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Space Combat in The Old Republic (continued from pre launch)


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A couple more missions in the next 6 months.


I wouldn't expect any more than that, and maybe not even that. That's just how it seems to be. :(


New missions would not really be a 'super secret project' for space combat.


I am expecting the worst, but hoping for the best.

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I read an article that said something about Heroic Space Missions for groups of 4. Was this an April Fools joke cause so far the one article is all I have seen? The article I read, I am unable to find now for source so I am thinking April Fools, they had screenies that looked legit but...
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I totally agree with the initial post. I read it several weeks ago, and am pleased to see it has generated so much support. There are several hundred posts here, and nearly all of them are from like minded customers.


I am quite downhearted that there hasn't been a comment from bioware concerning this topic, and I am consequently facing a dilemma.... My 3 month pre-paid subscription will run out soon, so do I sign up to renew it?


I do not currently have confidence that the game will expand in the direction necessary to retain my long term attention. The ground game is fun, but only provides a fraction of the enjoyment I got from SWG (which was purely due to the space aspects of JTL). I do not want to continue to invest my time and money into playing this game without some small assurance that it may one day provide the experience that I hoped I would find.


If you have the opportunity, and you work for bioware, could you please answer the following question: "Can I trust that you will do the right thing by me and all these other people, and should I therefore stay?"


A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice.


Failing that, could you at least acknowledge that you've seen the thread please? After all, we're you paying customers, and we're giving you constructive feedback for free.

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The mention of the super secret project is promising but the fact that they won't detail anything suggests that it might be either too far in the future or perhaps uncertain to ever reach production. Either way, it's all speculation from us. We will just have to wait and see.


In the mean time I tried STO and quite frankly it's a bit poor. What else is out there? Wish I'd played SWG when I had the chance now :(

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I totally agree with the initial post. I read it several weeks ago, and am pleased to see it has generated so much support. There are several hundred posts here, and nearly all of them are from like minded customers.


I am quite downhearted that there hasn't been a comment from bioware concerning this topic, and I am consequently facing a dilemma.... My 3 month pre-paid subscription will run out soon, so do I sign up to renew it?


I do not currently have confidence that the game will expand in the direction necessary to retain my long term attention. The ground game is fun, but only provides a fraction of the enjoyment I got from SWG (which was purely due to the space aspects of JTL). I do not want to continue to invest my time and money into playing this game without some small assurance that it may one day provide the experience that I hoped I would find.


If you have the opportunity, and you work for bioware, could you please answer the following question: "Can I trust that you will do the right thing by me and all these other people, and should I therefore stay?"


A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice.


Failing that, could you at least acknowledge that you've seen the thread please? After all, we're you paying customers, and we're giving you constructive feedback for free.


For your first request, would it be alright if they said "No" and later on in time they actually implemented a 3d flight feature? Would it be alright if they said "Yes" and then you never got your new space feature? I don't know how many times Bioware have said that they don't wanna give answers on stuff like this unless they are pretty darn confident it'll go in. I don't think you'll ever hear them say "No". But I also don't think they'll ever say "Yes" because someone in the community asks them to clarify.


For your emergency request: Come on. They've seen it. I'm sure someone of the "vets" in this thread has the exact number, but I'm sure we had thousands of posts on this topic pre-launch, and the thread still appears on page 1 for a while now and then. They've seen it.


My guess is that even though you won't get a "Yes" or "No", there's a bigger chance of some dev correspondence on this topic now than there was pre-release. Too much passion back then. There was really nothing they could have said. Keep asking nicely?

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I totally agree with the initial post. I read it several weeks ago, and am pleased to see it has generated so much support. There are several hundred posts here, and nearly all of them are from like minded customers.


I am quite downhearted that there hasn't been a comment from bioware concerning this topic, and I am consequently facing a dilemma.... My 3 month pre-paid subscription will run out soon, so do I sign up to renew it?


I do not currently have confidence that the game will expand in the direction necessary to retain my long term attention. The ground game is fun, but only provides a fraction of the enjoyment I got from SWG (which was purely due to the space aspects of JTL). I do not want to continue to invest my time and money into playing this game without some small assurance that it may one day provide the experience that I hoped I would find.


If you have the opportunity, and you work for bioware, could you please answer the following question: "Can I trust that you will do the right thing by me and all these other people, and should I therefore stay?"


