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@bioware - the thing about maras and forums


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is that MOST of us feel this class has a disadvantage at every aspect of the game as it is this moment. i am a, what i believe to be, higher skilled pvper. my opinion, w/e. lets just say im comfortable with the play style and keybinds and dealing with the ability lag so i'm aight.


dmg - i feel we do lesser. why is it a 14 sniper can 3500 me every 1.5 seconds against a 47 with up-to-date if not better gear. i sure as hell dont do that to him nearly as fast. his BURST per second > my DPS. next.


survivability - i guess i feel this is our best attribute. i mean, im squishy right up until i 99% reduce things for 5 seconds. regardless of CoP. i feel this is our best attribute because im using this to run away from the constant losing battles. and yes, i position myself MOST of the time to be at an advantage. end up having to stealth / undying to run away more than i can stay on my target and dps.


utility - what? what is THIS? leap ....pushed off. cool guys hope you get em. ravage....oh wait either bugged / ability lag ( too far when i use it "early" )/who the f*** knows. GET HIM GUYS. THEN we have the all might saber throw snare which is my only confirmed form of "cc". oh wait force choke....aight well you guys go ahead and get him ill use this again in 1 minute.


troll or not. tell me where im wrong cuz i appreciate good criticism.




it doesnt even have to be "GOOD" it can be "guys guys....please shut the mouth. we don't care and it won't be fixed for a while" i would be like....aight.


Shwag - out

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No, stop.


this guy. i know of this guy. i dont like this guy.


edit: as much as i see you...troll lets call it, if you just ever once gave constructive criticism i'd ask you how to play this class. not that you care im sure, but just know that ur rep is pretty ****** for being the super " NAH BRAH THIS CLASS IS SYCK " troll.

Edited by ShwagATK
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is that MOST of us feel this class has a disadvantage at every aspect of the game as it is this moment.


Shwag - out


You can't really speak for all the people that play Maras worldwide. If you mean most of the people that post on the forums, it's a well known fact that a vast majority of people that play the game never or very rarely post on the forums in MMOs. Ergo you have no foundation for your claims.


That maybe how you personally feel about the class, I,and others, disagree.


As for your Sniper example, it's well know that Snipers are bursty, but they get Energy starved very quickly and are worthless until they regen it. Dps, Interrupt and then procceed to killing them.

Edited by Temeluchus
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You can't really speak for all the people that play Maras worldwide. If you mean most of the people that post on the forums, it's a well known fact that a vast majority of people that play the game never or very rarely post on the forums in MMOs.


see this isn't what i'm saying. what im saying is, tell me where im wrong. and why. are you all seriously under the impression that we do more dmg than our IA, BH, SI? because i'm failing to see that at all. i mean theres so many issues that are obvious that you guys wont state. just a few that i havent named -


rage spec - juggs have it better....k. and theyre tankier. with more utility, kinda.

channel melee - who the hells idea was this in the first place.

insane micromanaging - whyyyy. and i do this just fine. i stance dance my bars even just so i can actually USE ALL MY SKILLS. some of these should be passives are just gone entirely reworked someway into other skills. high skill cap yes, absurd? yes. i watch my buffs more than i can watch the match. cuz its all proc based and priority based sooo thats just another one.


cmon why am i wrong? i don't see it.

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see this isn't what i'm saying. what im saying is, tell me where im wrong. and why. are you all seriously under the impression that we do more dmg than our IA, BH, SI? because i'm failing to see that at all. i mean theres so many issues that are obvious that you guys wont state.


Who said that we ARE or are NOT supposed to do as much dmg as the other classes? There is no way in hell to do a comparison of each. IMO it seems like you probably got rolled in PvP quite a bit from these classes and IMO it seems YOU are failing at playing a Marauder. That's really the only way I see it. I do fine in PvP. I average about 250k dm and 75 commendations per WZ with only half epic gear. Yea, you're bound to go up against a person of another class that has better gear or is just skilled better. IMO, you can't say that other classes do much damage through WZ. WZ is TEAM play. Almost always there will be someone that will but it and affect the outcome.


The only issues I see with Marauders that need to be fixed or changed is Pommel Strike, Savage Kick, and real CC skill. All the other things like how we're squishy or the retarded armor model QQers are not overall problems, they are personal problems. The lag delay in PvP is something everyone has, that is server side.


tl;dr, just another QQer just like all those other threads just sayin. If other people had these same issues, they wouldn't be doing 200k+. I've countless posts of people doing more than 200k+ AND ingame as well as a Marauder.

Edited by BarcodeX
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Who said that we ARE or are NOT supposed to do as much dmg as the other classes? There is no way in hell to do a comparison of each. IMO it seems like you probably got rolled in PvP quite a bit from these classes and IMO it seems YOU are failing at playing a Marauder. That's really the only way I see it. I do fine in PvP. I average about 250k dm and 75 commendations per WZ with only half epic gear. Yea, you're bound to go up against a person of another class that has better gear or is just skilled better. IMO, you can't say that other classes do much damage through WZ. WZ is TEAM play. Almost always there will be someone that will but it and affect the outcome.


