilities like Orbital Strike. Huge improvements.


I've been able to take on multiple people by opening on the weakest target and CCing the other one. Sometimes they have CC break up and they kill me. Sometimes they don't and I still only finish one. Sometimes I'm able to finish both with cooldowns and consumables and interupting at appropriate times.


The thing is, I don't care if I die. I go balls out every time and try to take down as many as I can before they kill me.

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The operative is OP end of story. the only class that gived him a challenge was the jedi knight with a bubble up from a Sage and even then he ***** him.


he did all this with only 9.6% expertise Ive seen him use expertise stims too but we all do it.


I play a marauder lvl 50 with 10 % expertise and I cannot crit over 4k and either crit 3.5k right after my biggest skill.

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The operative is OP end of story. the only class that gived him a challenge was the jedi knight with a bubble up from a Sage and even then he ***** him.


he did all this with only 9.6% expertise Ive seen him use expertise stims too but we all do it.


I play a marauder lvl 50 with 10 % expertise and I cannot crit over 4k and either crit 3.5k right after my biggest skill.


Whatever class is chain shotting me for 3k+ from range is more OP than operatives. Trooper I think.


Honestly, 3-4K isn't even a big crit. I take multishots like that very frequently. It's not like I think "OMG I JUST GOT HIT FOR 4K!" That's pretty much business as usual now with lots of gear 50s running around.

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The biggest problem is that they merged an armor penetration buff, huge dmg dot, stun(knockdown), into one single opener ability which is also the best dmg ability already. You dont realy need much skill to kill with a scoundrel or operative if you have a decent gear. They should separate these into different skills. Seriously the burst is ridiculous at the moment. Edited by Guinden
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So yesterday I was reading the forums and noticed a huge amount of "nerf operatives" threads with a high volume of operatives posting "omg we're not OP, we're balanced".


That is a load of crap. I've been playing MMO's for 10 years and my operative is the most imbalanced character I've played in years.


I spent 2 hours yesterday gathering some videos and cut this YouTube video last night.





Thanks Chewstay. People who admit their own class is OPed and offer proof -- and to good music too -- are really mmorpg heroes.

Edited by Jjix
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I read 6 pages and here is what I have to say on the matter. I have a 50 OP, and 40 Shadow and yes, the OP was and is more powerful 1v1. That said, its their job.


What I mean is, there MUST be SOME lore left in the game. Some classes in a war environment would naturally excel at murdering fools 1v1.


Now, with that said, 50 OPs are WAAAAAAAAY OP in a 10 - 50 war-zone.


Against (some) 50s I also insta-jib them down. Usually a clothy with no bubble or a person of diminished mental capacity who is unaware how to play his or her class (probably her).


There have been MANY occasions where I have jumped heavy and sometimes medium armored people and been completely destroyed by them. Should I make a video of juggernauts destroying me for 12 minutes and then cry for a nerf to juggernauts because tank classes should not be able to out dps a dps class? NO.


What now?


What NEEDS to be done is for this particular issue to be monitored and remembered as we enter 50 only WZs with people that will have gear and mitigation that comes with it. IF at that point OPs are still stun-jibbing peeps to the ground then yes, nerf bat should hit us.


Think about it like this, for those that play wow... You are on a PVP server and you get boinked by an 85 rogue, you are a 27 warrior. do rogues need to be nerfed off that example? NO.


NOW WAIT. I got a little more.

If I asked you to choose between 40 minute + Queues but war-zones would be 10 - 20, 20 - 30, 30 - 40 and 40 - 49 (and 50 only)

If you are level 10 you might see 10 - 20 minute Qs but 40 49s would be in hour+ Queues...


1 - 49 and 50 only

1 - 3 minute Qs but you might get BBQ'd by an OP from time to time.


I Hope you chose the latter as that is a WAY better choice. Nerfing a class before seeing how it interacts with ONLY its own level with gear is simply bad form.


Apologies for the wall of text and:


Don't dismiss the issue but wait til 50 only WZs are implemented before crying for a nerf.

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Thanks Chewstay. People who admit their own class is OPed and offer proof -- and to good music too -- are really mmorpg heroes.



3-shot Operative video and it looks really OP except for the following:


  • 87% crit multiplier from stims
  • Sorc is wearing light armor without Static Barrier (shield)
  • Both Hits Crit


I'm not saying that Acid Blade is perfectly balanced, but the issues are from being solely related to its armor pen buff.

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" you catch a cloth - low physical mitigation - with their pants down (no shields, heals, and alone)"


You just described my class to a T. Does that mean that in your "ideal world of balance" the Operative should kill an Infiltration Shadow every time we fight?

Edited by Dirtydurst
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This is just another fine example of "Mythic Entertainment" influence on an MMO. Since they can't help but perform ******** on the high burst damage melee dps stealth class that everyone *********** hates, they reimplement it here. It took me getting killed three or four times by an operative in pvp in huttball to cancel my account.


This is 2012, not 1999. There are hundreds of other mmo's out there. Releasing a game that plays like garbage (in lieu of the fact that the storylines and voiceovers are brilliant) should not be tolerated by the informed consumer.


Operatives being extremely overpowered is just the icing on the cake. The game sucks once you make 50....worse than any mmo I have ever played.

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The most imbalanced part of the class is 50% armor mitigation ALL DAY.


Acid Blade


Energy: 15

Coats your instruments in acid, causing your next Hidden Strike or Backstab to deal an additional 1247 internal damage over 6 seconds and increase armor penetration by 50% for 15 seconds. This ability does not respect the global cooldown and does not break stealth.


