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Ok...so when does a sentinel get good?


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This is not trolling. I am seriously depressed by this. I just got my sentinel to 50 (combat) and I am finding myself constantly getting wiped by 1) inquisitors and 2) bounty hunters. Not only to BHs do more damage than me and have 5k+ more health, but INQs seem to be 4-shotting me.


I need advice, serious advice. What can I do to make my Sent better? Or should I reroll a trooper/Sage???

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Dnt believe the gear set up. I was doing fine with Sent as a combat up to lvl 40 ush(lvl 42) The only thing I couldnt kill was lvl 50 w/ epic gear. But as soon as i i got blade rush. All i find my self doing is leap leg slash, strike and blade rs back to back on single targets that are on and below my lvl. The whole Blade rush vs Merciless strike is tricky. I get that MS gives off more damage on the click but the 15 sec cool down compared to Blade rush's instant as long as you have Focus. Ypu can literally rip someone apart w/ Blade rush if you have focus to back it up. ighting high levels i always go rebuke awe, saberward and pacifcy to get a head start on their health bar basically being immune.


In pvp i was struggeling w/ putting out 30-40k dmg. Now im flirting around in the 100k damage range. If we did abit more damage and had longer stealth im pretty sure we'd be a bigger wrecking ball.

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Oh I do 100K+ damage every match, no problem...problem is, the BHs are doing the same amount as me (with 5K+ more HP) and the INQs/Counsulars are doing 300k+ dmg...not to mention 100K+ heals. I just feel gimp.


I did switch to watchman btw. Seems to be working better than combat for the time being.

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I found a little amount of defense rating helps more than some insignificant DPS stats in PvP.


You can easily increase your dodge/parry/resist by another 5% with minimal investment.


Else, I don't see any problem with Sentinel. Combat is a bit lacking 20-30, but once you get to precision Strike, it's kills after kills unless you get jumped by 2+ opponents.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Oh I do 100K+ damage every match, no problem...problem is, the BHs are doing the same amount as me (with 5K+ more HP) and the INQs/Counsulars are doing 300k+ dmg...not to mention 100K+ heals. I just feel gimp.


I did switch to watchman btw. Seems to be working better than combat for the time being.


The amount of damage means nothing. They might be doing a lot, but to reach that high, I can guarantee you they aren't helping much in objectives unless that objective happens to be in their DPS line of sight.


A perfect exemple are Ops/Scoundrel. They spend most of their time trying to solo kill people and end up with 300k damage, but you still lose the Warzone.


Just do your job (kill your target in team fights and win 1v1 at objectives) and stop worrying about the total damage done.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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From what I'm hearing when you get Doc you can actually start fighting a regular mob of 3 normal class enemies without being dropped to less than 50% or dead.


Of course, you have to go all the way through tatooine....ALL the way through Alderaan.....AAAAAALL the way through Balmorra....To finally get him. Honestly, I haven't even started alderaan much and I'm not willing to finish it and go through balmorra to finally become "passable" as a class.

Edited by PinnyFox
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PVE is easy. I have no problems with it. It's pvp thats getting me. People keep saying I just need better gear. Well they better be right. I feel like I wasted a good amount of time rolling this class only to be gettign stomped solo by every other player out there.
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PVE is easy. I have no problems with it. It's pvp thats getting me. People keep saying I just need better gear. Well they better be right. I feel like I wasted a good amount of time rolling this class only to be gettign stomped solo by every other player out there.


If you just got to 50, you'll get rolled by any lucky 50 with full Champion gear. Only way ot beat them is to be be way better, way smarter or having more consumables available.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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PVE is easy. I have no problems with it. It's pvp thats getting me. People keep saying I just need better gear. Well they better be right. I feel like I wasted a good amount of time rolling this class only to be gettign stomped solo by every other player out there.



I dont believe anyone who say its gear. if on lvl 23 i can charge in and Burn a target down so fast they can barely say "holly shi" and on "t" they bite the dust , i cant see how u cant do the same on lvl 50.


ur doing it wrong brother , u Ither have a crappy rotation , bad focus managment , not circle strafing anough or just dont use the right abilities in time.


Practice makes Perfect.


something that might be helping me is that i played a Guardian till 40 , and PvPed on him alot , compared to a guard PvP on Sentinel is easy.

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I haven't had a lot of problems and I am just starting Balmorra now. If you let Kira jump into the fight on the hardest enemy first she can take his beating first while you pick off the easier enemies first then come back to help her. Doing that I usually end a fight with 70% or higher health. When I come to help Kira I just use Force Stasis then Pacify. By the time they start hitting me they are already down to 20% or lower health. Rinse and repeat for pretty much every fight. Once I get Doc I expect it to get even better.
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From what I'm hearing when you get Doc you can actually start fighting a regular mob of 3 normal class enemies without being dropped to less than 50% or dead.


Of course, you have to go all the way through tatooine....ALL the way through Alderaan.....AAAAAALL the way through Balmorra....To finally get him. Honestly, I haven't even started alderaan much and I'm not willing to finish it and go through balmorra to finally become "passable" as a class.


What the....how can so many people have completely different experiences with the same class?


I keep T7 geared and I burn through everything. Everything. One gold two silvers, two golds one silver, champs....no problem at all. Even if T7 dies, by that point the last mob is so close to dead I'm in no danger of dying myself. And T7 never dies unless we're facing some really nasty pulls.

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