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My Class Story Is Terrible. (Spoilers)


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I've got a lvl 50 Vanguard who I love and am enjoying the game a lot at max level despite the horribly inconsequential story I had to plough through to get there.


There are many reasons why this story doesn't work, but primarily it's because everything you do seems largely irrelevant to the greater galactic conflict. No one cares about havoc squad, I didn't even care about them because I'd only just met them when they betrayed the republic and couldn't even remember any of their names or faces until I actually met them again in combat. They have no personality, you never understand their motives other than a passing remark about how they feel betrayed because of 'something' that happened on 'some planet' that you never go to. They have no charisma, they are for the most part completely impossible to sympathise with, and as very few of them will respond to offers of surrender they are little more than speed bumps on the road to Tavus.


Thing's don't pick up in Act 2, when you're sent to deal with the empire's new super weapon all I could think was "another one?". Honestly, every freaking planet has a super weapon of some description that is said to be capable of winning the war in a month if either side controls it. Why is my entire second act centred around this when every planet offers the same deal? Oh but first you have to fly around and recruit a few new companions (after a convoluted series of side missions) which gave the impression that I was playing Mass Effect 2.1, except without..you know..the interesting crew mates. Then, you finally board the ship, destroy some reactors and save the galaxy or something.


Except hold on, they've already reached the prototype phase? Can't they just build another one? Are ALL the schematics for the prototype and all the engineers and scientists that worked on the prototype on board when it is destroyed? That makes absolutely no sense and it's very very hard to suspend my disbelief THAT much.


Act 3 you have to kill a general, yeah another one, who cares? I am a non-force user who single handedly killed a SITH LORD on Corelia (one among many that are put in the dirt along the way to 50), what threat is this general supposed to represent after that? Compare this to the conclusion of Act 3 for the Jedi Knight.


At no point during the entire story did I ever feel like a soldier. I was more of a government sponsored hit man, assassinating targets with my healer or droid in tow. I should have been fighting the war, not tracking down defectors. Shouldn't SIS have handled the traitors while I dealt with the empire at the front? Instead of taking out half of the Imperial Army by myself I should have been fighting alongside the republic military, leading troops into battle or fighting in the trenches beside them.


Then, after everything you've gone through you aren't even made a Commander. Sorry but for all you've accomplished you're not as valued by the Republic as Tavus was. Yeah, the traitor who led a team of psychopaths and war criminals.....thanks Garza.


Apart from the actual content of the story it is also structured absolutely horribly and I really think this applies to every class. The main quest lines are so disjointed on each planet and padded out by side missions that it's very hard to ever become engaged with what is happening. There are at least 2 main stories to follow per planet, but because you are constantly side tracked by every moisture farmer and his sand people problem you will have a hard time ever feeling excited or involved with what is happening outside of a few key moments in the plot. Then it's back to the grind so you're levelled enough for the next stage.


Currently the best way to make the class story bearable is to have a high level boost you so you can JUST do the class mission series on a planet before going back and working your way through the meaningless fluff. They seriously need to learn from this mistake in future expansions and give us the ability to follow our storyline to it's conclusion without having to complete so many unimportant side missions that distract from our primary goal because I have to say that so far for all their marketing to the contrary the story sucks.


Is anyone else unsatisfied with their class story? Or even the overall story of SWTOR after seeing what happens to many of the key characters? I for one feel pretty let down in this department as I'd put a lot of faith in Bioware to deliver and for me at least they haven't.

Edited by Bone_Machine
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I liked the trooper line decently, but you are kind of right on a alot of points... JK's are killing you know who and we got some random general.


really IMO Tavus should have been the final boss, build him up over the course of three acts so we hate him... besides him the trooper story just didnt offer any villain that seemed to matter.

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I didn't read all of your post. Couldn't stomach it to be honest, to much whiny entitlement.





The trooper story, moreso than any other story, focuses on the Empire/Republic war. It may not effect the light side/dark side conflict the way the JK does, but it majorly effects the war. If you were unable to see that, I am sorry.


The first chapter was pretty obvious, and while it may seem inconsequential to you, the chapter revolved around the widespread defections in the Republic, and bringing all these very dangerous soldiers to justice was important. It was probably the least significant of the three, however, on a galactic scale.



Chapter 2, on the other hand, literally starts the war. The destruction of the Gauntlet was the Pearl Harbor of the new Empire-Republic war. After it the Empire declared war again and began launching offensives. Pretty freaking consequential.



