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Smart Camera, get rid of it already!


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There have been lots of games in the past with smart camera, but the difference between them and SW:TOR is you could disable it! It seems to me like it would be an easy fix, why not add it?


There is nothing "smart" about the smart cam. It limits the control of your character and handicaps you in combat. There are so many mechanics in this game that you cannot even take full advantage of because of this missing feature.


Play a Smuggler and want to Shrap Bomb melee that is hot on your tail to apply Feelin' Woozy? Sorry you are out of luck! How about if you are a Jedi Knight and you noticed that your pocket healer just got opened on by an Operative? Chances are smart cam will mess you out of your force leap to save your buddy. :eek:


PvP is where my heart lies but it is not the only aspect of the game that is severely damage by smart cam. Do you play a tank, try taunting enemies that are running toward your party while in a movement fight.


From my past MMO experience, I have always spun my camera constantly; observing my surroundings. In this game I cannot do that unless I am staying stationary. The only work around is looking behind you while jumping but jumping in this game slows movement speed!


The end of my post is going to insert angry elitism but if you've made it this far.. I'm pretty sure you can handle it! I can't help but to think that the entire BioWare team is full of complete noobs for letting this go into release without a Smart Cam disable.


The worst part is I have not seen a Dev Post or any recognition from the team on this issue and it has been highly complained about from anyone with any MMO experience since early Beta. Please if you want this game to succeed; support this thread as if it is answered the game play quality of SW:TOR could be improved by light years!

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What we need is a mouse free look, right? So you can move the camera around as you atuo run, and it stays where you left it? That's killing me for some reason, hard to explain why without being there.


Basically what you described, the camera should not auto center when you move.

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The devs have actually acknowledge the problem quite a while ago (during early access) and said it was on their priority list to be able to disable "smart camera".


Can you please find this for me? If you can I will add it to the original post.

Edited by Avetra
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And when you set it zoomed out, it should STAY zoomed out. I HATE that it resets back close behind me all the time.


^^^I mad.


^ This too. A big problem for me. I get tired of having to constantly scroll out during a fight. If I set my zoom to 80%, it should STAY at 80%. If it has to change due to the environment or what have you, it should zoom itself back out ASAP. This, however, doesn't happen.


My priority list for fixing PvP:


1) fix ability delay

2) fix the FPS issues some people have in WZ's

3) Allow us to disable smart camera

4) Make it so the camera stays zoomed to the level we have defined

5) Allow mouse over healing for healing classes.



If those 5 things are done, PvP in this game will be quite enjoyable. 3 of the 5 should be simple fixes. #1 and #2 might take a while, however. I am patient and will wait as long as I know some progress is being made.

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OMG, yes! This is driving me absolutely insane with sheer annoyance. I start grinding my teeth because I can't stop this stupid camera from spinning me away from my target...I've died too many #$@#$# times to this bizarro camera lock or 'smart' whatever.


/signed a thousand thousand times.



make it stop! If there is ONE thing that might make me let the sub lapse, it's this pathetic UI!




*breathes a bit*


Ok, I feel better now.


Cal :D

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I cant believe any new MMO product would have such a Feature -


I always thought - Precision, timing and position - where all key - But How can this be when the Camera Keeps trying to spin back around behind me..


In all honest the Camera is awful, It never stay where I leave it- I move from one place to another and have to keep zooming in or out - Its seems to have a mind of its own, and when I do Zoom out its just keeps zooming or if I zoom in its keeps zooming in until I'm in FPmode


Please biowars play some MMO or even play your own MMO -

Edited by Santium
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Also anyone hate the slow camera panning after you hit a wall?


I need to keep actively scroll my mousewheel to stay at maximum zoom range, the camera just zooms out way to slowly otherwise. Again, not a big deal in PvE, but in PvP it's a real pain in the neck!


I'm beginning to sense BioWare isn't taking PvP seriously. Unbalanced OP classes, only 3 warzones, camera issues, making top tier PvP gear luck based. Hell, even the "geisers" in Huttball are luck based, sometimes they throw you back in the middle of the room or even in the acid pits!


I've even seen players been projected to halfway across the enemy bridge, basicly making them bypass all the players and giving him an easy score, cause all the enemy players get sent somewhere else on the map or they need to take the long way to get there.

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The devs have actually acknowledge the problem quite a while ago (during early access) and said it was on their priority list to be able to disable "smart camera".


Could you give a link?

I've been waiting for the option to deactivate the "smart" camera since the beta last year but have yet to see something in writing from the developer team.

I know there are plenty of things to fix and they have to prioritize, but at least some acknoledgement that they are aware of the need/wish for this option would be nice to see.

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