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Tracer Missile and Grav Round might need to be looked at


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Warning doesn't put me in timeout, but with your obvious intellectual superiority, you probably knew that. Sorry, you're not important enough to warrant a timeout for insulting. :)


See, the problem is, being witty (if what you think you're doing is being witty, that is. It's debatable.) doesn't provide you a substantive argument either. So, really, I'm just matching your pointless, non-backed up assertions with some of my own (IE: You're an idiot.).


If you're allowing a commando to ceaselessly cast grav round over and over again, then you're bad and deserve to get spammed to death in the first place. There's a reason that interrupts, stuns, knock backs, and mezzes are in the game (Oh, you don't use those or know what those are? Pity.). A good player, which is probably your polar opposite, knows to interrupt a commando while he's casting grav round. Once grav round is interrupted, most (bad) commandos will stand around and get beat on helplessly until they can spam it again. Then you can proceed to knock back, stun, mez, and do whatever else it is you need to do to win. Conclusion? Sorry, but grav round is only an iWin button against bad players, such as yourself. You're delusional if you believe a good commando can get by by merely using grav round, and ignoring his knockbacks, stuns, heals, demo round, HIB, shields, ammo recharger, mezz, full-auto and so on. Good commandos only operate efficiently if they use all of their skills. It's bad players, such as yourself, that allows bad commandos to operate efficiently by spamming grav round.


You certainly do like to insult people, don't you? (Aw, yes you do! Who's a cutie?) Why so mean when I've done nothing to warrant such hostility. (Nothing at all.) :( Don't worry though, I'm sure your incorrect viewpoint built on a foundation of ad hominem attacks will carry the weight of gold outside this ********** of a thread! :)


Allow me to leave you with a quote from not an hour ago (I lie, just over an hour ago), posted by yours truly. (That means me.)


I imagine the look on their faces with their precious tracer missile gets interrupted is priceless.


Keep fightin' the good fight, buddy. (Really, I like you.) You are a true forums warrior, and I bow to your incredible wall of text. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy interrupting (Wait, what's an interrupt) your casts and laughing all the way to the PvP vendor.

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You certainly do like to insult people, don't you? (Aw, yes you do! Who's a cutie?) Why so mean when I've done nothing to warrant such hostility. (Nothing at all.) :( Don't worry though, I'm sure your incorrect viewpoint built on a foundation of ad hominem attacks will carry the weight of gold outside this ********** of a thread! :)


Allow me to leave you with a quote from not an hour ago (I lie, just over an hour ago), posted by yours truly. (That means me.)




Keep fightin' the good fight, buddy. (Really, I like you.) You are a true forums warrior, and I bow to your incredible wall of text. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy interrupting (Wait, what's an interrupt) your casts and laughing all the way to the PvP vendor.


Oh look, another unsubstantial post. You can leave the thread now.


By the way, you should probably look up the definition of Ad Hominem, because you're using it wrong. Ciao.

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My first 50 was a BH. You can sleep at the keyboard and do retarded damage.


Anyone defending tracer lacks critical thinking skills.


And then you realize - spamming tracer overheats you in a raiding environment. I assume you didn't raid, because you'd know there that:


1) Many fights are extremely mobile, forcing you to rely on instant casts.


2) Tracer is only filler to prepare for our big hitting moves, like Unload, Heatseeker and Railshot.


3) Overheating is not what occurs at 100% heat. It's post 40% heat. Once you've broken that, you need to stop using tracer missile because heat doesn't decrease linearly and you'll lose out on damage.


And if by chance you are talking about PvP - refer to my previous post.

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Put a melee on a Merc and watch the merc do absolutely nothing.


I hate when people cry about a class and don't see the most obvious counter to it. Once I get on a Merc as an Assassin they aren't getting me off.

Edited by Nocorras
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not sure if these moves are intended to be as powerful as they are but it honestly seems to hit too hard for what it is.


Its spec'ed for in the 3rd tier of the commando/bh trees, it has a 1.5 second cast with no cool down, a 30m range, as well as reduces a players armor. Problem is that it hits harder than the move that you have to spec for in the 7th tier which has a 15 second cooldown on it.


In PvP Grav Round and Tracer Missile can hit reliably on crits for 2500-3000 and can be spammed to hit every 1.5 seconds.


It hits harder than a Jedi Knights Master Strike which has a 4m range, applies damage over 3 seconds, and has a 30 second cool down.


