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it doesnt even take me 30 levels to realize that my decisions doesnt contribute to the turning of the story by level 10... so i spacebar'd my way to 30 and decided i had enough and shelfed the game for good. im still here because of the drama haha might as well make use of my fiddy-nine-nindy-nine-----



and anyone who recommand this game to their friends at this current state isnt a true friend....


Well, me and all my friends all recommended it to our other friends and guess what, every single one of us is enjoying the hell out of the game. This does not at all make any of us bad friends.


Also, you can't even try and claim that the game is bad when you just admitted to not even being involved in the aspect that Bioware themselves have been claiming since 2008 to be their main focus for the game.

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WoW took most of its features from older MMOs. Hardly revolutionary. Actually sounds a lot like Swtor.


See how that works?


except swtor released with a budget of 300 million and still lacked basic features of 2012 mmo. hmmm if i am John Riccitiello id take a look at whats up


wow cost 200 million as of 2010 btw just for reference.

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The first 10 levels I was really excited.. I thought that my decisions would make a difference. By the level (for me) 20 I realized it was all useless, that's when I started skipping. So, when people realize this.. does that foster the creation of alts? Honestly, it sounds like a terribly unpleasant task to level up another toon in this game..
You actually expected that the game to have thousands of different stories to accommodate your every decision? You CAN'T be that stupid. I don't believe you are.
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Thank you so much for this constructive, thought-out, calm, intelligent response. I agree with you that SW:TOR will most likely peak at 500-800k for it's life, and it'll have it's own little niche in the MMO world.


That's hardly a "little niche" :) Also, I think it may eventually grow beyond the million, perhaps to 2 or even 3. Because if GW2 "breaks" the hardcore WoW crowd, as I suspect it will, a good chunk of the casual subscribers who subscribe to WoW just because it's cool, but only rarely play, will probably come here (or to TSW if it's good), especially if it's been polished and expanded in the interim. Like a"tipping point" thing.


Bear in mind that WoW's 10.3 million figure is about half Chinese, the real "Western" MMO market for WoW is "only" around 5.5 million IIRC, and many of those hardly play it at all, hardly get beyond level 35 (again, that's a Blizz stat IIRC), and certainly aren't hardcore raiders.


I wish that with the Star Wars name behind it, it would have nailed it out of the park.. but it seems BioWare had other plans. What those grand plans were, I'm not sure.. but it seems they did indeed have other plans.


I don't think those plans actually included direct competition with WoW (although obviously they'd be happy to have ex-WoW-ers), I think they intended to try and open up their own new market (e.g. older male gamers, single women, couples, families, etc., as I said).


After all, as you show, the market for storyline and the market for competitive MMO gameplay are different (obviously there must be some intersection, but it's clear that people who spacebar through quest delivery to get to endgame are largely not the same people who enjoy the "journey", the voice acting and story).


So there can't possibly have been much idea of direct competition with WoW in mind (again, partly because as I pointed out, it's now beyond dispute that MMOs that tried direct competition for the same playerbase have failed, or at least failed to "take the crown").


I also hope GW2 is amazing, it does have potential. But.. it's sort of crazy to think that we're already putting SW:TOR in the past and hoping that GW2 will be better 3 weeks after this behemoth was released. It's depressing, in a way.


You and your friends may be putting SWTOR in the past, but from my observation in-game and of these forums, I think there are plenty people who are enjoying and will continue to enjoy the game. The only real problem with what you've been saying, really is that you are generalizing too much from your own experience and your own clique, and doing it with a bit too much breathless hyperbole.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Had I not had my cousin's guild, WoW would have been absolute hell lol. I have to wonder how anyone gets into it at this point.


I don't think TOR will topple WoW though. I don't really see why it even needs to. There are people out there that seem to think that if TOR does not become King of MMO Land, it will fail horribly. Honestly, I don't even believe having a King of MMO Land is a good thing. As it stands, with the MMOs that have come out recently, this entire genre has a chance at becoming something more than:


"I play MMOs."


"Oh, so you play WoW then."


To the general gaming population and I think that can only be a good thing. Monopolies only breed stagnation and stagnation kills. When gamers know that there are more games out there than just WoW, then we have a better chance to gain more subscriptions all around. Before I actually got into MMOs, I thought that the only game worth playing in the genre was WoW, now it isn't. I got into WoW for my cousin. I got into TOR because it was something I was actually interested in.


You're right, there doesn't need to be a king.. but there is one, naturally, and that of course yields the best response time on patches, imbalance fixes, and of course.. new content! Warhammer doesn't release new content like WoW, simply because it never took off nor has subscriptions ANYWHERE near WoW. I fear that SW:TOR is headed down the same, broken, depressing path of obscurity.

