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To all those Complaining


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So many people out there are complaining about the staggered launch, coming up with many reasons on why it is bad and unfair. So lets look it the reason behind the launch, and the pro's and con of such a launch.


So the idea behind the staggered launch is to ease the servers into their full operating capacity. In doing so they prevent the bugs that sometimes pop up for unknown reasons when servers and programming are stressed. Yes they did a stress test a couple weeks ago, but guess what? There were Bugs! While most of the bugs have been fixed, stressing the servers again would probably just cause new bugs to come up.


On the topic of server stability, many are complaining how they stopped sending out invites for the day, even though the servers are no where near full. The purpose of this is so they can monitor the servers to make sure they hold up and nothing breaks. Yes they could go off the knowledge that the servers did ok during the stress test and will probably hold up, but they want to ensure no major bugs come up.


So now to look at the pros and cons of such a launch.



Reduces server strain.


Reduces chances of bugs.


Reduces chances of crashes.


Reduces lag.



And now for some cons that I have seen people posting about in the forums:


Can't be first level 50-

Being the first to reach level cap is a personal achievement, something only you will really care about. Your asking BW to risk server instability just so you can feel good about being first. This is not a real reason for BW to not do a staggered launch.


Higher levels will ruin your leveling-

Some were complaining about those that got to play earlier will be a higher level and will just come ruin their questing. Well first off if you don't want PvP then don't play on a PvP server. Next unless you were going to be one of the people who played non-stop at launch, there was always going to be some higher level than you who could come PvP you for fun. Finally, what about in 2 months when your leveling an alt? Are you going to whine and complain when higher levels are camping you?


It is not fair-

First off life is not fair. Now BW wanted a way to ease in the amount of people playing. To do so they chose that those who ordered first get in first. How would you recommend they do it? Random? Well now it is not fair for those who ordered in July. They have been waiting for almost five months, and someone who may have just discovered the game three weeks ago gets in before them. Either way it is unfair to someone. If you really think about it doing it they way they are is more fair than randomly doing it. By doing it the current way, you at least have some idea when you will get to play. If you ordered within the first month or two, your probably going to get to play within a few days. If you ordered last week, you most likely will not get in until the last couple days. If it was random you would have absolutely no idea when you would get to play.

The servers can hold way more people than they are-

Now this one does have a little bit of credibility. Yes the servers can hold a lot more people than they currently have, and yes it would probably not cause any issues with the server (I.E. Lag, crashes, bugs). However BW is trying to guarantee a smooth launch. By having a slow launch, they reduce the rate of strain on the servers, and drastically reduces the chances of issues. Also, this is time you were not suppose to be playing anyway.


In summary, while there is some bad issues with the staggered launch, mainly people having to wait to play, the good outweighs the bad. Ensuring the servers do not die, and that the playing experience is bug and lag free is more important than everyone getting to play BEFORE the game is officially suppose to launch. Regardless of how you feel about the early launch, the game is not supposed to be out until the 20th. Whether you feel it is some sort of gimmick or stunt to get more people to play is irrelevant, the game was not supposed to be playable until the 20th. Add onto the fact that most people only payed $5 for this game time. By pre-ordering, you knowingly and willingly payed that $5 for the CHANCE TO MAYBE play the game 5 days early.



Keeping the server stable and without bugs and lag is more important then everyone getting to play early all at once. No matter how much testing took place, there is still a chance of unknown bugs popping up. When you pre-ordered you understood that you MIGHT get some early days to play, and you were not guaranteed to get all those early days.

Edited by Galivis
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The real problem is the sense of entitlement, nothing has changed, everyone was aware of this before. But the heavy QQing has arrived because they thought they could hold out and now their willpower has proven weak.


With the large majority of players logged in supposedly being Empire, it is very likely the crying is coming from the Republic!

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The real problem is the sense of entitlement, nothing has changed, everyone was aware of this before. But the heavy QQing has arrived because they thought they could hold out and now their willpower has proven weak.


With the large majority of players logged in supposedly being Empire, it is very likely the crying is coming from the Republic!


