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Can't get to 50...


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How are space missions in the 40s? In the teens and twenties they helped to keep things fresh.


They copy and paste them with harder mobs


No, I'm not kidding, the 4 of the last 6 missions I got as a leveled are the same as the previous missions with tougher mobs and tougher objectives.

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I'm leveling up multiple toons. that may alleviate some of the boredom.



I can't just stay with 1 character without getting bored doing the same rotation over and over and over every time I log on.


Level another class? Each AC really plays differently troopers AC's have been my favs so far followed by the Consular AC then the smuggler one. BW did a great job with the diversity.

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About the 'bored already' issue... If you're bored at level 30+ in this game then I'm sad to say that it's you, not Bioware. It's you that just lost interest in traditional mmorpg's as a whole, yet at the same time no doubt bashed games for trying to be innovative. AoC, DCUO and DDO all tried to be innovative. Yet they were all bashed for it and were told to be more like WoW instead. This game IS more like WoW and less innovative, yet people now complain that they're not innovative enough and things are boring?


Like I said, it's you the player, that is no longer interested in traditional (wow-like, for the wow kiddies) mmo, and more likely than not bashed innovative mmo's for their innovation attempts, that is the problem.


Now instead of only complaining about how boring the game has become or how X lazy feature coming from wow isn't in the game, why not give some constructive idea's on how to improve the game? Give idea's on how you think the game should be fixed, that are not blatant wow idea's you want implemented here. But you won't do that...Just like everyone else that complains, all you can do is list faults, not offer solutions.


At this point I just laugh at posts like this. Blame everything on the players and not the hallowed devs. Also, you might want to reinforce your post...it's bursting at the seams with assumptions.


And you know as well as I do, almost all suggestions are blown off as insignificant and not worth the time or are met with "OMG GO BACK TO WOW!!!111"

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I'm leveling up multiple toons. that may alleviate some of the boredom.



I can't just stay with 1 character without getting bored doing the same rotation over and over and over every time I log on.


Level another class? Each AC really plays differently troopers AC's have been my favs so far followed by the Consular AC then the smuggler one. BW did a great job with the diversity.


I don't think the cure for boring side quests is to do MORE boring side quests (that I've already done).

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I sort of felt this for the first time tonight on my 43 commando. Finished some quest and the guy says something like "just one more thing for you to do, go see such and such and tell him about what you did" And I'm thinking like oh crap, here we go, wheres this guy now, what's he gonna want me to fetch, etc. and so I travel across a third of the map and see him and sure enough its another fetch x number of things and kill x number for bouns and I just lost interest.

The good thing is I can just log off in a cantina and build the double xp thing and come back later when I feel like it, but right now its just burnout. The side quests are making me irritated more than entertaining me.

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At this point I just laugh at posts like this. Blame everything on the players and not the hallowed devs. Also, you might want to reinforce your post...it's bursting at the seams with assumptions.


And you know as well as I do, almost all suggestions are blown off as insignificant and not worth the time or are met with "OMG GO BACK TO WOW!!!111"


Like I said, come with suggestions that aren't blatantly ripped from WoW. If you do come with 'suggestions' that came from wow, then the 'go back to wow' argument is 100% valid. As, if you want this game to be so much like WoW, then why not just play WoW?




People call this game boring. That you do the same thing in every quest. But was wow any better? In that game too you always used the same rotation for every mob, and a second, same rotation for every pack.


Game is too linear? WoW is almost as linear. Instead of having 1 place to go to you have a grand total choice of TWO places to go to for leveling! What a big difference.


Also, at the same time you swtor bashers bash this game for it's similarities to WoW. How can you be such a hypocrite? "I want X feature from WoW in this game!" and at the same time saying "It's just a WoW rip off/clone".

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i have now been level 48 for 5 days, just can't get my self to do another quest! i have tryed logging in a few times, but find my self standing in the imp. fleet for around 10 min before i log out again. I must sadly see that i will never hit level 50! I unsubscribed 4/1 and today was the game files removed from my computer.


Sad to see it, this game could have been great, but it fell short from the finish line by a few miles!

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Like I said, come with suggestions that aren't blatantly ripped from WoW. If you do come with 'suggestions' that came from wow, then the 'go back to wow' argument is 100% valid. As, if you want this game to be so much like WoW, then why not just play WoW?




People call this game boring. That you do the same thing in every quest. But was wow any better? In that game too you always used the same rotation for every mob, and a second, same rotation for every pack.


Game is too linear? WoW is almost as linear. Instead of having 1 place to go to you have a grand total choice of TWO places to go to for leveling! What a big difference.


Also, at the same time you swtor bashers bash this game for it's similarities to WoW. How can you be such a hypocrite? "I want X feature from WoW in this game!" and at the same time saying "It's just a WoW rip off/clone".


You should probably just jump off of a building.