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The first 10 levels I was really excited.. I thought that my decisions would make a difference. By the level (for me) 20 I realized it was all useless, that's when I started skipping. So, when people realize this.. does that foster the creation of alts? Honestly, it sounds like a terribly unpleasant task to level up another toon in this game..


no way in hell im going to put my self through being an errand boy again.. because this game makes me feel like an errand boy except i dont even get paid.... at least wow had a decent pvp system to keep me from getting bored or just bot the game up and experiance end game haha

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Had I not had my cousin's guild, WoW would have been absolute hell lol. I have to wonder how anyone gets into it at this point.


I don't think TOR will topple WoW though. I don't really see why it even needs to. There are people out there that seem to think that if TOR does not become King of MMO Land, it will fail horribly. Honestly, I don't even believe having a King of MMO Land is a good thing. As it stands, with the MMOs that have come out recently, this entire genre has a chance at becoming something more than:


"I play MMOs."


"Oh, so you play WoW then."


To the general gaming population and I think that can only be a good thing. Monopolies only breed stagnation and stagnation kills. When gamers know that there are more games out there than just WoW, then we have a better chance to gain more subscriptions all around. Before I actually got into MMOs, I thought that the only game worth playing in the genre was WoW, now it isn't. I got into WoW for my cousin. I got into TOR because it was something I was actually interested in.


I think you have now become my new best friend. I also came to TOR to play TOR. If I wanted to stay on WoW, I would have stayed on WoW. This game is amazing and everything that Bioware said it would be.

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Sir, WoW took the EQ model.. took what worked, and then added their own incredible and innovative features. If BioWare were smart, the would have taken what works with WoW.. and THEN some. Instead, we're left with.. well, go login...


You try logging in. They did exactly that.


Or would it become a perfect game is the name Blizzard was on the box?

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Personally, I don't mind not having a dungeon finder in the game among things like parses and what not. But a combat log for personal use, I would like to see how well i do in what spec, and a bit better ui seems like it should be in here imo.


Not to disagree that most VA's dont come cheap but it seems like its pushing to say that was a major part of the multi hundred million dollar budge. I mean look at big blockbusters like TinTin thats a fully CGI voice acted movies with big name actors a huge marketing budget and i believe all in all it ran the studios 185 mil.

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Looks like we have to agree to disagree my view of this game is not the same.


My wife and I played wow (for 5 years together I tanked [prot pally] she healed [Holy priest]) now are playing this (lol opposite way around this time) and frankly we see nothing uninspiring. The lfr (ie looking for raid? is that what you mean?) system in the other game is bugged (not sure if it still is tbh, frankly haven't been near wow since we unsubbed so don't know if bugs are ironed out properly yet) and was exploited in the beginning by top raid guilds who were punished for it. Endgame is meh for us atm because of the wonderful 1-49 content we have been experiencing so far, have only one main each-- me Sith Sorcerer-- wife Sith Juggernaut-- till we reach Legacy then plan on leveling every class. Then are doing the same on Republic side.

So we are not too concerned about that yet. (a bridge to be crossed later). Pvp is getting some love i saw http://www.swtor.com/blog/new-year%E2%80%99s-pvp-update, and again not too worrisome for us till we hit cap.


We really like the emphasis in this game on leveling through content than just racing to endgame (much like all our alts on wow-as soon as we hit the right level we just bg'd and lfd till we levelled our toons).


I will put the 'lackluster/ uninspiring stuff" into one response here:-


In our eyes and our opinion (and i know beauty is in the eye of the beholder--one man's treasure is another man's junk etc etc) we simply love how in start zone as you level and go to new planets they open up and get bigger with more to see, do and explore (we love exploration and loved all of what we saw as we traveled Azeroth). We have seen nothing to suggest graphics, planets are bland in fact we often "ooh and ahh when we see new things (same as we did in wow).


We experience little to no lag (except when there are lots of players is one place), we live east coast Australia and play on a west coast U.S. server and fps/graphics is good for us (seems to get better with each patch we noticed) we are planning new computer upgrades anyway to play this game.


Our favorite quest moment (so far) which made us rofl was a side mission on Balmorra, where the npc says something like (paraphrasing here) 'you must be one of those wower's looking for a bit of scratch on the side' I think it is one where u either bet on someone running a minefield or do it yourself. Honestly can't remember where we picked it up. But made us weak (loved wow don't get me wrong we enjoyed all of our time there) So many quests/missions we have done have been certainly far from lackluster or uninspiring (again in our view and class quests are awesome) Btw we both are level 27 so just finishing our last class quests on Alderaan.


Combat is so-so but the ability issue is being addressed http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1269596#edit1269596


Combat log I would like to see- agreed UI needs some love and attention (more slots please) but atm we are making do.

Mods and macros a personal choice some like, some don't we would like to see Bioware do their own thing here rather than third party (so some helpful suggestions to them on this would be good).

Recount is not an mmo "feature" (we used it in wow) but a third party app. We used only to measure our own progress mostly.