The only issues I see with Marauders that need to be fixed or changed is Pommel Strike, Savage Kick, and real CC skill. All the other things like how we're squishy or the retarded armor model QQers are not overall problems, they are personal problems. The lag delay in PvP is something everyone has, that is server side.


tl;dr, just another QQer just like all those other threads just sayin. If other people had these same issues, they wouldn't be doing 200k+. I've countless posts of people doing more than 200k+ AND ingame as well as a Marauder.


dude WHY are you even ACTING like 200k+ is a big deal? dont you realize by now that every geared 50 class that isnt SW ( OTHER THAN RAGE SPEC AND ILL BRT ) to do 400k+ easy.


I AM WATCHING MY COUSINS LVL 11 OPERATIVE DO 175K DMG IN THE SAME BG I AM. im 48 marau in better than good gear. doing 150k IN a good match.


rage spec - you hit everything all the time not focusing 1v1 dmg THAT IS WHY YOU ARE TOPPING CHARTS 200K+ WITH LITTLE TO NO BRAIN POWER.


i will respec to rage and do 200k+ easy but thats not saying anything about the class. tahts saying "hur dur my aoe spec is doing more dmg on charts than my single target spec". its not the dmg meters im concerned about, its the ability to 1v1 on par with any class same lvl same gear.


JUGGS HAVE A MUCH STRONGER AND BETTER RAGE SPEC. annhi spec is dots, its a good spec. compared to carnage, thats it tho. so all in all, whatever we can do, another class can do it better, stronger, faster. burst per second > damage per second.

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lesser damage? i cant out damage a marauder who is doing 350k in a warzone.. maybe you arent as leet as you think you are


this is what im talkin about. this is ignorant of how dmg meters work. you know, if i charge in on a group of 5, force choke, smash, thats like 30k dmg to a group of ppl, but what in a 1v1 where the class you just did your amazing 4k 12sec cd crit to....hes doing 12k dmg to you in a course of 6 GCDs. its not the dmg meters i care about, ever, at all, its the fact that a lvl 11 operative single target DPSing the **** out of a 40+ NON RAGE Spec marauder. thats all im tryin to say. same goes for a 30+ sorc and BH classes. they single target dmg > ours. in every spec. not the 30k instant dmg to a group of ppl where this is not the situation im currently talking about.


and those videos of the carnage maurders doing 300k+ was very early. don't you recall? lvl 50 half champ geared marau with pocket healers raging all over lvl 20s-30s. all of em. its cool to watch a gimp spec **** right up until you see that everyone theyre fighting is significantly lesser geared and lvld.

Edited by ShwagATK
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Marauder can sustain their damage though and there are a lot of times where that is better than Operatives who blow their load and then have to twiddle their thumbs until they can do it again.


Also the way the game is designed, certain classes will not fair as well as other classes 1 on 1. This game is balanced with a Rock Paper Scissors mentality. It's the same for every class.

Edited by parabola
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Marauder can sustain their damage though and there are a lot of times where that is better than Operatives who blow their load and then have to twiddle their thumbs until they can do it again.


Also the way the game is designed, certain classes will not fair as well as other classes 1 on 1. This game is balanced with a Rock Paper Scissors mentality. It's the same for every class.


in most cases where things are balanced i would agree to the "blowing their load" on the opener. the problem with this is they can GCD 2k+ with their stab. constantly.




thats pretty much sustained burst AFTER guaranteeing an opener kill.

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Oh don't get me wrong, Operatives are fairly ridiculous, they are still a "blow your load" class though. I'm just of the opinion Marauders aren't as gimped as everyone seems to think they are. Edited by parabola
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is that MOST of us feel this class has a disadvantage at every aspect of the game as it is this moment.

Wrong. You guys are the vocal minority. Most of the marauder players are having so much fun they don't even bother to get on the forums. Try doing a count some time. There's what about 5-10 people whining about us being underpowered. Compare that to the millions of marauders out there. You do know the definition of "most" don't you?

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this is what im talkin about. this is ignorant of how dmg meters work. you know, if i charge in on a group of 5, force choke, smash, thats like 30k dmg to a group of ppl, but what in a 1v1 where the class you just did your amazing 4k 12sec cd crit to....hes doing 12k dmg to you in a course of 6 GCDs. its not the dmg meters i care about, ever, at all, its the fact that a lvl 11 operative single target DPSing the **** out of a 40+ NON RAGE Spec marauder. thats all im tryin to say. same goes for a 30+ sorc and BH classes. they single target dmg > ours. in every spec. not the 30k instant dmg to a group of ppl where this is not the situation im currently talking about.


and those videos of the carnage maurders doing 300k+ was very early. don't you recall? lvl 50 half champ geared marau with pocket healers raging all over lvl 20s-30s. all of em. its cool to watch a gimp spec **** right up until you see that everyone theyre fighting is significantly lesser geared and lvld.