Also note, no CD on this ability :(



Edited by Dirtydurst
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The most imbalanced part of the class is 50% armor mitigation ALL DAY.


Acid Blade


Energy: 15

Coats your instruments in acid, causing your next Hidden Strike or Backstab to deal an additional 1247 internal damage over 6 seconds and increase armor penetration by 50% for 15 seconds. This ability does not respect the global cooldown and does not break stealth.


Also note, no CD on this ability :(




Because players just stand still 15s while I attack them? The armor pen buff may need tweaking after stim stacking, but only bad players stand still or get out maneuvered by a positional attack class.

Edited by G-Seven
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Just about every time you fight a fifty, you barely make it out alive....


You're fighting <45 and then screaming OP ... Let me bold this: You're fighting <45s and screaming OP. They have no gear to mitigate the burst Operatives do. None. You fight a fifty and it takes you well enough time for them to live and make a comeback. Imagine this in a full 50 w/ gear bracket. When lv50 brackets drop in AND the nerf ... can't wait to see how you feel then.


The classes you do catch alone and fifty are cloth classes... Thats what they ... do.


Burst class does burst damage.




I'm still waiting to see the Operative video where he destroys everyone in a good group with a guarded healer, tank, and 2 smart DPS. Where is that video?


I stopped watching at about the 2:15 mark after you fought your first 50, a Juggernaut, that didn't even slow you once. GG bad. Show us video of you fighting someone with half a brain.

Edited by Sevvy
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3-shot Operative video and it looks really OP except for the following:


  • 87% crit multiplier from stims
  • Sorc is wearing light armor without Static Barrier (shield)
  • Both Hits Crit


I'm not saying that Acid Blade is perfectly balanced, but the issues are from being solely related to its armor pen buff.


If the Sorc used his shield and escape CC spell + his push-back spell the scenario would be a lot different. Remember the same scenario in Pat's warrior movie(WoW). He had all kind of buffs + flask + Rank 14 gear. People spammed the forums that warriors was incredible OP based on the fact from the movie.

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If the Sorc used his shield and escape CC spell + his push-back spell the scenario would be a lot different. Remember the same scenario in Pat's warrior movie(WoW). He had all kind of buffs + flask + Rank 14 gear. People spammed the forums that warriors was incredible OP based on the fact from the movie.


~37% chance to crit after buffs and he managed to crit both times, pretty convenient for that demonstration!

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Because players just stand still 15s while I attack them? The armor pen buff may need tweaking after stim stacking, but only bad players stand still or get out maneuvered by a positional attack class.


You sir, are in denial and making completely useless excuses. If you can't get a backstab off as the rogue class perhaps YOU'RE the bad player - not the other way around.


I can say that as a Shadow who always gets backstab in vs skilled or unskilled players and a former 4 year WoW rogue player.

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I started watching again. And then you had a level 50 targeted, picked up the WZ buff, then switched targets to a 40-something, and finally settled on a 35. Lol.


Let's wait to see what Operatives are doing in rated Warzones before the nerf bat comes out.

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So yesterday I was reading the forums and noticed a huge amount of "nerf operatives" threads with a high volume of operatives posting "omg we're not OP, we're balanced".


That is a load of crap. I've been playing MMO's for 10 years and my operative is the most imbalanced character I've played in years.


I spent 2 hours yesterday gathering some videos and cut this YouTube video last night.





You are a level 50 operative with what I would assume could be considered a decent amount of expertise ganking low level players.. Yes bolster may change main stats but expertise is the deciding factor here, notice how when you go against other 50s its not a 3 shot and you actually have to work to kill them.

And no this is not an issue, this "OP" will be corrected when the level 50 bracket is implemented, so stop the pre-mature QQing please and thanks.

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Didn't read the whole thread, don't much care to, the point of this post is so people understand that while gear is a factor, low levels still get their stats boosted to bring them in line with some of the best players in the match. That doesn't make gear or level a determining factor. I honestly found it easier to pvp as a lower level, less **** to hit, I destroyed 50's as a lvl 20 assassin lol. Edited by LordKnives
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LOL! And as I just continued to watch your video, I noticed when you grab the expertise buff in Alderaan, then drop down to kill someone. But you purposely let a 50 pass to gank a 35.

It's not OP it's unfair. I wish you were on my server, I would love to go 1v1 with you to check your OP-ness.

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Nah, my consular is level 50. An op unstealths, knocks me down, and kills me before I can react. Over and over. Anyone play Warhammer Online and have to deal with the same crap from the witch elf class?


If it smells like crap, it is crap. The worst thing they could do is let anyone from Mythic Entertainment within 100 miles of this game. The influence is beginning to show....

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You sir, are in denial and making completely useless excuses. If you can't get a backstab off as the rogue class perhaps YOU'RE the bad player - not the other way around.


I can say that as a Shadow who always gets backstab in vs skilled or unskilled players and a former 4 year WoW rogue player.


You may have missed my point, so I'll clarify. If you get jumped by an Op then you know that the 15s armor pen buff is coming, and then your strategy is:


  • Kite the Op
  • Survive the 15s
  • Avoid positional attacks


A bad player will do none of those and advocate nerfs regardless of the armor pen buff potency or stim buffs.



P.S. I played a rogue too for 4+ years.

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I'm not the best geared assassin, 50/50 centurion/champion gear. Tho most lvl 50 operatives and their rep counterpart kills me during the knockdown np.


Not sure if they are op tho, it is a stupid mechanic to be able to kill during a stun from stealth. perhaps it should be adjusted a bit.

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