A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice.


Failing that, could you at least acknowledge that you've seen the thread please? After all, we're you paying customers, and we're giving you constructive feedback for free.


It's a nice thought but the devs have failed to even acknowledge fan concerns on this issue here(on the official website) in the 20 plus months since the fail rails were announced and given no reason to believe there will be a formal acknowledgement in the next 20 or so months. (or $300 @ $15/month)

Edited by shepardcomander
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The mention of the super secret project is promising but the fact that they won't detail anything suggests that it might be either too far in the future or perhaps uncertain to ever reach production. Either way, it's all speculation from us. We will just have to wait and see.


In the mean time I tried STO and quite frankly it's a bit poor. What else is out there? Wish I'd played SWG when I had the chance now :(


I wouldnt put it down to to far away or uncertain to ever reach production, what i would put this down to is plagiarism on the part of other companys, now we know other companys if they even got a sniff of future content such as this they would bite into it like a werewolf seeing a chicken on a full moon.


Just look at half the stuff in 1.2 for example, we had not a clue what most of it was including legacy but does that look like they built it in a shed over the weekend, the stuff in 1.2 is long term development in action.

Edited by Shingara
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I wouldnt put it down to to far away or uncertain to ever reach production, what i would put this down to is plagiarism on the part of other companys, now we know other companys if they even got a sniff of future content such as this they would bite into it like a werewolf seeing a chicken on a full moon.


Just look at half the stuff in 1.2 for example, we had not a clue what most of it was including legacy but does that look like they built it in a shed over the weekend, the stuff in 1.2 is long term development in action.


There's some mileage in secrecy.


But really is WoW going to steal anything that frankly has been seen before in 2004 in SWG?


Never mind that even WoW would struggle to merge space fighter combat and elves.

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There's some mileage in secrecy.


But really is WoW going to steal anything that frankly has been seen before in 2004 in SWG?


Never mind that even WoW would struggle to merge space fighter combat and elves.


They wouldn't even break stride if they wanted to do it but they're busy with Panda's at the moment.

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They wouldn't even break stride if they wanted to do it but they're busy with Panda's at the moment.


Pandas in space perhaps.. with jetpacks and lasers.. shooting at unicorns.... YES! :D


Can you even imagine an exploding unicorn? Zooom..! Ka-pow! Bad unicorn!

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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There's some mileage in secrecy.


But really is WoW going to steal anything that frankly has been seen before in 2004 in SWG?


Never mind that even WoW would struggle to merge space fighter combat and elves.


Dont shrink your gaming universe to just one of the competitors. STO for example, info came out about companions and bam sto suddenly is developing crew that basically do the same thing, wierd that isnt it. But even then wow has a president in lore for this type of thing that they could blend in, just look at exodar.


Plus dont even dare to think how far bliz will strecth lore for game features, flying mounts were classed as game breaking in wow to world immersion and pvp until aion popped into the world and pokemon is something you would have laughed off as an april fools joke 3 years ago, but then again bliz put most of there april fools into wow too.


WoWs lore is so bent that if you threw it, it would come back and smack you in the back of the head.

Edited by Shingara
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they already said in Q&A when asked about ships design if they would add ways to change your color or ships appearance. They said no that it wasnt designed for it. they cant do something simple as add skins to ships but people actually think they can add pvp or free roam space stuff come on..Look what happened with Illium can you honestly say they know how to make free roam or pvp space combat, with out making a mess out of it:rolleyes:



Belthazaar: I like my ships but, I was wondering if or when we will be able to purchase, make, or steal a new and different ship beyond the one that we currently get from our class quest?


Damion Schubert: Unfortunately, the nature of our ships as central story areas for all of our class content, and all of the associated triggers and cinematics that must therefore be done on the ships, means that giving players new ship models, particularly interiors, is very, very hard for us. We will probably look at addressing this instead by providing a greater sense of ship customization at some point well in the future. But it’s someplace we definitely want to go!

Edited by madmikeyb
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they already said in Q&A when asked about ships design if they would add ways to change your color or ships appearance. They said no that it wasnt designed for it. they cant do something simple as add skins to ships but people actually think they can add pvp or free roam space stuff come on..Look what happened with Illium can you honestly say they know how to make free roam or pvp space combat, with out making a mess out of it:rolleyes:


Your missing a very big thing when you talk about this, they cannot do it to the on rails system. And they held there hands up to illum and redoing it which i havnt seen another mmo develpoer do that really, they normaly say we are just developing it further into its evolution.

