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Force Sensitive Jawas


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I was just thinking about if Jawas ever became a playable race in the game, I mean they know how to use weapons and such, Like blizz does, And there is force sensitive jawas in the game aswell, On tatooine theres a jawa called "Jawa shaman" but knows how to use the force. I know itll never happen, But it would be a nice possibility for jawa to be limited to some classes.
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Look no further.


But seriously, as boss as it would be, I have doubts.

*Not basic speaking

*Not very "human"

Those are the two main requirements. Jawa fails both.


Well... bounty hunters get a jawa companion.


But I still can't help but find the idea of a Jawa or Ewok jedi patently ridiculous on principle, no matter how much evidence there may or may not exist to the contrary.


They'd make boss smugglers or troopers, though.


...maybe I should be worried that the idea of a Jawa with a rotary cannon bigger then itself is more acceptable then one with a lightsaber.

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Ya serious or joking, jawa would never work out because of really 4 things.


1. Story....what story would actually fit a jawa?


2. Dialogue(as said before can't speak basic, etc)


3. Ship/Companions(....ya I really don't see how a jawa would be able to fly a ship, much less get others to follow them.)


4. Classes(...I really cannot see them as any of the classes that are out now.)

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Ya serious or joking, jawa would never work out because of really 4 things.


1. Story....what story would actually fit a jawa?


2. Dialogue(as said before can't speak basic, etc)


3. Ship/Companions(....ya I really don't see how a jawa would be able to fly a ship, much less get others to follow them.)


4. Classes(...I really cannot see them as any of the classes that are out now.)


Dialogue could be


1.(Light Side)-Random jibberish

2.(Neutral)- UTINI!!!!

3.(Dark Side)- *sells droids with bad motivators*

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