It wouldnt be so bad if so many BH's and troopers didnt just spam the move but it is the most effective way for them to kill stuff. No other class I'm aware of can use just one move and be as effective.


Personally I feel it needs to have a cooldown added, have its damage decreased, move it higher up in the tree, have the ammo/heat cost increased, or something else to bring it in line with other moves in both the BH/Trooper trees and other classes that have cooldowns and dont do as much damage.


the purpose of this thread is simply to give the devs a heads up so they can review the moves and see if they were meant to be this powerful and spamable.


No. They build up heat so fast, it doesnt need any change at all.

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And then you realize - spamming tracer overheats you in a raiding environment. I assume you didn't raid, because you'd know there that:


1) Many fights are extremely mobile, forcing you to rely on instant casts.


2) Tracer is only filler to prepare for our big hitting moves, like Unload, Heatseeker and Railshot.


3) Overheating is not what occurs at 100% heat. It's post 40% heat. Once you've broken that, you need to stop using tracer missile because heat doesn't decrease linearly and you'll lose out on damage.


And if by chance you are talking about PvP - refer to my previous post.


STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > PvP

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Wow. So you got called out for not understanding basic mechanics of your class and now the animation is not to your taste?


Just wow.


Edit: also no one can/should have a "set rotation" in pvp, its situational play. But you should know which abilities have the comparably higher DPCT and how to build synergy between attacks.


i understand how to play merc just fine thank you. those of you constantly spamming tracer missile and nothing else are the ones that need to gain some understanding

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Total freaking lie that it hits harder than heatseeker.


My tracer missile, in full champion/centurion gear, hits for 1.9k and crits for around 3.1k.


My heatseeker missile, in full champion/centurion gear, hits for 2.8k and crits for around 4.2k. (Assuming heat signatures are up)


Not even close. Tracer doesn't even hit harder than rail shot.


Try harder.


EDIT: Also, while I'm at it. You are vsing the most immobile, easy-to-interrupt class in the game. Letting a BH/Trooper rolfstomp your team is a mistake on your team's part, not ours. You are essentially letting a glass cannon do its job.


How does it do assuming no heat signatures are up? You get an extra 25% damage and an extra 20% less armor, OF COURSE it will do more damage then! However, you subtract about 40% damage for not having all the signatures up and it does very similar damage to Heat seeker. Granted idk why anyone would use heat seeker without full signatures up.

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How does it do assuming no heat signatures are up? You get an extra 25% damage and an extra 20% less armor, OF COURSE it will do more damage then! However, you subtract about 40% damage for not having all the signatures up and it does very similar damage to Heat seeker. Granted idk why anyone would use heat seeker without full signatures up.


Targets running out of range / right about to run out of los etc. its still our hardest hitting ability and you want to keep it on cd as much as possible.


If people want tracer missile to be horribly nerfed then please atleast think of the consequences of this, 1. arsenal will become a nearly worthless damage spec 2. pyrotech is still an awful spec that can't kill a fly, thus leaving mercs in a state of uselessness.

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Tracer missile would be fine if it wasnt that spammable. 25 energy for missile, -9 if talented and -8 if it crits (once every 3 seconds). 8-16 energy for high damage spammable ability with 1.5 sec cast time, good armor penetration while sitting 30 meters away wearing heavy amor? IZI MODO, here I come!
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Targets running out of range / right about to run out of los etc. its still our hardest hitting ability and you want to keep it on cd as much as possible.


If people want tracer missile to be horribly nerfed then please atleast think of the consequences of this, 1. arsenal will become a nearly worthless damage spec 2. pyrotech is still an awful spec that can't kill a fly, thus leaving mercs in a state of uselessness.


see thats the thing, i'm not saying it needs to be horribly nerfed. it doesnt need to be cut down to doing like 1/3 of the damage. right now as it is it needs a damage reduction or a 3-5 second cd added too it.


And people try to say a trooper/bh is a glass cannon, they wear heavy armor. If anyone has a right to complain about being a glass cannon and needing to do a lot of dps its the light/medium armor classes. Not a heavy armor class that can heal themselves if they want.


WoW has always had a tendency of nerfing a move or a class into the ground so its not playable. All i'm saying is the devs should asses the ability some and maybe adjust it so it does say 1500-2000 crits instead of 2000-3000 since its an ability that is meant to allow you to build up another one that can hit for 4000. As it is right now its got too much utility functionality to also be one of the highest damage spamable moves in game.

