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What are you doing while you wait?


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I'm currently sat waiting for an email, like thousands of others i guess, i live in the UK so can't possibly get an email until 2pm (three hours away) but here i am sat at my pc waiting!


I'm currently watching vids of star wars on youtube and reading forums! what are you doing while you wait?


ps - i only preordered after trying the beta on the 28th of Nov (people buying stuff without trying seems crazy to me) so i doubt ill get in today anyway!


pps - the servers are all showing as "light" :( surely there is room for little old me! im of work especially

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I'm currently sat waiting for an email, like thousands of others i guess, i live in the UK so can't possibly get an email until 2pm (three hours away) but here i am sat at my pc waiting!


I'm currently watching vids of star wars on youtube and reading forums! what are you doing while you wait?


ps - i only preordered after trying the beta on the 28th of Nov (people buying stuff without trying seems crazy to me) so i doubt ill get in today anyway!


pps - the servers are all showing as "light" :( surely there is room for little old me! im of work especially


I'm off too work in an hour and a half. I'll be busy most of the time today and tomorrow but I'm free on Friday, which is when I'm going take out my Ge Force 240 card and put in a 440 (and clean the inside of the computer, it's been a while).

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oh I'd like to stress i'm not whining. E-mails are being sent in chronological order which i am fine with.


As i said while i joined the community on July, i didnt preorder until i tried the game to see if i like it. I expect to get in on Thursday or Friday.


It is frustrating to see empty servers though with so many people waiting.

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I most likely have days of waitin'. So...


-Final Fantasy's 8 & 9 play throughs.

-Being at my fiance's beck and call as her personal chauffeur.


-Movies. Last Night I watched Dune (1984)

-Non-RPG Games. Flight Control HD, Word Weasel on my Android, League of Legends

-Being an Australian.


Waiting has its perks. 'Spesh that last one.

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I can tell you what I'm not doing. I'm not doing my homework. I'm not studying for my finals. I'm not maintaining a reasonable sleep schedule. Every game I try to play, besides easy to pickup/set down Facebook games, leaves me with this wierd lame duck feeling that prevents me from getting into them.
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