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Ok I give class quest.


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I have been lvling my Sith Mara carnage spec to 50 and along the way I have run into a few time were I just can not get past the boss in my story quest. Its happend about 4 times. Well I hit 50 and went got myself all upto lvl gear get all my compainions geared and I am finishing out my story. My "solo" story for my class.


Well I am in Darth Baras temple on Corellia and I am on the mission defeat Lord Whatever his name is the one you save then kills your crew and you toss him in the fire. Also yet another fight I needed to go lvl beyond b4fore I was able to do.



Anyway so here we are again and this time I cant go lvl more I am stuck and I have no chance of beating this guy. I use heals and die I use dps and die I use tanks and die He basicly 2 shots me or my crew and I can not beat this dude. I changed spec still not even close.


I understand things being a chanllenge but this is nuts. its a solo class story and I cant beta it. 1 guy and I have no chance. I burn all my inturpts and he just keeps casting. With all due respect you shouldnt get face rolled by a class story boss that your intended to do solo.

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He's immune to things like Force Choke, he uses Ravage and his death field will sap the life out of you.


So you have 2 options, kite him around the area where the Entity is, popping medpacs and hoping for the best or make sure Call the Force and Saber ward are off CD, pop them and dps your heart out, interrupting his ravage as need be, don't forget Roar will give you a 6 second window to get some distance as well as acting as an interrupt.


If you have a high level buddy or want to bribe a 50 to help you in there you can, if it's another SW just go to preferences and toggle on the allow same class in class quest areas option. If it's not an SW, then you have to enter the phased area first and then the other can come in.


Having problems o this fight, I may as well tell you for the next one,

make sure to interrupt during P2 and do not go LOS of him or get too far out of range or he'll one shot you.


Edited by Temeluchus
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So basicly your class end quest is pure luck or you need to group with other to finish it. What a truely disapointing end to an otherwise well crafted solo lvling experence. Well this wont get finished till they increase lvls.



Thanks for the advice but I tried all those things and I am aware of his ablities it just doesnt matter.

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I went out and got some uber adrenals and health packs from the GTN and was able to beat the fight in one shot at level 48.


Yea no. I am sorry you didnt. there is no way you beat this fight as a Sith Mara 2 lvls below the boss.


I am not taling the first time you fight him. I am talking when you fight in after you knocked him into the fire.


At this point he is lvl 50 I just cant buy that you beat him at 48 sorry.

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Yea no. I am sorry you didnt. there is no way you beat this fight as a Sith Mara 2 lvls below the boss.


I am not taling the first time you fight him. I am talking when you fight in after you knocked him into the fire.


At this point he is lvl 50 I just cant buy that you beat him at 48 sorry.


Oh you're talking about the apprentice guy? I thought you were talking about Baras. Apprentice guy is tough. I got a guildie to help.

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Oh you're talking about the apprentice guy? I thought you were talking about Baras. Apprentice guy is tough. I got a guildie to help.


So basically the apprentice is a tougher fight then Baras himself? I'm also kind of stuck on Lord Draahg, sure I could get help but where's the fun in that? it's a questline meant to be soloable, seems to me this Draahg guy is a bit overtuned.

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So basically the apprentice is a tougher fight then Baras himself? I'm also kind of stuck on Lord Draahg, sure I could get help but where's the fun in that? it's a questline meant to be soloable, seems to me this Draahg guy is a bit overtuned.


Baras hits like a truck, but he's beatable solo. Draahg, well, I'm not sure, I was a relatively low level when I went to beat him, but I had help and he went down easily with my guildie (a Juggernaut) helping.

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These quests sure as **** ain't easy.


I can attest, as using Carnage cause me to get absolutely STOMPED by both Draagh AND Baras. Caveat is that I was at Level 48, with 45 gear. Had I had gear appropriate for my level I may have had an easier time.


I got help with both.

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All I am saying is I would feel more ingrossed in the story if I didnt need to pull in other people to beat a story line quest.



Both times you fight this he seems way more powerful then he should be. And the first time you fight him you have to beat back to back like 3 or 4 times. I am sorry this just seem to much trouble to and has really tunred me off on the class.



