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Stunwars: The old Impire


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Which is completely irrelevant. Some of those cooldowns are so grossly different it's completely out of hand.


There is a total of one, yes ONE cooldown difference. That is between the IA and Smuggler flashbang skill, and yes the difference is 30 seconds and should not be there. That does not make what I said irrelevant.

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I really tire of some threads about issues and then try to make them exclusive to one side. Your side has the same kinds of stuns. If you are getting stunned all over the place and dying, your teammates have the same capabilities to stun your foes and kill them, if they aren't good enough to do such things then it isn't a class issue its a player issue. Which is the issue of a lot of the complain threads lately.


Numbers hun,numbers,you guys have easy mode and you know it.

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The stuns and knockbacks in TOR PvP are ridiculous; I don't know how anybody thought it was a good game design.


PS. People saying you can only be out of commission for 4 seconds are simply wrong.

Edited by Torcer
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anyway... to keep this thread more friendly lets focus on the presence of customer support!!

(not on this thread, for the love of the force)


second thing to make this less imp vs repug, balance issues that people claim is nonexistent, i hasbettergearthanyouwars-harhar. please make republics able to play and wookiee's and ewoks with full voice-acting! "cme'ere bro" *ROOO RAA ROOOR* hug.


sorry it had to come out.. i dont know where i get these bursts from, it's probably from playing killing floor, watching star wars movies. liking but not watching cartoons like the mask and johnny bravo...

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Uh but Imperial has far and away more Sorc's Mechs in any given warzone,and if you think you cannot be chain stunned all the while being aoe'd to death so the UBER Imperials can win and win and win i got a bridge to sell yah.


So for you Empire grats on your uberness and when you win grats again,,,easy button baby,easy button.

Edited by Sathid
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There is a total of one, yes ONE cooldown difference. That is between the IA and Smuggler flashbang skill, and yes the difference is 30 seconds and should not be there. That does not make what I said irrelevant.


We are not only talking about cooldown differences, stun durations, animation limitations, etc are all in favor of the Empire. Read the thread. More and more discrepancies are added every day.

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