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a 3-5 second cooldown is a horrible nerf, right now the reason we need to spam the ability is to get heat signatures up on the target and tracer lock stacks on ourself, with a 5 second cooldown it would take us 15 seconds to get a full heat signature stack and 25 seconds to get a full tracer lock stack.
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a 3-5 second cooldown is a horrible nerf, right now the reason we need to spam the ability is to get heat signatures up on the target and tracer lock stacks on ourself, with a 5 second cooldown it would take us 15 seconds to get a full heat signature stack and 25 seconds to get a full tracer lock stack.


my ability that does an armor debuff is on a 4.5 second cd. and personally i dont think they should change the ability to spam apply the debuffs but i think they need to adjust the damage. Right now for a debuff/buff utility ability its doing more than many classes highest damage abilities. With what the move is intended to do for the class a slight damage decrease would likely fix the issue that way 3 spams of tracer and a heatseeker isnt enough to kill tanks over the course of 6 seconds.

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Nerf Snipe/Aimed Shot/Force Lightning/Shock/Backslash other spammable attack that every other class has no cooldown on please.


So far all I see is "My Tank can die".



Juggernauts and Jedi Knights feel invincible and the only thing that seems to take them down is tracer missile/grav round, thats why they want it nerfed so much.

Edited by Daecollo
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What they need to do is add something more to their DPS rotation.


Like use "X" ability to make stacks of Tracer Missiles, so when you get 5 Tracer Missile stacks you can spam Tracer Missile 5 times (unless interrupted ) then use High-Impact Bolt/Unload then repeat. As of right now, it's way too easy.

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What they need to do is add something more to their DPS rotation.


Like use "X" ability to make stacks of Tracer Missiles, so when you get 5 Tracer Missile stacks you can spam Tracer Missile 5 times (unless interrupted ) then use High-Impact Bolt/Unload then repeat. As of right now, it's way too easy.


Thats what YOU do right now...

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Tracer missile is a problem, and does need a slight mechanic fix. The only problem is the nearly instant cast time it has. Increase the time it takes to cast, and I think it would be just fine.


On the plus side, there are so many dumb mercs that run around with tracer missiles that, when you interrupt them, they sit there trying to figure out what key to press next.

Edited by Ukita
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Thats what YOU do right now...


Nope, you can FREELY spam Tracer Missile. They need to add another step to it and make so you can't just freely spam Tracer Missile by adding a limit on how many Tracer Missiles can stack/be used So I use default attack and build up 5 Missiles to shoot with the Tracer Missile ability. Re-read what I wrote.

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Nope, you can FREELY spam Tracer Missile. They need to add another step to it and make so you can't just freely spam Tracer Missile by adding a limit on how many Tracer Missiles can stack/be used So I use default attack and build up 5 Missiles to shoot with the Tracer Missile ability. Re-read what I wrote.



Tracer missile costs 16 heat. Heat dissipates at 5 per second. with a 1.5 seocnd cast time, the first one is 16 heat, and every one after is 8.5 heat until you get to 40 heat, then heat dissipates at 3 per second, making it cost 11.5 heat. at 60 heat it dissiaptes at 2 per second, making it 13 heat each. at 80 heat it dissipates at 1 per second, making it cost 14.5 heat.


Tracer missile is NOT free. And there is little reason to use ONLY tracer missile unless everything else is on cooldown or you dont have a 5 stack (read 3 cast tracer missile 3 times, then all of your other skills will do just as much as tracer missile, if not more)



Tracer missile is a problem, and does need a slight mechanic fix. The only problem is the nearly instant cast time it has. Increase the time it takes to cast, and I think it would be just fine.


On the plus side, there are so many dumb mercs that run around with tracer missiles that, when you interrupt them, they sit there trying to figure out what key to press next.


Tracer Missiles cast time is 1.5 seconds. That isnt ridiculously fast. And see what i said above, using it non stop is not a good strategy.

Edited by Paralassa
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high heat/ammo costs, keeps u stationary and can be interrupted. its not a bad move, just ATTACK THEM, dont allow them to spam it and its fine. But then again everyone rather stand around shooting lighting or force jump the guy with the lowest health leaving the commando/merc to spam all day.
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Tracer Missiles cast time is 1.5 seconds. That isnt ridiculously fast. And see what i said above, using it non stop is not a good strategy.

1.5 sec + how much damage? :/


I've been hit with tracer missiles that do 2.5-3k a pop, without being given time to get behind cover or LOS. I might be exaggerating a little bit, but they seem to be the flavor of the month for mercs right now.

Edited by Paralassa
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