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I have Jedi Shadow lvl 44 and a Sith Marauder lvl 27.



And to be honest, im not having fun. But im trying.



1-30 With my Shadow was fun, i really enjoyed that period. But after that, everything became so, so boring. I can understand why ppl lvl doing pvp, it isnt as bad as questing. Then i got to 44 and needed a break.



Lvled pretty fast on my Marauder, but again, doing quest, after quest, after quest... I can understand some grinding, kill X of some droid or w/e, but every place you go is so full of freakin creatures and robots, droids, agents, jawas and ****.



How did you make it to 50? Is pvp the best way?


no point getting to 50 at the moment, current end game content is garbage.

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Lest for now I have that option.


And you can build that community on those awesome server forums!


Oh wait...


But as for the OP, MMOs are about grind. If you don't like grind I question whether you will find anything to be super fun about the genre. First you grind levels then you grind gear, then new content comes out and you grind for new gear, etc.


If you like the coop nature of MMOs but are not as down with the grind, you might try a team based MOBA.

Edited by Bhigtimm
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Having the same problem lvling. It's BORING not because it's kill x got to y, I did that in WoW for YEARS n it never bothered me. The problem is you srsly spam 1-2 spells 99% of the time while questing its BORING AS HELL!


jedi sage - project - telekinesis throw spam.


Jedi shadow - The back stab spell and double swing or w/e its called.


BH merc - i only spam tracer missile and i won't even need to bother hitting anything else till i get the unload dmg buff at the top of the tree.



The classes are just beyond stale and boring to play.

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Like I said, come with suggestions that aren't blatantly ripped from WoW. If you do come with 'suggestions' that came from wow, then the 'go back to wow' argument is 100% valid. As, if you want this game to be so much like WoW, then why not just play WoW?




People call this game boring. That you do the same thing in every quest. But was wow any better? In that game too you always used the same rotation for every mob, and a second, same rotation for every pack.


Game is too linear? WoW is almost as linear. Instead of having 1 place to go to you have a grand total choice of TWO places to go to for leveling! What a big difference.


Also, at the same time you swtor bashers bash this game for it's similarities to WoW. How can you be such a hypocrite? "I want X feature from WoW in this game!" and at the same time saying "It's just a WoW rip off/clone".


You have a real habit of arguing against things people haven't said. I also note you are doing what so many of the fans do. You say you want "constructive criticism" Then you randomly establish arbitrary requirements for what qualifies...which of course means nothing ever does.

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pvp the whole way up, not just for the rewards (you want to have a bag in your bank and both commendations maxed for when you hit 50 so you can open 6 bags on the spot, plus that days dailies and the weekly for wz's and ilum for a grand total of 14 bags the first day, starting you out to a galloping start on your pvp sets) but also so that you know what youre doing by the time you're 50. play with a team.


skip the heroics, too much time to invest, you can come back for the flavor later, so what if you can solo it, maybe you solo it for a group that is failing and refusing to quit and make their day?


skip the auction house, unless something is like 10 levels behind, dont waste time obsessing over it.


dont obsess over crafting either, send people out for more companion gifts whenever they get back and then dump all that stuff on the gtn for the default value as fast as you can and keep moving.


get off the forums.


skip quests that are grey, skip quests that are grey and will probably go green. I skipped all of tat and never made it to coru, theyre still there though if I feel like going back.

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Having the same problem lvling. It's BORING not because it's kill x got to y, I did that in WoW for YEARS n it never bothered me. The problem is you srsly spam 1-2 spells 99% of the time while questing its BORING AS HELL!


jedi sage - project - telekinesis throw spam.


Jedi shadow - The back stab spell and double swing or w/e its called.


BH merc - i only spam tracer missile and i won't even need to bother hitting anything else till i get the unload dmg buff at the top of the tree.



The classes are just beyond stale and boring to play.


I am curious why you bothered to leave WOW? If you did not get bored with it why would you leave?


My Hunter, Death Knight and Shadow Priest all used the same rotations. There was never any change. EQ was no different except it was auto attack on and then hit 1 or 2 abilities.


All MMO's are the same. Any time an MMO is different people complain it is different and do not play it and the game fails. If a game sticks with what has proven to work players complain it is a knock off.


Since you guys are so damn smart and know what this game is lacking why not create your own game. It will obviously be perfect since you are all experts in what a game should be. The fact that I doubt any two players would want the same thing is irrelevant.


This game is far from perfect. Between many game altering bugs and exploits changes need to be made. I am sure the changes will come. A fully customizable UI will need to be implemented sooner rather than later. Sadly an in game version of recount will need to be added to please the min/max crowd. Third party add-on's are not needed and I hope they are never implemented.


I personally would have preferred seeing 500 hours of game time to make max level. Then again I don't need nor do I like the "easy" button. I did find much of my class content at 30+ to require tactics. I could not just go into every fight with a tank and spank mentality and expect to win.

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