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I Call BS on No dying vs Valis


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I see a few. very very few people that say they somehow manage to beat Valis w/o dying. When in fact that it is almost impossible to beat him without a prep strat that involves sending in kira first to take the initial mass knock back. Something you cant do at first because starting off the fight up close and personal.


But congrats do those who "somehow" manage to defeat him w/o out leveling im. My J/K Samurai helmet tips off to you.


Why? Because you failed?


Maybe other people were better at managing their toon at that level than you were!?!?!


Frankly, I didnt even remember this fight until I saw it splattered all over the forums.


"Oh this guy? I dont remember him being that hard to beat"

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Good troll post, 8/10.


In case you aren't trolling, I know it may be hard to believe, but some people are really, really good at gaming.


Reflex-wise, the average is 200-odd milliseconds. But people with incredibly good reflexes can be like 130 or even 120 milliseconds. That's a huge difference.


Valis is tough when you first encounter him, if you aren't a very fast-twitch player, but once you get the hang of how to interrupt and rotate your interrupts, and send Kira in first, and all the rest of it, he's really not all that hard, and that fight burns the general strategy for dealing with Bosses into your brain.


In my case, I had like 6 deaths when I was under level, then another 3 deaths at level. I was getting quite frustrated; but then I checked the forums, and beat him on second go using the info there, and lo and behold - it was actually very easy once I know what I was doing.


He's a sort of "baptism of fire" for your average player, but once you beat him you really start to feel like you're "in the saddle" with the game.


Learning a toon is a process of practice. I think for your average gamer, one's toons abilities are a bit of a blur to start with, it's all a bit vague and mushy and button-mashy.


It's boss fights like Valis that help you get a much clearer, more defined idea of what you're doing and what you're capable of.

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Oh im pretty good at this game. And people saying oh you suck. I beat him with a fully geared T7 further proves that they couldnt do it blind first try. BEcause its impossible to use T7 unless you die. Or out level. him. The instant knock back. Kira charging in and dying instantly leaving you alone to fight. At lvl 24 which is the level your suppose to be taking regular damage from him the fight isnt in your favor at all. Unless kira survives a good portion even with interupts. It took me about 4 or 5 tries w/o out leveling him with interupts and a med pack. Im way pass this part. Just seeing how difficult he was I highly doubt at lvl 24 anyone beat him first try w/o prep knowlege going into the fight.
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I'd like to see him toned down a bit, he's probably down right impossible to a new player who hasn't played MMOs before. I beat him, but only after consulting the forums for some tips. Class quests are essential to the leveling process, and should never be an unfriendly experience to new players. Leave that kind of stuff to Flashpoints and other non-essential portions of the game.
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Yeah but to say that people went in blind w/o no prep strat and didnt die at all against him w/o out leveling him i have to call nonsense. on the subject


I've never died to Valis.


I'm not sure what you're doing wrong, but I've beaten him without issues on multiple guardians and sentinels since beta.


Kira has died a couple of times, but I've always survived. I did have to use a medpack one or two of the times.


I like to think I'm a decent player, but I certainly don't think I'm a superstar or anything.

Edited by EJedi
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He wasn't easy to me. Easy is, I kill the group/boss and move on to the next group with no heals needed.


This guy took me down to 1/2 half and nearly killed Kira on my second try.


and just wondering how people are saying they one shot him with T7, this is Kira's "Brother", another of the emperor's children. Kira is rquired right. So how did you even start it without her?


Also, I read one saying they thought he was a trash mob, really? He is the only one in the room, and did you read or listen to the story at all, lol.


Anyway, he killed me right after convo. I hadn't UTube him or any spoiler stuff, so he surprized him with his abilities. After the death, respawned sent in Kira, I followed, Kick, Statsis, Pacify and he died.


I was lvl26 Sent at the time.

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Further proof that the skill level in this game by the players varies MASSIVELY! Some people beat him without knowing he was hard, others still can't beat him.


I got him down to 30% my first attempt but I wasn't ready (buffed and paying attention). Once i resed and buffed up I took him down without issues. So I guess 2nd try was all it took for me.