"entitlement" what is this the ********** primaries? its not about "entitlement" its about not wanting to get chased around by a lvl 50 in a leveling area because he has 2-3 days to max before I even saw the first planet...

Edited by NervZero
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Higher levels will ruin your leveling-

Some were complaining about those that got to play earlier will be a higher level and will just come ruin their questing. Well first off if you don't want PvP then don't play on a PvP server. Next unless you were going to be one of the people who played non-stop at launch, there was always going to be some higher level than you who could come PvP you for fun. Finally, what about in 2 months when your leveling an alt? Are you going to whine and complain when higher levels are camping you?


Ehh... this one is a valid concern. I can say with certainty that playing a brand new MMO for the first time, while enemy players are 30-40 levels higher than me, will be a unique experience. One I'm not particularly looking forward to.


2 months from now, when leveling an alt, I will get on my main and destroy anyone griefing my alt. If I get desperate, I'll call in a favor or two from level 50 members of my guild. Both of these aren't an option yet.

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"entitlement" what is this the ********** primaries? its not about "entitlement" its about not wanting to get chased around by a lvl 50 in a leveling area because he has 2-3 days to max before I even saw the first planet...


You are obviously not prepared for a PVP server. The fun times are escaping those impossible scenarios. Avoiding it by leveling with the first on the server makes you the crybaby type that grabs his main whenever an alt gets camped. This makes you a target that is fun to camp, tryhard.

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Reduces server strain.


Reduces chances of crashes.


Reduces lag.


Well of course it does... for now. You're running at a fraction of the load you would normally run at. Not really stressing the machines there, but you really won't know how the servers behave at anticipated load until they actually run at anticipated load. Not learning much by running them light. I suppose if you're using flaky hardware you just installed and wanted to do a burn-in, but that's usually done a bit before you drop it into a production enviroment.



Reduces chances of bugs.


Not so fast there Buckaroo. Bugs come from code, not from systems. Now, if you're saying that the kernel code could be buggy then I suggest these servers should probably be set up on a stable release of the OS and be patched appropriately. If you're talking about game server code, then that's a whole different ballgame and that really ought to have been caught in a beta several months back.


So, considering these updates to your Pros, does it still justify annoying 75% of your paying customers (whether their reasons for being annoyed are right or wrong)? I'd have to lean towards no...

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Lets see :




Reduces server strain.


sure it reduces server strain, especially if you only let 200 ppl on per server


Reduces chances of bugs.


What in gods name? no.... just no


Reduces chances of crashes.


it reduces the chance of the server crashing, why? look at answer 1.

it doesnt reduce the chance of the client crashing.


Reduces lag.


this is just your server strain point all over again





you know when something is mishandled when it creates a problem that could only have happened because of how you approached the situation.

im not saying early access is a fiasco, but the first day certainly was.

They put in so few players that people could grind out the pvp maps and get thousands of xp every 3 minutes because there are not enough players to keep a PVP map going, they were even having trouble getting a party together for the flashpoints.

thats called, a fiasco. no matter how you try to look at it.


get over the fanboi ism. this staggered launch may have been a good idea, the execution of it so far is still a complete f*** up.

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Reduces server strain.


Reduces chances of bugs.


Reduces chances of crashes.


Reduces lag.


It doesn't really do any of them either the servers can handle it or they cannot, we'll find out on the 20th either way.


In the case of the PvP queue flaw issue it actually creates an issue allowing people to level at a very high rate.

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Just wish they would of sent everyone an email (including myself) of an estimation time of when they will allow you in. example: You will not have access until the 15th on the 15 sometime you will get an email stating the time you will be able to log in. Leaving everyone in the dark about when they get to finally play is really what I think is an issue at least for me... I could care less about being first or anything else. I just want to know about when I can play.
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So many people out there are complaining about the staggered launch, coming up with many reasons on why it is bad and unfair. So lets look it the reason behind the launch, and the pro's and con of such a launch.


