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Why Didn't Bioware Innovate Anything in SW:TOR - ESPECIALLY in the End-game?


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To you guys that compares swtor with world of crapcraft, i sugest you go back to it, it might suit your age better.



Please leave your fundamental attribution errors to yourself (oops now you have me doing it as well). Implying that another person is not mature enough to enjoy such a refined experience reminds me of a story... "the emperor's new cloths."


Oh yeah, I went back there, alllllll the back, haha.

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So WoW has poor singers too? Like it wasn't poor enough.















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Warlocks had their own class quest: Imp > Voidwalker > Succubus > Felhutner > 60% mount quest > 100% mount quest


Every class at level 60 had their:


Dungeon set 1 > tier 0.5 quest (http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=187#comments post 2)


Druids had their bear > seal > travel > cat > dire bear quest line.


Shaman had their earth > fire > water > wind totem quest line.


Rogues had their poison quest line.


Warriors had their quest line for gear to benefit stances. ... etc.


can you tell me right now..


When i go to WoW create a Paladin.. Where do i start my class quest at level 1, that follows me to level 85 ?......

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TOR innovated with fully voiced, highly addictive, extremely satisfying, hundreds of hours of in game story. WoW didn't innovate in every area, yet you expect TOR to? If it doesn't have innovative combat FAIL, if it doesn't have innovative dungeons FAIL, if it doesn't have innovative functions FAIL. So basically, only the things you like count as innovative?


Again. Innovative stuff has to add to the game systems or it's pointless. Do voice overs add to the gameplay in any serious way? No. Does cross-realm raiding add to the gameplay of WoW? Yes. It will forever change how cross-realm recruitment works.

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No, You're not playing wow. You're trolling a forum of a game that isn't Wow. WoW must be really boring for you.

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Then why are it's numbers falling. And I'm not saying it's because of TOR (it isn't).


I don't care what you say, man. I've been here for 4 years. I had been misled the whole time; I had happiness in WoW, so why on earth did I leave? Back to WoW it is!





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can you tell me right now..


When i go to WoW create a Paladin.. Where do i start my class quest at level 1, that follows me to level 85 ?......


The class quests were largely removed because Blizzard said they added nothing to the gameplay and were a hindrance more than a benefit to the game. Of course, this was proven true when they revamped all of Azeroth (Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms) due to Cataclysm.

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I feel it's a missed opportunity. It's the same game we've all been playing for the last 10+ years.


I've had a reasonable time playing, but for me personally there's nothing revolutionary to carry me past the first 30 days. Don't feel ripped or anything. I've spent a lot of hours in the game so I got my 60 bucks worth. Just don't feel like running through the same ole mousetrap enough to continue my subscription.


Voice acting and story telling was enjoyable. The rest not such much, but that's probably more because I've played these games for so long. Time for me to move on.


Roll on the developers who decide to take a chance with something truly different! The genre is getting old and stale and needs some new ideas.

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blah blah wall of text...


The reason they did not innovate is because whenever they tried, people whined and complained and begged to be just like WoW...



I never played wow, so your argument and post doesn't really make much sense to me.

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Warlocks had their own class quest: Imp > Voidwalker > Succubus > Felhutner > 60% mount quest > 100% mount quest


Every class at level 60 had their:


Dungeon set 1 > tier 0.5 quest (http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=187#comments post 2)


Druids had their bear > seal > travel > cat > dire bear quest line.


Shaman had their earth > fire > water > wind totem quest line.


Rogues had their poison quest line.


Warriors had their quest line for gear to benefit stances. ... etc.


I'm aware the they existed they weren't a coherent story and you know it. They've even "innovated" them out of the game now. At least on lock you can just buy most of what you had to quest for.

Edited by macgarnickle
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Again. Innovative stuff has to add to the game systems or it's pointless. Do voice overs add to the gameplay in any serious way? No. Does cross-realm raiding add to the gameplay of WoW? Yes. It will forever change how cross-realm recruitment works.


No. Sorry. You can't just make up meanings for words. Innovation is something new in an environment. That's all there's to it. Your further specifications have nothing to do with the concept of "innovation".


Full voice overs are *quite literally* an innovation in a mmorpg, and a large one.


I'll give you the gift of English language. Treasure it.

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Again. Innovative stuff has to add to the game systems or it's pointless. Do voice overs add to the gameplay in any serious way? No. Does cross-realm raiding add to the gameplay of WoW? Yes. It will forever change how cross-realm recruitment works.


That is subjective, it is not pointless to us. You're one of those people who thinks "If I dun like it, or it dun impressive me, it's stupid and unimpressive!" but that's simply not the case. It IS innovative, it does add to the game systems, just not the ones YOU want it to.

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No. Sorry. You can't just make up meanings for words. Innovation is something new in an environment. That's all there's to it. Your further specifications have nothing to do with the concept of "innovation".


Full voice overs are *quite literally* an innovation in a mmorpg, and a large one.


I'll give you the gift of English language. Treasure it.


WoW has had voice overs and cinematics for quite some time. /shrug.

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Again. Innovative stuff has to add to the game systems or it's pointless. Do voice overs add to the gameplay in any serious way? No. Does cross-realm raiding add to the gameplay of WoW? Yes. It will forever change how cross-realm recruitment works.


Please go back to your easy game for scrubs.

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So SWTOR is worse than a single player game?


Grats on defeating yourself.


What you said makes no sense to me. If we go by that definition, WoW defeats itself by not having fully voiced gaming, by also not having top notch graphics etc. You're grasping at straws now.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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WoW has had voice overs and cinematics for quite some time. /shrug.


What part of "full" voice overs did you not understand? SWTOR has voice overs in every single quest. That is *quite literally* an innovation, alongside all the other ones that I listed and you didn't manage to counter.

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NONE of those innovations was introduced at launch. Oops.


The launch of SWTOR was much more innovative than that of WOW, that wasn't innovative at all. Oops.




Because demolishing your weak arguments is enjoyable, but even more than that, I am on the forums of a game I enjoy. You're wasting time on a forum of a game you don't. That tells a lot, and I do feel for you. Honestly.



Launch? What has that got to do with anything? SW:TOR was launched 2011, it's competing with WoW anno 2011, not WoW's launch....christ.


You're basically saying it's more enjoyable "demolishing my arguements" on a forum than playing the game which you like so much...I guess that sums up how amazing this game is...


Hilarious....just hilarious.

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What you said makes no sense to me. If we go by that definition, WoW defeats itself by not having fully voiced gaming, by also not having top notch graphics etc. You're defeating yourself now.


WoW doesn't need top notch graphics because it has good core gameplay. Just like it doesn't need fully voiced gaming because it doesn't matter. When you hit level 50 you have no more cinematics or voice overs to watch. That's the truth of it. It's quite funny. SWTORs questing is even worse than WoWs because you can go to "different areas" (**** innovation) and quest if you get bored of 1 zone.

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