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[Guide] Juggernaut Guide to PVP, PVE, Leveling - Updated for 1.2


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So we are to buy 4 X Gloves for their enhancements and mods and armor and remod the gear in PvP if you are rage?


the gloves are superior in every way to the chest, yet the chest costs more. I'm talking battlemaster here. how strange.

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So we are to buy 4 X Gloves for their enhancements and mods and armor and remod the gear in PvP if you are rage?


the gloves are superior in every way to the chest, yet the chest costs more. I'm talking battlemaster here. how strange.


Unfortunately yes. Pre 1.2 I remodded with Deft 25 from raids (48 str 37 power). In effect this is the same thing, with a much more limited (clearly intentional to 'nerf' specs like Rage) selection of mods and enhancements to choose from.


Once you get into war hero, we will have to buy 4 x War hero gloves for the mod slot (51 str 39 power ) and then have to make a call on the enhancements.

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despite the nerf, I really like rage. it might not do masive damage to 1 target, but it will at least do medium damage to many targets. Seeing 3-4 X 3500 dmg from 1 smash is satisfying :)


remember, it still counts up as damage done and if there are 3-4 targets close to each other with low hp, you kill them all :)

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this might be a silly question but...


this: http://www.torhead.com/item/lflwOY/recruit-weaponmasters-device




this: http://www.torhead.com/item/ctPlnG6/battlemaster-weaponmasters-device


as a Rage juggernaut??


I ask because the blue one has power and the other does not. Ad why are there no implants and ear pieces for Vindicator?

Edited by Fallerup
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this might be a silly question but...


this: http://www.torhead.com/item/lflwOY/recruit-weaponmasters-device




this: http://www.torhead.com/item/ctPlnG6/battlemaster-weaponmasters-device


as a Rage juggernaut??


I ask because the blue one has power and the other does not. Ad why are there no implants and ear pieces for Vindicator?


Most rage juggs, myself included, used the champion (what is the recruit set now, the item you linked) ear piece prior to 1.2. Ear\gloves are the first war hero pieces you should buy ASAP.

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And how is your dmg from smash after 1.2 ? So far I did not manage to get over 4,7k.


I bought into this there "nerfing" rage then called bs. they made it easier to drop those huge smash numbers and more frequently. and Frankly before 1.2 most i seen was 6.5k now the most i seen is 7.5k


the only nerf was sundering throw got taking out of rage spec, everything else was buff imo, power and surge is rage spec's best friend infact i think any specs that is dps, best friend more so then any other stat

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hey Mors, I know you raid a lot with ur guild as rage, have u guys taken any numbers on how well the spec does? I'm aware of the bugs with combat logging, but still wanted an idea of where we stand.


I also remember you saying you're trying out veng post 1.2, any update on that? I've respec'd to veng myself and am absolutely loving it, the single-target dps is amazing. With the 12 sec cooldown on smash I often had lots of trouble killing the good healers/tanks 1v1, now I can tear them down. Anyways, let us kno if you have an update.

Edited by Xtrema
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hey Mors, I know you raid a lot with ur guild as rage, have u guys taken any numbers on how well the spec does? I'm aware of the bugs with combat logging, but still wanted an idea of where we stand.


I also remember you saying you're trying out veng post 1.2, any update on that? I've respec'd to veng myself and am absolutely loving it, the single-target dps is amazing. With the 12 sec cooldown on smash I often had lots of trouble killing the good healers/tanks 1v1, now I can tear them down. Anyways, let us kno if you have an update.