Seeing as this is only the first few days of 2012 I don't think there is a "2012" mmo.


And I agree this is not 2004 wow. this is 2011/2012 SWTOR. (vanilla) Imagine with the bugs etc they are addressing now how much more there might be with a lot of these things added. Maybe they wanted to release a core game, stabilise it then introduce other features so as to avoid a lot more issues evolving (every game has bugs) I also direct you to the sticky thread on 4.3 issues and bug reports on the wow forums. Sorry if this is loooonnngggg reply I tried to address your points in a logical and respectful way so you would not misunderstand my intent.

May you have much fun playing your game of choice.

Cheers :)


I'm glad you and your wife are having fun, and I mean that deep down. I love that! I would never, ever want to rain on anyones parade.. that's not why I'm in this thread. I respect you and your wife, and I love the fact that you love this game. Enjoy it!


I will comment on one thing, the LFR in WoW was exploited the first two weeks.. and all gear and valor points received was removed, and they received bans for 8 days. LFR has sort of made WoW fun again for a lot of people.. I can log onto my mage, hit a button, and get some cool gear! It's especially fun queueing with guildies on alts on non-raid nights.


All in all, I respect your opinion. I respect the fact that you're enjoying yourself, and it bears repeating that I absolutely in no way want to rain on your parade. Have fun!!! I'll see you in game!

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Well, me and all my friends all recommended it to our other friends and guess what, every single one of us is enjoying the hell out of the game. This does not at all make any of us bad friends.


Also, you can't even try and claim that the game is bad when you just admitted to not even being involved in the aspect that Bioware themselves have been claiming since 2008 to be their main focus for the game.


why not recommand them to blizzard entertainment's world of warcraft since it does everything better? voice acting gets old might as well watch a movie

Edited by Concede
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You try logging in. They did exactly that.


Or would it become a perfect game is the name Blizzard was on the box?


Generally speaking, if Blizzard's name is on the box.. the game will be of top-notch quality. This is not my opinion.. please do not say it is. This has been proven time and time again over the last 20 years.

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Generally speaking, if Blizzard's name is on the box.. the game will be of top-notch quality. This is not my opinion.. please do not say it is. This has been proven time and time again over the last 20 years.


dude if u are so unhappy with the game quit and go back to WoW. Unless u are just saying all of this just to get attention.

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why not recommand them to blizzard entertainment's world of warcraft since it does everything better? voice acting gets old might as well watch a movie


Now you are sounding just like that other troll.


BTW, how much is Blizzard paying all of you to come onto the forums and just tell everything this game is garbage and that WoW is better? All of us (my friends) who either came to this game on launch or were informed about it and joined it and are loving it either came straight from WoW, played WoW and hated it, or never wanted to play WoW.

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Generally speaking, if Blizzard's name is on the box.. the game will be of top-notch quality. This is not my opinion.. please do not say it is. This has been proven time and time again over the last 20 years.


This can also be said for Bioware. What is your point?

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Generally speaking, if Blizzard's name is on the box.. the game will be of top-notch quality. This is not my opinion.. please do not say it is. This has been proven time and time again over the last 20 years.


You didn't read what I posted, did you? Or did you read what you wanted. I asked if it'd be better if that was the only thing different.


Should I assume it's the same answer?

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dude if u are so unhappy with the game quit and go back to WoW. Unless u are just saying all of this just to get attention.


Is it a crime to play both? Is it a crime to subscribe to SW:TOR and expect an amazing, enthralling MMO with the name Star Wars behind it? Again, I'll repeat it.. if you are telling all of us who are currently unhappy with this release to "go back to WoW.." you'll get even LESS support and even LESS new content. That's BioWare's worst nightmare telling ANY of us to go back to WoW.

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Now you are sounding just like that other troll.


BTW, how much is Blizzard paying all of you to come onto the forums and just tell everything this game is garbage and that WoW is better? All of us (my friends) who either came to this game on launch or were informed about it and joined it and are loving it either came straight from WoW, played WoW and hated it, or never wanted to play WoW.


Dude, read the forums you're on. Browsing them for a day will show you the majority of the people ON THE FORUMS are unhappy with the state of the game. Why is this so hard to admit? We are those who don't want to settle for mediocrity. We are paying their salary, they better make it worthwhile. This isn't too much to ask, nor out of line in any way, shape, or form.

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dude if u are so unhappy with the game quit and go back to WoW. Unless u are just saying all of this just to get attention.


bioware took 60 bucks and fails to deliver customer satisfaction but since the game is new customers cannon voice their concern


you imply this

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Generally speaking, if Blizzard's name is on the box.. the game will be of top-notch quality. This is not my opinion.. please do not say it is. This has been proven time and time again over the last 20 years.


Same can be said for Bioware games. they in fact have many game of the year awards and are considered a top notch developer....hmmmmm

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