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What lesson have we learned from EA and Bioware with this launch?


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i see ppl repeating ''buying blind'' !!!!The fact that u guys dont search about the infos they gave us and they gave alot more then other online games prelaunch its not theirs or our fault .But well we all know most ppl just love to whine about everything its in our nature.
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People are idiots and don't know what they're complaining about.


That and is it really that big shocker when people see how any launch system profits the company? What you expect them to take a lose for release date?


They are not being unfair and they are making money, people are just pissed off they have to wait God forbid.

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Show me the part of the license that tells us about pre-orders. It`s funny i didn`t see it here. You failed there too.


Show me the any part of 'MAY PLAY UP TO 5 DAYS' tells us about all pre-orders surely would start to play 5 days earlier.


There's only one who failed and I'm afraid its noone but you. That's even in your forum name. It really explains alot to me..


The lessons I've learned with this launch is all about some other guys like you being extremely ignorant and defend incoherent ideas.

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And I do not know which part of this line you didnt understand 'MAY PLAY UP TO' I am not english yet I did understand what it means very clearly. They never promised you 5 days. It would be 1 hour to 1 day to 5 days. What are you moaning all about really?



I don't know what you don't understand, that line did not exist in some territories. It was on sale in more places than Walmart Arkansas.

Edited by GumBoil
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If this staggered launch goes as slow as day one ill never ever again pre-order anything from bioware/EA.


Whats the logic of pre-ordering a product at day 1 that you know crap about it because they hide everything afraid of criticism besides being a blind fanboy that would buy a devs used condom?


Smart consumers MUST know what they are buying before putting their money on something. Pre-ordering to have 1 week behind blind customers is the same as buying retail, or worse.


The main thing we have learned is that this community has a nasty vocal minority of self entitled whiners.

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Actually no, its sad. A good launch shouldnt have ended like this. Ever.


This has been one of the very best betas I can remember and my experience of the early access launch is that it has been equally good.


You are right, a good launch should not end this way...but it just goes to show that no matter what you do as a company, you cannot legislate for people who cannot read and then spew their nonsense all over your forums because they are pissed at their own mistake.


The community has put a cloud over this launch and not BW imo.



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I don't know what you don't understand, that line did not exist in some territories. It was on sale in more places than Walmart Arkansas.


What line? 'MAY PLAY UP TO 5 DAYS' one? Well before pre-ordering a game, you should've checked this site maybe? instead of moaning all about Early Access over and over started from day 1?


They never said you would surely. They said May UP To. It's crsytal clear and you still try to defend the opposite.


Tell me now what part of this you still didnt get?

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The community has put a cloud over this launch and not BW imo.




You can say that, but in reality it's bioware/EA's unprofessional manner in which they've handled the whole situation that's let them to be in this situation in the first place.

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I don't know what you don't understand, that line did not exist in some territories. It was on sale in more places than Walmart Arkansas.


That line existed on every single piece of marketing information I have seen to date and I do not live in the US.


That line was also definitely on the company's website...which is you know, perhaps where you should have checked no matter what part of the world you live in?


Again, ignorance is not an excuse and its not BWs fault.



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That bioware really did not monitor the beta testing very well. Level 50's on the first day? All they did was allow people to come in and play the game enough to find how well farming pvp works.


Anyone who played warhammer online knew this. WoW Fanboys have been silly saying its a wow clone. Its actually a warhammer clone with star wars.

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You can say that, but in reality it's bioware/EA's unprofessional manner in which they've handled the whole situation that's let them to be in this situation in the first place.


And not the fact that all these haters simply cant read or simply failed to understand the pre order process?



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Are you serious?


I'm from the UK and your logic is pathetic.


"Be the first to explore the fate of the Old Republic" does NOT mean anything close to "Pre Order and you will be in the game before anyone else"....


If you had read the information available in the UK like I did you would have known well in advance that activation of early access was based SOLELY on when you entered your code.


That is the defining point here, not some marketing blurb.




