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What are you doing while you wait?


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Laughing my freakin' *** off at all these whiny ragers who are mad they didn't get in today.


This is better than television.


Same here, its free entertainment reading these forums and watching the tears come flooding!

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I most likely have days of waitin'. So...


-Final Fantasy's 8 & 9 play throughs.

-Being at my fiance's beck and call as her personal chauffeur.


-Movies. Last Night I watched Dune (1984)

-Non-RPG Games. Flight Control HD, Word Weasel on my Android, League of Legends

-Being an Australian.


Waiting has its perks. 'Spesh that last one.



I like your style.

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Dudes & dudettes, we should totally head over to someone who actually has access and pretend we're multiplaying - dungeons and dragons old school style! I'll whip up some mad risotto, some bottles of Cristal and we can all have a blast from the past!


Someone bring the beats, I'm not sharing my Eargazmic playlist yet!

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What I am doing while I wait:



and reading all of the stupid posts on this forums of people crying about this and that. Looking forward to getting in game just so I won't feel like I need to read the forums. Once I start playing a game I rarely read the forums anymore unless I am looking to find some specific information that I can get in game.

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