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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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I think most people hate the epeen crap. If someone throws up a chart in chat in a raid/group today they get tore up pretty quick. At least in my experience. In the past it was way more prevalent.


That's because most higher level players have started to realize that just because you pull X DPS doesn't mean dip when you didn't CC a single target or disspell a debuff. DPS is great but if it all you do you are not playing to your highest potential.

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Damage means nothing except in burns...... heals and cc/debuff mean more in most fights as well as movement/position and threat....



threat meter is nice.... dps meter is not useful other than to gives tools to harass players and others to buy skill...... you can spam something for max heal or max dps...... but can you spot damage or spot heal, spreading around the tools for the win?


Burning down in dps races is old again.... bring back the days of 1-12 hour boss fights..... REAL MMO days

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I will support any version of "recount" that doesn't allow you to post in game. Must use a third party site to post and analyze.


It is too distracting and isn't conducive to players using their classes full potential.

I agree. In my other MMO, my guild has a rule to not link recount in chat. Reason being is we want ppl to follow the mechanics and not worry about who is beating who in DPS. An addon that won't let people spam would be nice.

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We've seen what addons did to WoW. Eliminating addons from WoW would cause its end game community to explode. Any mod, macro or addon that forces dev to patch gameplay mechanics to a ludicrously complicated state in compensation for their use is a detriment imho. The combat log protion of recount would be nice because it's a legit "after the fact" teaching tool. Metering is better served on target droids.


Why do people keep saying this? Go out and look at which games have meters and addons now. I'll help you out:











Were all there communities destroyed? If WOW's community suffers it isn't because of addons.

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People who spam Recount data, bang on about GearScore or have ridiculous DPS requirements that far exceed those required by the boss (see daily heroics in WoW 3.2) are almost without exception not the players who want to raid at the high end, achieve server firsts or otherwise concentrate on current hard mode progression content.


I've been in plenty of decent guilds and I've never been in a group that votekicked someone for anything other than being abusive in chat.


Unless somebody's DPS is literally the only difference between success and failure (which is more likely to happen within a guild's own raid team than in a 4-man pug) then most of the actual good players won't care too much.


When y'all are thinking about elitists you're probably thinking about the guys that high end guilds think are kinda stupid because they don't realise that GearScore/DPS != good player.

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I agree. In my other MMO, my guild has a rule to not link recount in chat. Reason being is we want ppl to follow the mechanics and not worry about who is beating who in DPS. An addon that won't let people spam would be nice.


leader only and server side is the best way but .... mods and macros bring botting to be allowed..... we already have people exploiting a speed casting bug in the global cooldown in pvp.... do we want more room for hacking systems in a video game?

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I suppose that works in situations where there is a speed limit. If damage needs to decrease or cease altogether because of a phase change or an enrage timer expiring or something, well . . that's all situational awareness. Meters have nothing to do with it. Besides, driving at the same speed as the flow of traffic is what really happens anyway.


I was actually just making a joke there as I had to drive home from work and it popped into my head.


The exam example is much more relevant but I'l not post it again since the closets anyones come to responding is gohla quoting half of the first line out of context being a bit of a troll. So it would be a waste of my time. Turns out the people who dont want them are quite happy to ignore arguments they have no response to and would much rather resort to name calling and charachter assaults.

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leader only and server side is the best way but .... mods and macros bring botting to be allowed..... we already have people exploiting a speed casting bug in the global cooldown in pvp.... do we want more room for hacking systems in a video game?


But botting is already happening, right? With no addons in game, right? It simply isn't true that having addons/meters increases botting.

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People who spam Recount data, bang on about GearScore or have ridiculous DPS requirements that far exceed those required by the boss (see daily heroics in WoW 3.2) are almost without exception not the players who want to raid at the high end, achieve server firsts or otherwise concentrate on current hard mode progression content.


I've been in plenty of decent guilds and I've never been in a group that votekicked someone for anything other than being abusive in chat.


Unless somebody's DPS is literally the only difference between success and failure (which is more likely to happen within a guild's own raid team than in a 4-man pug) then most of the actual good players won't care too much.


When y'all are thinking about elitists you're probably thinking about the guys that high end guilds think are kinda stupid because they don't realise that GearScore/DPS != good player.




100 times over!

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Why do people keep saying this? Go out and look at which games have meters and addons now. I'll help you out:











Were all there communities destroyed? If WOW's community suffers it isn't because of addons.

