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Whats 'Item Mod Table' for?


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I'm not sure. I asked this question in-game in general chat and somebody told me that originally they had it that you couldn't modify your items without being at one, but decided to change it and let you do it where ever. I guess they just left the mod stations in there anyway.
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Other than being required for the first mod you perform, they really do seem superflous to requirements.


And its kind of misleading to use a table for it when afterwards you wont be using it ever, and all beginners are asking "Is there a modifying table on Dromund Kaas?" all the time..


I would actually prefer using a crafting table for that nostalgic feeling.

Edited by Karkais
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Ah, these tables are everywhere even now. I wanna get that rp feel :).


Fair enough. They certainly shouldn't remove the tables :)


PS: It is NOT required for your first modification. My level 34 agent is still running around with the quest to read about modifications. You don't need to finish it.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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