I do have combat logs for both Veng and Rage in HM EC and NMM KP/EV but i am sure unlike others there is hundreds of .txt files in your combat log folder (I have 269). so trying to figure out which ones are the right one for a given raid and even then what bloody difficulty we did that week is a pita :*(

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btw Mors, you need to update with this new 1.2 rotation - opening right out of the gate with a maximum dmg smash:

Force Charge -> Enrage (midair) + Relic (midair) + Adrenal (midair) -> Smash


If you manage to jump into a group, you can follow up with a free roar, and force push on stranglers or the healer, essentially CC'ing half their team. I don't think anybody else has such a strong opener, especially in matches like voidstar or novare coast where PUGs tend to group up. Nothing like catching a cluster@#$ right at the start of the match and forcing them all to start at 35% less hp, or if nothing burn their CC breaker early :)


I do have combat logs for both Veng and Rage in HM EC and NMM KP/EV but i am sure unlike others there is hundreds of .txt files in your combat log folder (I have 269). so trying to figure out which ones are the right one for a given raid and even then what bloody difficulty we did that week is a pita :*(


wow 269, how come u dont just delete them all and start over at the next raid?

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btw Mors, you need to update with this new 1.2 rotation - opening right out of the gate with a maximum dmg smash:

Force Charge -> Enrage (midair) + Relic (midair) + Adrenal (midair) -> Smash


If you manage to jump into a group, you can follow up with a free roar, and force push on stranglers or the healer, essentially CC'ing half their team. I don't think anybody else has such a strong opener, especially in matches like voidstar or novare coast where PUGs tend to group up. Nothing like catching a cluster@#$ right at the start of the match and forcing them all to start at 35% less hp, or if nothing burn their CC breaker early :)




wow 269, how come u dont just delete them all and start over at the next raid?


You're absolutely right, need to update this.


hey Mors, I know you raid a lot with ur guild as rage, have u guys taken any numbers on how well the spec does? I'm aware of the bugs with combat logging, but still wanted an idea of where we stand.


I also remember you saying you're trying out veng post 1.2, any update on that? I've respec'd to veng myself and am absolutely loving it, the single-target dps is amazing. With the 12 sec cooldown on smash I often had lots of trouble killing the good healers/tanks 1v1, now I can tear them down. Anyways, let us kno if you have an update.


I have been Vengeance for our raids and I am liking it a lot. On our recent Colonel Vorgath kill in hard mode, I was number 1 damage done for the whole fight, beating out our normal number 1 marauder by 35k I think ( 485k total). Its a somewhat unfair comparison as I have much more tricked out gear than he does, but they definitely fixed the whoie ravage issue from pre 1.2. I have the log for this and I'll post it here when I find it in the next day or so.


This combined with the pretty crazy nerf to the CD on skills for the Rage tree, makes me wonder now if Vengeance is the best all around spec(without a doubt IMO the best PvE spec now). In a pure next 10 seconds kill this guy moment, Rage is still superior. If we had a talent that rooted our target when we Ravage'd I think Vengeance would be clearly the best pvp spec as well. Enraged defense's 15% damage reduction is just so strong in the current game, along with insane ravage and the vicious throw buffs, I'm on the fence.

Edited by Morsexy
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  • 3 weeks later...
Can this guide apply directly to Jedi Guardian? Since it's the "mirror"? The Guardian forum posts seem to consist of hugs and hand holding.


Yes it is. You just need to translate skill names. I didn't think it was appropriate to post my guide there even though unfortunately this seems to be the only Juggernaut and Guardian guide.


( I realize photeks guide up above\below is too, but his is tanking oriented. )

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If we had a talent that rooted our target when we Ravage'd I think Vengeance would be clearly the best pvp spec as well.


That's actually a great idea. Although I'd probably propose that rather than rooting the other player, it could just slow them down, similar to Force Lightning. That would allow us to complete the Ravage without them running out of range. It probably also wouldn't need to be a talent, but rather just added to the skill in general, available for all specs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There is nothing I would change in my spec for the guide, given the changes for 1.3.


I am however a little disappointed in how things are playing out with regards to on use trinkets and generally how Rage just feels slow now compared to what it was before. I think I would have settled for 20% reduction in smash damage if we could keep the 9 second CD. This, coming from someone who wants to play the spec that gets those "big numbers".


Im also disappointed in that our clear best spec for PvE is Vengenace, and defensively in PVP it is also Vengeance. At best Rage is more bursty and slightly more damage and at worst it's not in PVP, meaning Vengeance is the best spec period.

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