LOTRO allows addons? You mean skins right? Or are you referring to the ones they've built into their own game? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Nope I would hate to see that implemented. This is what made me stop wow. Why:


- Recount is an excuse for grinding. "Hey im only third for DPS, looks like i need to grind my gears up"


- Recount means boasting/insulting/etc. I was sick of having "im first;)" or "sry cant even catch up with you guys" or "you s***" or even "quit this group bcause your dps is too low " (even if the group went though the dungeon like a breeze). etc etc


- Recount threw all the social aspect of the group away. Its an obsession for a LOT.


- Recount distract the player from performing.


And there is more....

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I agree. In my other MMO, my guild has a rule to not link recount in chat. Reason being is we want ppl to follow the mechanics and not worry about who is beating who in DPS. An addon that won't let people spam would be nice.


How about just playing with people who are mature enough to restrain themselves from doing it instead of trying to force it through coding?


Unless you code a way to prevent anything at ALL from being pasted in chat, there will always be a way to paste parses.

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Why do people keep saying this? Go out and look at which games have meters and addons now. I'll help you out:











Were all there communities destroyed? If WOW's community suffers it isn't because of addons.


Wow - old and for 12 year olds.... its a dead game and look how simple it is? it was dumber down since BC to get numbers of players... heck the company lies about subs and says 15 million.... 15 million characters not accounts... and they also count trials in their active numbers which is dishonest...


rift - amazing game, great dev team but lots of hacking due to mods


war had tons of hacking due to macros and mods which opened holes in the security


lotro same as war


eq was great in its day as was EQ 2 but both suffered when they allowed mods


vanguard and aoc as well died due to mods




all of them suffer as a community due to elitism..... people forget mmo is a community not a single small group of 1-25 .... even in those groups with addons and mods people fight nonstop and arent really friends but use eachother for personal gain...


simply put... real games done need mods... and real gamers dont need cheats.... you can argue its a tool... but really its more information than necessary and a program doing work for u..... macros also do work for you which takes away from the skill needed as well as work needing to be done....


keep joining games and wanting the same thing then u wonder why 1-3 months in you are bored and insulting it..... learn to enjoy what you paid for and have fun... its a game after all

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Haha in what way does an inbuilt combat log or DPS meter lead to botting? Sub-tabloid scaremongering does nothing for the "anti" argument. Pretty funny though.


Thats pretty much the basis of the 'anti argument' from what I've seen in this thread, That and unwarranted abuse.

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Nope I would hate to see that implemented. This is what made me stop wow. Why:


- Recount is an excuse for grinding. "Hey im only third for DPS, looks like i need to grind my gears up"


- Recount means boasting/insulting/etc. I was sick of having "im first;)" or "sry cant even catch up with you guys" or "you s***" or even "quit this group bcause your dps is too low " (even if the group went though the dungeon like a breeze). etc etc


- Recount threw all the social aspect of the group away. Its an obsession for a LOT.


- Recount distract the player from performing.


And there is more....


Sounds like you play with a lot of really classy people. Might think of looking for a different set.

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But botting is already happening, right? With no addons in game, right? It simply isn't true that having addons/meters increases botting.


please explain why you must have these things?


to make life easier?


you want a challenge right or do you want hello kitty?

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How about just playing with people who are mature enough to restrain themselves from doing it instead of trying to force it through coding?


Unless you code a way to prevent anything at ALL from being pasted in chat, there will always be a way to paste parses.


Yes, there will always be a work around. Just don't make it easy for them is all we are saying.

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Nope I would hate to see that implemented. This is what made me stop wow. Why:


- Recount is an excuse for grinding. "Hey im only third for DPS, looks like i need to grind my gears up"


- Recount means boasting/insulting/etc. I was sick of having "im first;)" or "sry cant even catch up with you guys" or "you s***" or even "quit this group bcause your dps is too low " (even if the group went though the dungeon like a breeze). etc etc


- Recount threw all the social aspect of the group away. Its an obsession for a LOT.


- Recount distract the player from performing.


And there is more....


high five

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Wow.... Did you just claim that the downfall of pretty much every MMO game is due to mods? Talk about sensationalism and unfounded claims.


mods bring more cheating.... and bickering harassment.... then people are not a community... and they argue and are selfish....


if you want everything handed to you free.... play a ps3 game with cheat codes becasue your playing selfish and solo already

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All I'm seeing in this thread is a bunch of people scared of having their terrible dps revealed to everyone. Different excuses, but the truth is buryed in each and every one of the anti meter posts.


A fear of knowledge and the rejection resulting from that knowledge.


Would you rather someone told people that smoking can lead to increased health risks or just let everyone believe what he or she wants to?


Same concept is the same.


Pointless anti meter spam is pointless.

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