Interrupts is the name of the game and the sooner you learn it, the better you're off. FYI we get 5-6 interrupts towards the end game which are pretty darn handy. Some of them have a really really short CD so you can cycle them into a chain.

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I encountered Valis at level 27. I am a defence specced guardian.


First time I dodn't know what to expect and he killed me in seconds. the second time I was careful to use interruts, which I hadn't really bothered with at all up till then. Never really needed them.


So I ran up to him, saw him channeling and kicked. saw him channeling again and used statis on him. Saw him channeling again nd used force push, then folloewd up with force-leap and started hacking away at him. He died very quickly and I finished at about 80% health, and Kira on about 50%.


Take away his channeled abilties and Valis is surprisingly squishy. of course I was a little over-levelled.


This fight teaches players to use interrupts. It's good that some bosses are hard. To to be honest, he is nothing compared to what comes shortly after. I easily breezeed through Nar Shadda, but I am really struggling with mobs on Alderaan


The hardest bosses I have encountered is the champion in the watcher One base, and the Sith on nar Shaddar close the the SIS station.

Edited by damolawler
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I see a few. very very few people that say they somehow manage to beat Valis w/o dying. When in fact that it is almost impossible to beat him without a prep strat that involves sending in kira first to take the initial mass knock back. Something you cant do at first because starting off the fight up close and personal.


But congrats do those who "somehow" manage to defeat him w/o out leveling im. My J/K Samurai helmet tips off to you.


First try at level 24 =P


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MMO communites could use some of the competitve RTS mindset that's common in, say, starcraft:brood war or starcraft 2. By this i mean, if you lose a game in bw/sc2, it's NEVER, EVER, EVER a balance issue. Ever. It's just that you ****ed up, pure and simple. You make mistakes, the opponent doesn't and you lose the game.


The same goes (should go) for any videogame, including mmo's. Ok, Valis just killed you. Ask yourself: did you interrupt him every single time you could (this is the biggest one for story bosses)? Did you use your cooldowns at a proper time? Did you screw up your damage rotation? Did your companion die unnecessarily?


If the answer to any of these is no (it will be if he killed you), then you just need to improve your game, pure and simple. People will call ******** on this because i can't prove it, but when i killed him i had 70% hp left, using a medpac and every single cd i had, including Call on the Force near the start of the fight (which is the biggest reason my hp was that high at the end), at level 24.


Long story short: if you mess up a fight it's your problem, not the game's. Man up and get better rather than asking someone else to solve problems for you.

Edited by teoita
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I had no trouble with him, but as a Guardian tank, I had already gotten pretty paranoid about doing anything and everything in my power to interrupt the enemy when he pulls out a red power bar. So, force kicks, stasis and push were my big buds. Until I saw this thread, I had no idea that anyone else had any trouble with him. He might have killed Kira, but I don't remember ... that's how memorable that fight was.
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I see a few. very very few people that say they somehow manage to beat Valis w/o dying. When in fact that it is almost impossible to beat him without a prep strat that involves sending in kira first to take the initial mass knock back. Something you cant do at first because starting off the fight up close and personal.


But congrats do those who "somehow" manage to defeat him w/o out leveling im. My J/K Samurai helmet tips off to you.




When do you fight Valis? I am on Balmorra and I have yet to die to one of those solo quest. Now I have died a few times while soloing 2 man heroics or attempting to solo 4 mans.


Do you have a link to this "pre strat" you are referring to? I have yet to come across any information about SWTOR questing on a website.

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I call BP* on dying vs Valis.


I was very skeptical about making a Jedi Knight Sentinel a few weeks ago after reading the forums and people saying they are really Under Powered. But I just finished up Act 1 last night and I must say that people that say they are struggling so much must be doing something wrong or are simply just Bad Players*.


The Jedi Sentinel has some crazy tools for survival that no one seems to understand are meant to be used. I was able to finish both Valis (at 26) and Angral (31) with well over 50% health by simply using ALL of my abilities (Used Kira for both). If you know there is going to be a kockback save your force leap.


Use Pacify, Rebuke, Saberward, Force Camo, Force Stasis, and FORCE KICK!