There are no damage meters in the game, so you have no idea what type of damage other classes are doing relative to Maras. Yes,warzones will give you a total on damage done, and if you hover over your name it will tell you biggest crit and dps. However, PvP is the worst environment to gauge actual dps due to variables like CC, gear,lag and on and on.


Our damage and other classes damage can be insane in warzones with non geared 50s and lowbies, I've done 300k+ easily in those. However when you start running into geared 50s only warzones, damage comes down a lot.


I was in a Huttball the other day, lowest person was a 48, everyone else was 50 and had at least 2-3 pieces of Champion gear and damage all fell into line. I was tops with 170k damage done, snipers and SIs had about 150k. I'm not using that as proof that Maras are fine though, because I know its a pvp environment and could be a fluke.


It really sounds to me like you are running into geared 50s of other classes and wondering why you are losing. Hit 50, get gear, when you get 200 expertise you'll notice a difference, when you hit 300+ expertise you are going to love your Mara.

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Marauder can sustain their damage though and there are a lot of times where that is better than Operatives who blow their load and then have to twiddle their thumbs until they can do it again.


Also the way the game is designed, certain classes will not fair as well as other classes 1 on 1. This game is balanced with a Rock Paper Scissors mentality. It's the same for every class.


I would rather blow my load, then twiddle my thumbs than have to twiddle my thumbs in order to blow my load.


Rage generation is a joke. I bet we waste more GCDs on resources than every other class combined.

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I would rather blow my load, then twiddle my thumbs than have to twiddle my thumbs in order to blow my load.


Rage generation is a joke. I bet we waste more GCDs on resources than every other class combined.


If you are having problems with Rage, as much as I hate using this meme, then you are doing it wrong.


I have an Op and a Mara and it's much easier to sustain my dps on my Mara than my Op, all though I can keep myself at a fairly decent level of Rage/Energy with good management.

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Warzones have damage meters built into them.

Go find them, and trust me you'll be surprised when you do.


No crap they have damage meters built into them and as I said they aren't reliable. PvP environments are the worst places to gather factual data on a classes' dps or damage because of the myriad amount of variables.


The absolute best place would be on a static target but generally you get classes/ACs/specs of the same gear level and look at combat logs or damage meters on a standard tank and spank boss which gives you reliable data to work with and would validate all the claims of which class does more damage etc. Right now, only BioWare has that information.

Edited by Temeluchus
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see this isn't what i'm saying. what im saying is, tell me where im wrong. and why. are you all seriously under the impression that we do more dmg than our IA, BH, SI? because i'm failing to see that at all. i mean theres so many issues that are obvious that you guys wont state. just a few that i havent named -


rage spec - juggs have it better....k. and theyre tankier. with more utility, kinda.

channel melee - who the hells idea was this in the first place.

insane micromanaging - whyyyy. and i do this just fine. i stance dance my bars even just so i can actually USE ALL MY SKILLS. some of these should be passives are just gone entirely reworked someway into other skills. high skill cap yes, absurd? yes. i watch my buffs more than i can watch the match. cuz its all proc based and priority based sooo thats just another one.


cmon why am i wrong? i don't see it.


I dont think you r wrong.

im also an almost PvP only player, so many key bindings are not an issue at all for me, i use the same maping in almost every game (exept AoC...exellent combat system imo). i top charts with my chars always, so i asure you is not a l2p ****.This game is actually VERY easy, but fun, so who cares.

But i think the OP is right. We are supposed to be like THE DPS class, our 3 trees say "damage" "damage" and "damage" respectively, so why on earth does not EVERY tree of us do AT LEAST same damage as operative or bh or whatever, since they have all the cc+damage+healing. i mean a class that does INSANE burst (operative) AND heals AND cc, AND burst from stealth...come on...

i ask only for a BIT of cc counter, at least same damage as other pure dps classes.

gameplay is actually pretty cool since it isnt just faceroll and doing ranged gay dps.

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I dunno I feel my damage as it is now is good (lvl43 annihilation), my only gripe really (other than the massive lack of medium gear) is that we can't take damage worth a damn. Almost need a pocket healer everywhere we go.


I don't agree with a medium armor class being weaker in mitigation than most light armor classes. While I know it's a mechanic in the game, I don't think we should have to rely heavily on our companions and GCD's to deflect most of the damage. We are after all, warriors.

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No crap they have damage meters built into them and as I said they aren't reliable. PvP environments are the worst places to gather factual data on a classes' dps or damage because of the myriad amount of variables.


The absolute best place would be on a static target but generally you get classes/ACs/specs of the same gear level and look at combat logs or damage meters on a standard tank and spank boss which gives you reliable data to work with and would validate all the claims of which class does more damage etc. Right now, only BioWare has that information.


The problem is Marauders do a lot of sustained damage which is good against tanks and bosses in PvE. If they make our burst higher then we have high sustained DPS and high burst DPS. That's bad for balance.


They need to work on Marauder survivability, given we're supposed to be a "medium armor" class. That is about the only area where Marauders need work.

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