When I bought it there was absolutely no mention of it being based on activation of the pre-order code. As I said before there where no caveats, and no pre requisites or any other stipulations. It was clear at the point of sale that pre-ordering entitled you to play the head start. (Not a portion of the head start, not up to xx days of the headstart, the whole shebang).

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This has been one of the very best betas I can remember and my experience of the early access launch is that it has been equally good.


You are right, a good launch should not end this way...but it just goes to show that no matter what you do as a company, you cannot legislate for people who cannot read and then spew their nonsense all over your forums because they are pissed at their own mistake.


The community has put a cloud over this launch and not BW imo.




I'm sorry but if you decide to do waves and provide no Information whatsoever to your consumers when they will be let in, there will be a vocal backslash. People wan't dates even tenative ones would help. That's why when having Server Problems etc. You try to provide a ETA so users can plan ahead.


The advertisement with Pre-Order now and get up to 5 days EGA in november/ december also was misleading. This implies that you have a chance to get 5 days if pre ordered in December which is not the case in a staggered system.


I would be happy to get acces on friday or saturday. But the whole launch strategy made sure that there will be *****torm comming.

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Okay so they should do like every other MMO the last decade and launch with hours of queing, dcing, lagging, game crashes, competing to get quest kills etc?


Seriously, who'd play this game if we had it your way?


I've played more then a few mmos at launch /headstart over the last decade that haven't had "hours of queing, dcing, lagging, game crashes, competing to get quest kills etc?", wow launched like that, as did alot of games with large followings but thankfully server technology has come a long way in being able to handle most of the server related problems.

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And not the fact that all these haters simply cant read or simply failed to understand the pre order process?




The problem isn't "not being able to read" or "failing to understand" as much as it's being annoyed about breaking from the standard and doing so in a horribly unprofessional manner.

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If this staggered launch goes as slow as day one ill never ever again pre-order anything from bioware/EA.


Whats the logic of pre-ordering a product at day 1 that you know crap about it because they hide everything afraid of criticism besides being a blind fanboy that would buy a devs used condom?


Smart consumers MUST know what they are buying before putting their money on something. Pre-ordering to have 1 week behind blind customers is the same as buying retail, or worse.


So what have we learned


#1 your a blind fanboi that is upset that you aren’t playing your favoritest game that you are drooling over play so much that you have to make a post like this about it, don’t worry little one you will get to play your video game soon


#2 If you don’t know about the game you could have done a little research, there is this new thing called.... "The internet"…. and there are search features and everything, when you are old enough you should find out about those things.


#3 Smart consumers do, they research, they are in communication with the folks and know ahead of time what they are buying and why, after we teach you about research then you too can become a smart consumer.

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You can say that, but in reality it's bioware/EA's unprofessional manner in which they've handled the whole situation that's let them to be in this situation in the first place.


Are you guys a joke really? Guys wake up!


This is a planned schedule. We knew that would happen long long time ago already. They said this over and over. If you didnt listen well, it's not their problem. And this is not being unprofessional.


They are doing what they promised, and this is being professional. Because they didnt give some candy to some moaners doesnt mean they are unprofessional.


Good parents dont feed their children with everything they moan. And good children will learn their lessons while bad children live with the ugly face of disappointments in every situation they get in life.


That's the step one we all should learn about life. Even the promises could be broken. So if there's no 'going to' but 'may play up to', you should think twice before making your plans and dreams.

Edited by Joshbonrise
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When I bought it there was absolutely no mention of it being based on activation of the pre-order code. As I said before there where no caveats, and no pre requisites or any other stipulations. It was clear at the point of sale that pre-ordering entitled you to play the head start. (Not a portion of the head start, not up to xx days of the headstart, the whole shebang).


You just said that when you ordered the game there were no caveats, pre-requisites or other stipulations.


So where do you extrapolate that pre ordering gives you access to anything at all? Where did it state in the zero information you got that pre ordering gave you FULL access to headstart?


Simple answer...it didnt.



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Whats the logic of pre-ordering a product at day 1 that you know crap about it because they hide everything afraid of criticism besides being a blind fanboy that would buy a devs used condom?


Simple solution for you: don't buy pre-orders.

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