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I find it very hard to believe that you are unable to play as a Togruta within the SWTOR. With the growing popularity of Star Wars the Clone Wars (referring to Ahsoka Tano) and Characters such as Shaak Ti and Dar Nala, I am wondering why the developers wouldn't include Togruta to the playable species list. In Star Wars EU, the Togruta have been apart of the republic and jedi order practically since there founding. They already have a general bases for the female Togruta within the game, as well as the males, although the Togruta males are supposed to have different montral (horn) and lekku (headtails) structure as females, they are shown properly in the clone wars. I wish Lucas Arts and George would pay a little more attention to the EU, games and television shows that are currently out, and keep things more consistent.

Anyway, Bioware and LucasArts please release an expansion pack with a few more playable charaters such as Togruta, Tholothian, Cerean, Lannik, and Pantoran (for humanoid structure) and just throwing it out there but possible playable Duro, Nemodian, Roonan, Kel Doran, Nautolan, Besalisk, Mandalorian, and Aleena (all of which are know to speak basic and be force sensitive). This aside SWTOR is an amazing game!

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Because of hats ?


Beleive me or not, but if I had a Togruta character, the last thing I'd wanna do is hide her face... heck almost all my characters have the helm option turned off already. =)


I would also like to play a Togruta, but I also understand why BW held off on putting them in. However, considering how many there are in game I imagine that once BW comes up with a satisfactory resolution they will be put in game.

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