I enjoy playing ti I will always keep it as it was my first lvl 50 but to have to group complete you class story just took the wind out of my mara sails.



And FYI I did better with carnage then Anni against this guy and I found anni to be clunky as it seem almost every fight is a different chain of attacks. no doubt its a polwerful spec but I love my carnage.

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Yeah, it really puts you off.. it should be hard but not stupidly hard as to make you just go **** it and get help to do it :rolleyes:


Bringing a full group and roflstomp him will feel sooo epic.. right :rod_tongue_g:

Edited by Lundli
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I defeated this guy at 48 with Annihilation spec. All I can really say is use Quinn, stay out of the Death Field, interrupt it (if possible. Is it a cast? I forgot.), dish out as much damage as you possibly can, and use every life-saver possible when needed (Medpacs, Saber Ward, etc).
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I defeated this guy at 48 with Annihilation spec. All I can really say is use Quinn, stay out of the Death Field, interrupt it (if possible. Is it a cast? I forgot.), dish out as much damage as you possibly can, and use every life-saver possible when needed (Medpacs, Saber Ward, etc).


Death Field isn't cast, you mean interrupt his Ravage.

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I did this at like 4am (after like 12hours of no sleep) - I wiped horribly about 3 times then realised he has 2 abilities that deal damage - the red sparkly stuff on the floor (after a jump type move) and Ravage.. Kite him around - use bleeds (regardless of spec) interupt his Ravage.


I used Quinn and no medpacks or stims and killed him with 80% hp left. The Red stuff ticks for 500-600 dmg per tick : thats a lot.


edit : was 48 btw.

Edited by Draexnael
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im sorry op but were you even interrupting or did not know the rotations of your spec to optimize the dps


it seems as if though you went through some tough time to beat your class quest... i was 49 when i beat it and i thought it was pretty easy...


all you really had to do was to interrupt his casts to minimize the dmg you take and pop defensive cooldowns when necessary as well as medpack

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im sorry op but were you even interrupting or did not know the rotations of your spec to optimize the dps


it seems as if though you went through some tough time to beat your class quest... i was 49 when i beat it and i thought it was pretty easy...


all you really had to do was to interrupt his casts to minimize the dmg you take and pop defensive cooldowns when necessary as well as medpack


sounds to me the OP was just spamming assault

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im sorry op but were you even interrupting or did not know the rotations of your spec to optimize the dps


it seems as if though you went through some tough time to beat your class quest... i was 49 when i beat it and i thought it was pretty easy...


all you really had to do was to interrupt his casts to minimize the dmg you take and pop defensive cooldowns when necessary as well as medpack


My issues run into the fact that interupts dont seem to effect the cool down of his moves. So when he force choaks or ravages and I interupt them he have them back up and is able to use them B4 my limited amount of interupts are back off cools down.



So it seems I can stop one and half of his onslaught but then there is a time I cant and no healer or med pack is ale to save me.


Look I am not saying I am not getting close to kill this dude I am but its frustrating do everything you can everytime with a refined rotation and your dead and he is at like 5-10%. It just seems to be an over toons fight thats all. Too much for solo missions.



Yes I get it make it easy get help. But it just makes the whole trip less fun when you have to get help for something you shouldnt.

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My issues run into the fact that interupts dont seem to effect the cool down of his moves. So when he force choaks or ravages and I interupt them he have them back up and is able to use them B4 my limited amount of interupts are back off cools down.



So it seems I can stop one and half of his onslaught but then there is a time I cant and no healer or med pack is ale to save me.


Look I am not saying I am not getting close to kill this dude I am but its frustrating do everything you can everytime with a refined rotation and your dead and he is at like 5-10%. It just seems to be an over toons fight thats all. Too much for solo missions.



Yes I get it make it easy get help. But it just makes the whole trip less fun when you have to get help for something you shouldnt.


Dude, I'll spell it out for you... He has 2 MAJOR abilities!


Ravage and an Aoe damage on the floor (its red lightening on the floor in an area)


Interupt the Ravage and move out of the red stuff and its face-roll : Honestly.

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