Pacify reduces the enemies accuracy by 90%! That is arguably better than saberward for its limited duration.


Every story 'Boss' I have encountered has been easy if you simply Focus build for the first 8 seconds of the fight (they all utilize their mechanics within the first 8 seconds). During that time they will do 1 of three things.


1. Knock Back (use that charge you saved now by not initiating the fight with it)

2. Cast their nuke (FORCE KICK THE B**CH)

3. Do both 1 and 2 (Charge and use interrupt with the focus you received by charging in)

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I was very skeptical about making a Jedi Knight Sentinel a few weeks ago after reading the forums and people saying they are really Under Powered. But I just finished up Act 1 last night and I must say that people that say they are struggling so much must be doing something wrong or are simply just Bad Players*.


Combine the following:


Noob players + 15 y/o's + Jedi Lightsabers + Good guys = lot of people complaining about Jedi Warriors.


Let's face it, people want to 2 button smash faceroll like the other clasess (Trooper/BH) and can't be bothered to actually try a tad bit harder for the Jedi Warriors. That's why you have all these posts saying JW's are underpowered etc. Get a skilled player behind the wheel and you'll be wondering what everyone's complaining about.

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Let's face it, people want to 2 button smash faceroll like the other clasess (Trooper/BH) and can't be bothered to actually try a tad bit harder for the Jedi Warriors. That's why you have all these posts saying JW's are underpowered etc. Get a skilled player behind the wheel and you'll be wondering what everyone's complaining about.



I killed Valis on my first try with my guardian (Vigilance specced). It was a hard fight, but not the most difficult one.

I found a elite NPC (melee imperial on Taris, with a very big vibrosword) much heavier. He killed my beloved (and geared) T7 with 2-3 strikes and hit me also for almost 50% hp with one strike. In fact it was the only story-boss I needed more than one try.


Hell, even the critter-boss on Alderan I found more difficult (since I was jumping in the massive crowd of trashmobs in the beginning assuming I need to tank them all.....)


In the end, the more skills you get with your JK the better it gets. If you use ALL your abilities you're incredible powerful. But if you use only a subset, you will not get happy at all.

Edited by Ermo
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Anyone dieing to Valis, sand demon ect must not be doing all their side quests, space missions ect. I'm always a few levels above what I'm fighting and I never have any issues, unless I'm trying to solo a Heroic. To prove a point, as it were, I get offered the bonus missions for a planet before I leave it. Then I do those as well.


I aint saying I don't die, but when I do die it is MY fault. Not the game or BW, me. Stop burning through content and missing out stuff, keep your gear relatively up to date for yourself and companion and learn your skills (rotations) and you won't have any major problems. If you still do then..well you know what I'm gonna say already...

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Sorry to say... Blind... no prep... Kira and I mowed him down... Kira died while I got turned around and lost my bearings. I was lvl 25 for this fight. I am Biochem 250 with reusable meds. I couldn't get a speeder until I was lvl 28, but having those stims is WAY more important to me.


I am hybrid defense, Vigilance spec which is supposed to be horrid, but I am having fun. Had to do a take two on Praven (I was lvl 27 here) since I wasn't ready for the interrupts, but other than that, I am finding Guardian to be fun.

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He wasn't that difficult at all, I don't think I've ever died to Valis. But I don't skip quests, I do every mission on every planet, I don't just try to get through class quests as fast as I can. I also usually do most heroics once, though I do skip them when I don't feel like doing them. So I would have been a few levels higher than Valis at least. I always have green-ranked missions after leaving Coruscant.


The key to this guy is interrupt him. Use Force Kick, use Force Stasis. If you interrupt his big nasty attacks he's not very difficult at all. That's nothing unique, that's true for most bosses.


The first class quest boss I had serious trouble with was Darth Angral. He was hard for me even though I was significantly above the mission level. I did my usual stuff (buff up, interrupt as often as I could) and yet I still died the first time, because I wasn't hitting my cooldowns early enough and wasn't being as attentive with interrupts. I waited 20 minutes for Call on the Force to be available again, tried it a second time, and beat him.


I'm a tank spec Guardian and use Kira for everything as a companion.

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