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Do you think population imbalance will ever be fixed?


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Honestly, at this point, I'm considering dropping my 40 Jedi Shadow to re-roll on Empire. There's three times as many people on at all times on every zone. It's a hell of a lot easier finding groups on Empire side, and world PvP isn't remotely fair.


Warzones are a similar story. Right now, there's a bunch of highly geared 50s running around slaughtering the lower level Republic. Maybe in a month or so once the Republic gets more 50s, warzones will be enjoyable, but ignoring this imbalance is not helping their cause.


I'm just hoping they start closing down servers for the specific side that's overpopulated.

Edited by pawestman
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Nope it isnt just 50s blowing up low levels, the problem is also premades and with some classes being crazy overpowered, just by common sense math the side that has 70-80% of the game population means you are going to see a whole lot more of the overpowered classes playing on the overpopulated side.
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Doubt it can. Bioware have been to biased towards the Sith when it came to marketing and classes (Quicker animations for BH than for trooper, elemental damage for Sorcerers thats 2 examples). I dont see how you can fix a server like mine where we are out pop'd 6 to 1 now.


The thing is people are doing what you are doing, changing to the sith so they can win WZ's and get instance groups...


So the problems only going to get worse. I'm 50 now and I find it near impossible to find a group for any of the high level instances and constantly lose WZ's even though im top damage... defending points and being a team player... cant beat 8 50's vs me and level 10-40's.


So i cant do instances and cant do WZ's because I cant stand them anymore. Theres no world pvp because outlaws den is worthless and empty, Ilum is a joke and promotes objective exchange rather than pvp... even if they do make changes to Ilum I dont see how the republic could survive there because whenever im there its 25+ sith and just 1-3 republic there atm.


So I'm leveling a alt atm until my friends get to 50.

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lol republic going empire?



welcome to 10 min queues. say goodbye to alderaan and voidstar and hello to NONSTOP HUTTBALL! oh and illum? yeah good luck finding any1 to fight there. run around and stare at other bored empire




i swear man if i didn't find jedi story so wussy i would reroll republic.

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lol republic going empire?



welcome to 10 min queues. say goodbye to alderaan and voidstar and hello to NONSTOP HUTTBALL! oh and illum? yeah good luck finding any1 to fight there. run around and stare at other bored empire




i swear man if i didn't find jedi story so wussy i would reroll republic.


At least there's something to do in the mean time. ~50 Republic in the fleet compared to ~200 Empire. It's near impossible to find a group for anything. Raiding? Lol, forget about it. World PvP? Wait until the Empire are gone before being able to do anything.

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Well this happens in every game with two sides? Naturally the general population prefers one or the other. In this case, every 12 year old (mindset) with a pulse wants to be "super dark lord ultra power sith with no rules" so we have a bunch of imperials and mostly darkside sith. Classes are probably balanced fine, I havn't seen issues. Your problem is with the community wanting to be bad instead of good. :rolleyes:



Don't worry, soon the tables turn because the overpop of imperials will dilute the pool and when republic people start reaching end game they'll constantly pre-made or know each other in fights and play better.






Bottom line: not really bioware's fault, what do you expect when you play sith vs jedi where everyone can choose their own side? Everyone always picks sith. Just like everyone wants to have a lightsaber (so we have population leaning way towards siths and/or jedis instead of gunners).

Edited by MrXen
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Don't think anything can reverse it. Maybe on PvE servers though, but not on PvP servers. Emps got the better looking classes, races, and more compelling storylines. And the lore pretty explicitly paints the Empire as unstoppable and the Republic as incompetent and blundering.


The direction this game is going (instanced PvP with more inter-faction warzones similar to Huttball) this may not be a problem. Only way they'd really balance this game out would be perhaps to introduce a third faction, but I don't see that happening. Most of the high end PvP in this game will probably end up being Empire vs. Empire. And that could actually be quite enjoyable even if the lore people don't like it much.

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The easiest solution is just locking Empire when population starts to become out of control.


It actually is Biowares fault because they didnt fix it nor did they fix much less any of the bugs relayed to them in beta, the pop was just as screwed up before launch matter of fact.


It is Biowares fault that their own devs/designers clearly showed preference to Empire when designing not only storyline, quests, skill animations, gear textures and ship design. It is Biowares fault when their devs showed clear favoritism to specific classes making them 100x overpowered and having certain abilities register damage faster ON EMPIRE over their supposed "mirror" class of same ability on republic

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If you enjoy PvP and especially open world PvP, I sure as hell don't know why you would want to switch to Empire. PvP is always funner in a more target rich environment. I wanted to roll Republic knowing the pop balance would be screwed up, but my guild decided to roll Empire thinking it wouldn't be that bad.


Giving a 15% XP bonus to a server faction that is outnumbered by a 5:3 ratio would be a start to restoring some resembalance of population balance because it will encourage new players to roll the outnumbered faction on that server.

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If you enjoy PvP and especially open world PvP, I sure as hell don't know why you would want to switch to Empire. PvP is always funner in a more target rich environment. I wanted to roll Republic knowing the pop balance would be screwed up, but my guild decided to roll Empire thinking it wouldn't be that bad.


Giving a 15% XP bonus to a server faction that is outnumbered by a 5:3 ratio would be a start to restoring some resembalance of population balance because it will encourage new players to roll the outnumbered faction on that server.


That's actually a very good idea. It's not all about the PvP. It's the fact that people still want to raid. With the limited amount of people, we can't.

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If you enjoy PvP and especially open world PvP, I sure as hell don't know why you would want to switch to Empire. PvP is always funner in a more target rich environment. I wanted to roll Republic knowing the pop balance would be screwed up, but my guild decided to roll Empire thinking it wouldn't be that bad.


Giving a 15% XP bonus to a server faction that is outnumbered by a 5:3 ratio would be a start to restoring some resembalance of population balance because it will encourage new players to roll the outnumbered faction on that server.


I agree also showing the pop % for sith and republic alongside the exp buff for the republic would get more players to that side.

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If you enjoy PvP and especially open world PvP, I sure as hell don't know why you would want to switch to Empire. PvP is always funner in a more target rich environment. I wanted to roll Republic knowing the pop balance would be screwed up, but my guild decided to roll Empire thinking it wouldn't be that bad.


Giving a 15% XP bonus to a server faction that is outnumbered by a 5:3 ratio would be a start to restoring some resembalance of population balance because it will encourage new players to roll the outnumbered faction on that server.



It would have to be more like a 5% dps bonus, to have any real effect.


Nobody really cares about 15% extra leveling speed, so what if you get to 50 faster, your level 50 will still be alone.

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If you enjoy PvP and especially open world PvP, I sure as hell don't know why you would want to switch to Empire. PvP is always funner in a more target rich environment. I wanted to roll Republic knowing the pop balance would be screwed up, but my guild decided to roll Empire thinking it wouldn't be that bad.


Giving a 15% XP bonus to a server faction that is outnumbered by a 5:3 ratio would be a start to restoring some resembalance of population balance because it will encourage new players to roll the outnumbered faction on that server.


There was a game that had bonuses for the less populated faction. I don't remember off the the top of my head which game it was, but I'm pretty sure it had a positive impact on the population balance.


Personally I really tried to enjoy the Republic but between the rather boring class stories and horrendous looking end game armor I just couldn't do it. I also ran into a lot of really clueless players on the Republic side of my server. I might have had a string of bad luck but it seemed like 9 out of 10 Republic warzone groups had no idea what they were doing. It was nice to be able to play something other than Huttball for a change but if you constantly lose it really doesn't matter what map you're playing.

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