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Is Anyone Else Getting Bored/Burn Out From SW:TOR Already?


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This was what I feared before SW:TOR launched: a game with no longevity at all.


It appears that this game simply does not provide myself, and at least a reasonable quantity of other people, with enjoyment. I've already cancelled my sub.



Anyone else feeling bored of SW:TOR already?




To those who aren't bored: that's fine, no need to tell us in this thread, though. We're sure you're having lots of fun frolicking through the deserts of Tatooine...for 26 min...for 1 quest...

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To those who aren't bored: that's fine, no need to tell us in this thread, though. We're sure you're having lots of fun frolicking through the deserts of Tatooine...for 26 min...for 1 quest...


Yup because you telling us that you're not having fun is all that important.


I'm having fun, also with friends :)

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This was what I feared before SW:TOR launched: a game with no longevity at all.


It appears that this game simply does not provide myself, and at least a reasonable quantity of other people, with enjoyment. I've already cancelled my sub.



Anyone else feeling bored of SW:TOR already?




To those who aren't bored: that's fine, no need to tell us in this thread, though. We're sure you're having lots of fun frolicking through the deserts of Tatooine...for 26 min...for 1 quest...


Hey I remember you! You're that guy that got caught red handed lying about his time in Beta! I'm surprised you are still showing your face around here after the laugh everyone got at your expense! :p

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Im having fun for shorter periods. The fact is that I atually think that it takes way too much traveling, fighting and various other time consuming stuff to complete a quest which yield small amount of experience. In any case im only level 40 atm. so ill definitively wait around untill atleast level 50 before making any final judgement. Edited by Ragdad
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Why do you keep making threads about how bored you are, or what you don't like in this game? I mean, you are free to voice your opinions, but I've seen more than a few negative threads created by you. Why not make a single, over arching thread that features your frustrations? Clean up the forums a bit.....


In answer to your topic though, no, I'm not bored.

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say, this game sucks. Don't respond to me because I don't care what you think, I only wanna hear from people who agree with me.


Those of you who do enjoy this game, are idiots, because quests last for a while.


I sound like someone... Can't put my finger on... Who...



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I have played so many MMOs at launch over the past 7 or so years that I'm used to first month burn out. So far I haven't felt TOR is grindy at all. A bit slower than other MMOs in terms of levelling speed, not sure if that's maybe because the levelling curve is very, very shallow - but hey, waffling.


No, not yet burnt out, still having SO MUCH fun. Have usual ragtag bunch of friends with me, which improves fun 150%.

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This was what I feared before SW:TOR launched: a game with no longevity at all.


It appears that this game simply does not provide myself, and at least a reasonable quantity of other people, with enjoyment. I've already cancelled my sub.



Anyone else feeling bored of SW:TOR already?




To those who aren't bored: that's fine, no need to tell us in this thread, though. We're sure you're having lots of fun frolicking through the deserts of Tatooine...for 26 min...for 1 quest...


Lol, you should NOT be playing MMO's sir. You're whining on a 26 minute quest? (btw, big fail, not 1 single quest on Tattooine takes that long to complete because in case you didn't know your map frickin tells you where to go) Then get ready for (in e-v-e-r-y mmo) endless grinding of pvp and instances to get some nice gear, it'll take you d-a-y-s. Since your whining about half an hour, mmo's are not for you. Try GW2 later on, might suit ya better.

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you're having lots of fun frolicking through the deserts of Tatooine...for 26 min...for 1 quest...


Its called a speeder, its amazing like those mounts in WoW, they make you move faster.

BTW if its taking you 26mins to do 1 quest on tatoonie, your doing something really really wrong.


But your all bull**** any way

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This game has plenty of longevity. Maybe none for you see as though you might have a hard time making friends. Every day i get on i get multiple whispers asking if i want in on some pvp. That's always fun. Flashpoints, puggable OPs. This game was built for Casual Gamers in mind. Oh wait, you didn't want to hear what might make this game enjoyable for you? You just wanted to state your invalid opinion and leave? Ahhh well don't let the door hit you on the way out. Adios and Viya con dios.
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