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I find the current space combat to be more fun than most of the planetary quests.


Certainly far few bugs and crashes and lockups, graphics-wise.


If they fixed the interface for proton torps, that'd be all I really want out of space combat until the rest of the game got unbuggered.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Was happy to see 3D Space battles as an option in a developer request for feedback poll. Then I realized a couple of things about what that implied:


1 - If they are just now considering 3d space combat along with other features then they haven't yet started developement nor even nailed down a decision to develope it.


2 - if they are just now asking for feedback regarding features like 3D space combat then they have indeed completely ignored/not read any of the feedback given on the subject to date.

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Was happy to see 3D Space battles as an option in a developer request for feedback poll. Then I realized a couple of things about what that implied:


1 - If they are just now considering 3d space combat along with other features then they haven't yet started developement nor even nailed down a decision to develope it.


2 - if they are just now asking for feedback regarding features like 3D space combat then they have indeed completely ignored/not read any of the feedback given on the subject to date.


actualy if you have a 3d monitor or one of the nvidia series 3d then swtor plays in 3d right now, i play space in 3d on my synchmaster, it cost a fortune but its worth every penny.


But if they are asking for feedback on it then that shows that have listened and read previous posts and are just wanting the feedback in one consolidated thread.


But hey if people really want todo space to the extreme you could always try to hook it upto this beast.




Edit, are people actualy saying space 3d in what bioware are asking as free flight space and not actual 3d ?

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Was happy to see 3D Space battles as an option in a developer request for feedback poll. Then I realized a couple of things about what that implied:


1 - If they are just now considering 3d space combat along with other features then they haven't yet started developement nor even nailed down a decision to develope it.


2 - if they are just now asking for feedback regarding features like 3D space combat then they have indeed completely ignored/not read any of the feedback given on the subject to date.


There really is no pleasing you fellas... And that I assume is why you've never had, or I'm guessing never will have, any dev correspondece in this thread.

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Don´t forget how many spaceship models are already present in the game. If you check out the space missions or the taxi between the fleet ships - the mechanics and ship models are there!


What needs to be added is giving control over the ships, sure a lot of work, but they definitely do not need to "start from scratch".


So what is missing:


- Cockpits and actual ship mechanics (e.g. joystick control, transferring shield energy to lasers, autopilot, targeting systems, weapons systems, mining lasers, docking bays for transporting resources...)


- Space sectors, navpoints to travel to and the server architecture behind, because this needs to be cross-server/shard server system to feel like a populated universe like EvE/Jump to Lightspeed


- Make orbital stations able to dock, make it possible to approach planets and enter atmosphere and land (Battlefront 2 / JTL style)


MISSIONS: Single player and PvP


I´d say, if they find a way to "import" mission mechanics from X-Wing, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance and start from there, this could be a huge time saver. Don´t know if that is technically possible but programmers always find a way to solve problems.

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I had to say something about this topic.

Ill be cancelling sub after this post because of the lack of free roaming space combat, on top of alot of other things.

I will still keep my hopes up to see the implementation of it in the game at a later stage but I will not be paying for a game I think is so so and its one of the most frustrating things to see something you like being handled in the most crappiest ways.I made it to page 37 of this thread tonight so I havnt read the last few pages , so has a Dev actually replied to anything on here yet?

It seems like they dont want to answer the question because of one of two things .1 alot of people may leave if theres no plans for free roaming space combat 2. they actually have it in the works as a secret project .

Either way the handling of this needs to be done soon before more people get up and leave

Well anyways keep pushing for it and maybe theyll listen to us.

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Was happy to see 3D Space battles as an option in a developer request for feedback poll. Then I realized a couple of things about what that implied:


1 - If they are just now considering 3d space combat along with other features then they haven't yet started developement nor even nailed down a decision to develope it.


2 - if they are just now asking for feedback regarding features like 3D space combat then they have indeed completely ignored/not read any of the feedback given on the subject to date.


I think you're looking at it as an mini-expansion release at best, so a long way off, probably 2013+.

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