So the idea behind the staggered launch is to ease the servers into their full operating capacity. In doing so they prevent the bugs that sometimes pop up for unknown reasons when servers and programming are stressed. Yes they did a stress test a couple weeks ago, but guess what? There were Bugs! While most of the bugs have been fixed, stressing the servers again would probably just cause new bugs to come up.


On the topic of server stability, many are complaining how they stopped sending out invites for the day, even though the servers are no where near full. The purpose of this is so they can monitor the servers to make sure they hold up and nothing breaks. Yes they could go off the knowledge that the servers did ok during the stress test and will probably hold up, but they want to ensure no major bugs come up.


So now to look at the pros and cons of such a launch.



Reduces server strain.


Reduces chances of bugs.


Reduces chances of crashes.


Reduces lag.



And now for some cons that I have seen people posting about in the forums:


Can't be first level 50-

Being the first to reach level cap is a personal achievement, something only you will really care about. Your asking BW to risk server instability just so you can feel good about being first. This is not a real reason for BW to not do a staggered launch.


Higher levels will ruin your leveling-

Some were complaining about those that got to play earlier will be a higher level and will just come ruin their questing. Well first off if you don't want PvP then don't play on a PvP server. Next unless you were going to be one of the people who played non-stop at launch, there was always going to be some higher level than you who could come PvP you for fun. Finally, what about in 2 months when your leveling an alt? Are you going to whine and complain when higher levels are camping you?


It is not fair-

First off life is not fair. Now BW wanted a way to ease in the amount of people playing. To do so they chose that those who ordered first get in first. How would you recommend they do it? Random? Well now it is not fair for those who ordered in July. They have been waiting for almost five months, and someone who may have just discovered the game three weeks ago gets in before them. Either way it is unfair to someone. If you really think about it doing it they way they are is more fair than randomly doing it. By doing it the current way, you at least have some idea when you will get to play. If you ordered within the first month or two, your probably going to get to play within a few days. If you ordered last week, you most likely will not get in until the last couple days. If it was random you would have absolutely no idea when you would get to play.

The servers can hold way more people than they are-

Now this one does have a little bit of credibility. Yes the servers can hold a lot more people than they currently have, and yes it would probably not cause any issues with the server (I.E. Lag, crashes, bugs). However BW is trying to guarantee a smooth launch. By having a slow launch, they reduce the rate of strain on the servers, and drastically reduces the chances of issues. Also, this is time you were not suppose to be playing anyway.


In summary, while there is some bad issues with the staggered launch, mainly people having to wait to play, the good outweighs the bad. Ensuring the servers do not die, and that the playing experience is bug and lag free is more important than everyone getting to play BEFORE the game is officially suppose to launch. Regardless of how you feel about the early launch, the game is not supposed to be out until the 20th. Whether you feel it is some sort of gimmick or stunt to get more people to play is irrelevant, the game was not supposed to be playable until the 20th. Add onto the fact that most people only payed $5 for this game time. By pre-ordering, you knowingly and willingly payed that $5 for the CHANCE TO MAYBE play the game 5 days early.



Keeping the server stable and without bugs and lag is more important then everyone getting to play early all at once. No matter how much testing took place, there is still a chance of unknown bugs popping up. When you pre-ordered you understood that you MIGHT get some early days to play, and you were not guaranteed to get all those early days.



Thanks for writing such a detailed post on your views. I didn't read it so I have no idea if I agree, I jsut wanted to say I'm sorry your work will be relegated to "lol k go away fanboi" or "QQ more". On behalf of the People for a Better Community, I apologize.

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To OP, another con:


The servers will get stress tested come the 20th, is my guess. Ofc, only BW/ EA have the numbers so I dont really know how many over-the-counter sales they expect to have that day, but quite a few no?


In other words, no matter how they stagger admittance to the game and stabilize servers in the 6 days ahead, on the 20th. we will see just how good this method really is.


From the persepctive of EA/ BW, wouldn´t it be better to have server crashes, lag issues etc. during EGA, where only parts of the playerbase would experience them, rather than risk the entire playerbase suffer from the 20th. onwards?


Kinda hoping I´m wrong, and that the stagger-thingy works out even for the retail release.

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