Chapter 3 is the beginning of the war. You gather troops from around the galaxy for the first major battle of the war, on Corellia. You face the High General of the Empire, whom was instrumental in the Republic's defeat in the first war.

Now, in the first major battle of the new war, you lead the Republic forces against him and defeat him utterly.



If you want to kill the Emperor or become a Jedi Master, roll another class. If you want to be a soldier who has no other goals other than the defense of his/her Republic, this is the right class for you.



Then, after everything you've gone through you aren't even made a Commander. Sorry but for all you've accomplished you're not as valued by the Republic as Tavus was.


One last note. This pretty much proves you weren't paying attention.


You've been a Commander since Ord Mantell when you were put in charge of Havoc Squad.


Commander IS NOT a rank in the Republic military, it's just an informal title people call you when you're in charge. Try reading some codex entries and you'll understand your significance more.

Edited by Duradel
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I liked the trooper line decently, but you are kind of right on a alot of points... JK's are killing you know who and we got some random general.


really IMO Tavus should have been the final boss, build him up over the course of three acts so we hate him... besides him the trooper story just didnt offer any villain that seemed to matter.


Thank you, it's good to know there are some people who are capable of reading instead of just stock responding to the title with "I disagree but am unable to elaborate". If people enjoy the story, that's wonderful but I'm not one of them.


I didn't read all of your post.


Then why would I care about yours? I stopped there.

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Classic case of "my opinion is right and yours is wrong" syndrome. I will leave it to the mods to clean up.


Not at all... while I'm not privy to all of your opinions. I believe you're a bit off the mark on this. And no, it's a more a classic case of I disagree before constructing a good enough argument to counter OP.


The storylines I've encountered are weak schlop with no coherent arc that attaches to the world it's wrapped in.

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- If you really don't like your class story play another one. Not every story will appeal to every person. I finished the smuggler story and thought it was awesome. Not the most epic story in that I didn't blow up the death star but that is not what makes a story great. I loved the villains and loved my character's motivation etc.


- If you don't like having multiple story lines overlapping then do one at a time... ez fix.

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Thank you, it's good to know there are some people who are capable of reading instead of just stock responding to the title with "I disagree but am unable to elaborate". If people enjoy the story, that's wonderful but I'm not one of them.




Then why would I care about yours? I stopped there.


Because i read enough of yours to accurately judge your knowledge of the storyline. You gave mine 1 sentence. About the level of maturity i expected.

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- If you really don't like your class story play another one. Not every story will appeal to every person. I finished the smuggler story and thought it was awesome. Not the most epic story in that I didn't blow up the death star but that is not what makes a story great. I loved the villains and loved my character's motivation etc.


Well, I do intend to make multiple alts but at this point it's more for the role they fill and not out of any desire to see more story. That said, I also have a Jedi Guardian who's sitting at lvl 44 atm which I have to say I am enjoying much more from a narrative perspective (if not game play wise). I just wish I didn't have to re-roll in the hopes of finding a better story to the one that is currently told on my favourite class.


- If you don't like having multiple story lines overlapping then do one at a time... ez fix.


I wish that were the case. On many planets the level difference between the start and end of the main mission chain is too great to be able to solo without devoting at least some time to the side quests. 3-4 levels can make a huge difference when you're going up against an elite for some classes. But yeah, the best way to do them is to ignore everything else until you've finished a chain, I tend to bring a friend with me when I'm doing the class stories now but when levelling my trooper that wasn't possible as I was higher than everyone in my guild.

Edited by Bone_Machine
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I liked the story as well but really, even those who liked it, you gotta admit that after chapter one (imo at least) we lacked a proper "villain".







Chapter 2 I think would have been a great time to make us hate/care about Rakten, make the superweapon his pet project and maybe have us encounter him, Have him do SOMETHING directly to the player that would make us want to hate him, they tried in Act 3 but I really feel Rakten did have a proper build up that a trueendgame villain should have.


Really I feel the story would have been better if Tavus was developed across all 3 acts as "the big bad". Have Tavus escape us once or twice, have Tavus be responsible for Jaxo's death. Have Tavus leading the imperial forces assaulting Corellia


Tavus as the big bad would built up over 3 acts would have been perfect imo...


as I said line wasnt bad, but I feel they missed there chance by not giving us a compelling villain (which Tavus would/could have been!)




again I liked the story, but I feel it could have been far better

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